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RecyclerViewで 折れ線グラフを作る

Yuki Mima
December 12, 2019

RecyclerViewで 折れ線グラフを作る

Yuki Mima

December 12, 2019

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  3. abstract class HorizontalDateItemDecoration( private val _context: Context ) : RecyclerView.ItemDecoration(),

    ViewExtensions { private val height = 64.dp private val textSize = 14f.sp private val backgroundPaint = Paint().apply { color = Color.parseColor("#000000") } private val dayTextPaint = Paint().apply { color = Color.parseColor("#FF00FF") textSize = this@HorizontalDateItemDecoration.textSize isAntiAlias = true } private val yearAndMonthPaint = Paint().apply { color = Color.parseColor("#FFFF00") textSize = this@HorizontalDateItemDecoration.textSize isAntiAlias = true } override fun getContext(): Context = _context override fun onDraw( canvas: Canvas, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State ) { canvas.drawRect(0f, 0f, canvas.width.toFloat(), height.toFloat(), backgroundPaint) var isVisibleFirstDay = false var isVisibleLastDay = false var lastVisibleYearAndMonthText = "" var lastVisibleYearAndMonthY = 0f parent.children.forEach { view -> val adapterPosition = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) val localDateFromPosition = getDate(adapterPosition) //೔෇ͷඳը val dayText = localDateFromPosition.dayOfMonth.toString() val dayTextSizeRect = getTextSizeRect(dayTextPaint, dayText) val dayTextX = view.x + (view.width - dayTextSizeRect.width()) / 2 val dayTextY = dayTextSizeRect.height().toFloat() + (height / 2 - dayTextSizeRect.height()) / 2 + height / 2 canvas.drawText(dayText, dayTextX, dayTextY, dayTextPaint) //೥݄ͷඳը val yearAndMonthText = "${localDateFromPosition.year}೥${localDateFromPosition.monthValue}݄" val yearAndMonthTextSizeRect = getTextSizeRect(yearAndMonthPaint, yearAndMonthText) val yearAndMonthY = yearAndMonthTextSizeRect.height().toFloat() + (height / 2 - yearAndMonthTextSizeRect.height()) / 2 val isFirstDayOfMonth = localDateFromPosition.isEqual(localDateFromPosition.with(firstDayOfMonth())) val isLastDayOfMonth = localDateFromPosition.isEqual(localDateFromPosition.with(lastDayOfMonth())) when { isFirstDayOfMonth -> { (view.x).let { x -> if (x > 0) { canvas.drawText(yearAndMonthText, x, yearAndMonthY, yearAndMonthPaint) } else { canvas.drawText(yearAndMonthText, 0f, yearAndMonthY, yearAndMonthPaint) } } isVisibleFirstDay = true } isLastDayOfMonth -> { (view.x + view.width - yearAndMonthTextSizeRect.width()).let { x -> if (x < 0) { canvas.drawText(yearAndMonthText, x, yearAndMonthY, yearAndMonthPaint) } else { canvas.drawText(yearAndMonthText, 0f, yearAndMonthY, yearAndMonthPaint) } } isVisibleLastDay = true } } lastVisibleYearAndMonthText = yearAndMonthText lastVisibleYearAndMonthY = yearAndMonthY } //೥݄ͷඳը if (!isVisibleFirstDay && !isVisibleLastDay) { canvas.drawText( lastVisibleYearAndMonthText, 0f, lastVisibleYearAndMonthY, yearAndMonthPaint ) } } override fun getItemOffsets( outRect: Rect, view: View, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State ) { outRect.set(0, height, 0, 0) } abstract fun getDate(position: Int): LocalDate }
  4. ϝϦοτ w खͷಧ͘ൣғ಺Ͱϝϯςφϯε͕Ͱ͖Δ w σβΠϯͷमਖ਼͕͠΍͍͢ w ੹຿Λ෼͚Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ w "EBQUFSͱ7JFX)PMEFSΛάϥϑ෦෼ w

    *UFN%FDPSBUJPOΛॎ࣠Ŋԣ࣠ͷ໨੝ w *UFNͷ$MJDL&WFOUΛϋϯυϦϯά͢Δͷ΋ָ w $BOWBTͰ4DSPMMBCMFͳάϥϑΛ࡞Δͷ͸େม͚ͩͲŊ͜ΕͳΒ؆୯ͩͶ