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JavaScript in the Real World

JavaScript in the Real World

Anything that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. First client side web apps, then server side programs and now you can control hardware, embedded devices and even flying robots with JavaScript.

We'll look at how you can get started writing JavaScript for Ardunio and Raspberry Pi to read sensors and control servos and build your own JavaScript powered robots.

Presented at http://2013.full-frontal.org/

Andrew Nesbitt

November 08, 2013

More Decks by Andrew Nesbitt

Other Decks in Programming


  1. var five = require("johnny-five"); var board = new five.Board(); board.on("ready",

    function() { led = new five.Led({ pin: 9 }); board.repl.inject({ led: led }); led.pulse(500); this.wait( 10000, function() { led.stop().off(); }); });
  2. var five = require("johnny-five"), board = new five.Board(); function randomFromInterval(from,to){

    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(to-from+1)+from); } board.on("ready", function() { var servoX = new five.Servo(10); var servoY = new five.Servo(9); var laser = new five.Led(8); laser.on() setInterval(function(){ x = randomFromInterval(80, 120) y = randomFromInterval(95, 145) servoX.move(x) servoY.move(y) }, 400) })
  3. EV3

  4. var Ev3 = require ("ev3-nodejs-bt"); var Ev3_base = Ev3.base; var

    XboxController = require('xbox-controller'); var xbox = new XboxController; var robot = new Ev3_base("/dev/tty.EV3-SerialPort"); var maxAngle = 32768; var maxSpeed = 100; var speeds = { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 };
  5. robot.connect(function(){ robot.start_program(function(ev3){ var setSpeed = function(){ var output = ev3.getOutputSequence(speeds.a,speeds.b,speeds.c,speeds.d);

    ev3.sp.write(output); } setInterval(setSpeed, 100) xbox.on('left:move', function(position){ var x = -(position.x / maxAngle)*-maxSpeed var y = (position.y / maxAngle)*-maxSpeed var left = y-x var right = y+x speeds.b = left speeds.a = right }) xbox.on('a:press', function(){ speeds.d = 100 }) xbox.on('a:release', function(){ speeds.d = 0 }) }); });
  6. var arDrone = require('ar-drone'); var client = arDrone.createClient(); client.takeoff(); client

    .after(5000, function() { this.clockwise(0.5); }) .after(3000, function() { this.animate('flipLeft', 15); }) .after(1000, function() { this.stop(); this.land(); });
  7. £70 £21 £30 £55 Lua based Tiny-js Node.js or browser

    Node.js plug and play Hacker friendly Tiny computer Arduino++
  8. <html> <body> <video id="v" width="300" height="300" style="display:none;"></video> <canvas id="c" style="display:none;"

    width="300" height="300"></canvas> <div id='images'></div> </body> <script> var video = document.getElementById("v"), canvas = document.getElementById("c"), div = document.getElementById('images'); navigator.mozGetUserMedia({video: true}, function(stream) { video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); video.play() }); takePhoto = function(){ canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(video, 0, 0, 300, 300); var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var image = new Image(); image.width = 320 image.height = 240 div.appendChild(image); image.src = img; } window.onkeypress = function(k){ if(k.charCode === 103){ takePhoto() } } </script> </html>