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Have you seen poorly translated applications? What if there is a way to avoid bad UX copy? In this breakout session, Anil will discuss challenges of the UX copy design workflow and design constraints for multilingual design. In addition, he will share how design stage localisation helps to improve the UX copy quality by providing context to translators and developers and avoiding rework.

If you join this session you will

get an overview of the design stage location
understand how and when you can use it to improve your multilingual design and UX copy
learn how to provide design context to translators and developers for better UX copy and avoid rework
This session is for you if you are a UX writer, designer or anyone designing multilingual applications.


November 04, 2022

More Decks by anilbms75@gmail.com

Other Decks in Design


  1. language localization is the process of adapting a product's translation

    to a specific country or region. -Wikipedia @anilbms75
  2. More than 50% of all queries on Google are in

    languages other than English Image: Unsplash / source: MOZ blog
  3. 74% of checkouts were not translated into local languages when

    customers elsewhere in Europe attempted to make a purchase source: Stripe - The state of European checkouts in 2020