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Asynchronous Programming in Python

Asynchronous Programming in Python

A lite introduction to asynchronous programming in Python using asyncio standard library.


Asher Shekhamis

August 21, 2019

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  1. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous • Blocking (busy, but not doing anything

    useful). • One task must finish execution before the other can start. • Tasks are dependent. • Used for pretty much anything; OG. • Non-blocking. • One task can start execution before the other is finished. • Tasks are independent. • Suitable for I/O, networking...etc.
  2. Asynchronous != Multithreaded Synchronous/Asynchronous has nothing to do with threads.

    A machine with single CPU and a single thread can still execute tasks asynchronously (seemingly in parallel). However, it’s unusual to find async tasks running on the same thread.
  3. Why not using threads? • Don’t scale well; context switches.

    • Number of sockets. • Synchronization is hard to achieve. • Race conditions. • Unpredictable scheduling. • Deadlock. • Resource starvation. “Threads are the `goto` of our generation” - Someone
  4. Python’s Coroutines • Twisted. • Stackless Python and greenlets. •

    Python 2.5: coroutines with `yield` • Python 3.3: coroutines with `yield from` • Python 3.5: `async/await` History
  5. Using `yield` - Twisted @inlineCallbacks def some_fun(): returned_deferred = yield

    makeRequestReturningDeferred() if returned_deferred == 'This is a Deferred': returnValue('Yep!') else: raise Exception('Nooooooooo!')
  6. Problems when refactoring `yield from` def async_sum(x, y): yield from

    asyncio.sleep(1.0) return x + y def async_sum(x, y): return x + y
  7. Using `async/await` async def sum(x, y): await asyncio.sleep(1.0) return x

    + y async def sum(x, y): return x + y Cleaner and more readable. Decorator free.
  8. Using `async/await` • Readability; concise and dedicated syntax • Framework

    agnostic design; generic • Built-in coroutines; no additives • `async for` and `async with` • Better performance than `yield` statement; 10 - 100 times faster
  9. What is asyncio? Module; part of the standard library. Pluggable

    event-loop. Collection of tools for other frameworks to use; no http implementation, no database drivers...etc. Interfaces, factories, futures, tasks, subprocess. Simple and easy to learn. Really tho!
  10. Everyday asyncio • asyncio.get_event_loop() • asyncio.create_task(), asyncio.current_task(), and asyncio.all_tasks() •

    loop.run_forever() and loop.run_until_complete() • asyncio.wait() and asyncio.gather() • loop.run_in_executor() • loop.close() • asyncio.set_debug() Unless you’re building a framework
  11. asyncio and async/await out there import asyncio import asyncpg async

    def run(): conn = await asyncpg.connect(user='user', password='password',database='database', host='') values = await conn.fetch('''SELECT * FROM mytable''') await conn.close() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(run()) DB interface library `asyncpg`
  12. Asyncio event loop alternatives • A fast, drop-in replacement of

    the built-in asyncio event loop. • Cython • libuv under the hood. • Faster compared to asyncio; wins performance-wise. uvloop