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Gradle: The Build System That Loves To Hate You

Gradle: The Build System That Loves To Hate You

Talk by Aurimas Liutikas (Google) at DroidCon London 2024

Aurimas Liutikas

November 01, 2024

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  1. 🐘 Gradle: The Build System That Loves To Hate You

    The Survival Tips Aurimas Liutikas / AndroidX @ Google @aurimas@androiddev.social
  2. 🐘 Who’s Aurimas? 12 years at Google 8.5 years on

    AndroidX Work closely with Android Studio, Gradle, and Jetbrains
  3. 🐘 tasks.create("myTask") { long start = System.currentTimeMillis() Thread.sleep(5000) long end

    = System.currentTimeMillis() println( "Spent ${end - start} ms" ) }
  4. 🐘 class MyBetterTask extends DefaultTask { @TaskAction void doTheWork() {

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis() Thread.sleep(5000) long end = System.currentTimeMillis() println("Spent ${end - start} ms") } } tasks.create("myBetterTask", MyBetterTask)
  5. 🐘 class MyBetterTask extends DefaultTask { @TaskAction void doTheWork() {

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis() Thread.sleep(5000) long end = System.currentTimeMillis() println("Spent ${end - start} ms") } } tasks.create("myBetterTask", MyBetterTask)
  6. 🐘 class MyBetterTask extends DefaultTask { @TaskAction void doTheWork() {

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis() Thread.sleep(5000) long end = System.currentTimeMillis() println("Spent ${end - start} ms") } } tasks.create("myBetterTask", MyBetterTask)
  7. 🐘 - Gradle should deprecate TaskContainer.create and friends https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/17705 (open

    since 2021) - Build engineers need to understand configuration vs execution phase - avoid doing expensive work in configuration phase Lessons
  8. 🐘 - Gradle should deprecate TaskContainer.create and friends https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/17705 (open

    since 2021) - Build engineers need to understand configuration vs execution phase - avoid doing expensive work in configuration phase - Gradle plugin authors should use androidx.lint:lint-gradle checks Lessons
  9. 🐘 tasks.create tasks.getByPath tasks.findByPath tasks.findByName tasks.withType tasks.getByName tasks.all tasks.matching Eager

    APIs to Avoid tasks.whenTaskAdded tasks.whenObjectAdded tasks.findAll tasks.iterator, thus all of the kotlin-stdlib collection extension functions, e.g. tasks.any { }
  10. 🐘 tasks.create tasks.getByPath tasks.findByPath tasks.findByName tasks.withType tasks.getByName tasks.all tasks.matching Eager

    APIs to Avoid tasks.whenTaskAdded tasks.whenObjectAdded tasks.findAll tasks.iterator, thus all of the kotlin-stdlib collection extension functions, e.g. tasks.any { }
  11. 🐘 - Gradle should deprecate all TaskContainer, TaskCollection, DomainObjectCollection methods

    that are not register, named, or configureEach - Build engineers should pay attention to eagerly created tasks tasks.register("eagerCanary") { throw Exception("Eagerly configured tasks!") } Lessons
  12. 🐘 - Gradle should deprecate all TaskContainer, TaskCollection, DomainObjectCollection methods

    that are not register, named, or configureEach - Build engineers should pay attention to eagerly created tasks tasks.register("eagerCanary") { throw Exception("Eagerly configured tasks!") } - Gradle plugin authors should use androidx.lint:lint-gradle checks Lessons
  13. 🐘 abstract class FooWriter : DefaultTask() { @get:OutputFile abstract val

    outputFile : RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun doTheWork() { outputFile.get().asFile.writeText("Hello") } }
  14. 🐘 abstract class FooReader : DefaultTask() { @get:InputFile abstract val

    inputFile : RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun doTheWork() { println(inputFile.get().asFile.readText()) } }
  15. 🐘 val foo = layout.buildDirectory.file("foo.txt") val writer = tasks.register<FooWriter>("fooWriter") {

    outputFile.set(foo) } tasks.register<FooReader>("fooReader") { inputFile.set(foo) }
  16. 🐘 $ ./gradlew fooReader > Task fooReader FAILED FAILURE: Build

    failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem was found with the configuration of task 'fooReader' (type 'FooReader'). - Type 'FooReader' property 'inputFile' specifies file 'foo.txt' which doesn't exist.
  17. 🐘 val foo = layout.buildDirectory.file("foo.txt") val writer = tasks.register<FooWriter>("fooWriter") {

    outputFile.set(foo) } tasks.register<FooReader>("fooReader") { inputFile.set(foo) dependsOn(writer) }
  18. 🐘 val foo = layout.buildDirectory.file("foo.txt") val writer = tasks.register<FooWriter>("fooWriter") {

    outputFile.set(foo) } tasks.register<FooReader>("betterFooReader") { inputFile.set(writer.flatMap { it.outputFile }) }
  19. 🐘 - Gradle should deprecate Task.dependsOn - Build engineers should

    use Provider<Task>.flatmap to establish dependencies Lessons
  20. 🐘 - Gradle should force task authors to mark tasks

    as @AlwaysRerunTask or declare an output Lessons
  21. 🐘 - Gradle should force task authors to mark tasks

    as @AlwaysRerunTask or declare an output - Build engineers should always add outputs to tasks tasks.register<FooReader>("betterFooReader") { inputFile.set(writer.flatMap { it.outputFile }) cacheEvenIfNoOutputs() } Lessons
  22. 🐘 abstract class FooEnhancer : DefaultTask() { @get:InputFile abstract val

    inputFile : RegularFileProperty @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile : RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun doTheWork() { outputFile.get().asFile.writeText( inputFile.get().asFile.readText() + "!" ) } }
  23. 🐘 $ ./gradlew fooEnhancer --info > Task :lib2:fooEnhancer Caching disabled

    for task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' because: Build cache is disabled Caching has not been enabled for the task Task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' is not up-to-date because: Output property 'outputFile' file build/enhancedFoo.txt has been removed.
  24. 🐘 UP-TO-DATE (default on) Task’s inputs and outputs did not

    change. FROM-CACHE (default off) Task’s outputs could be found from a previous execution.
  25. 🐘 $ ./gradlew fooEnhancer --info > Task :lib2:fooEnhancer Caching disabled

    for task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' because: Caching has not been enabled for the task Task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' is not up-to-date because: Output property 'outputFile' file build/enhancedFoo.txt has been removed.
  26. 🐘 @CacheableTask abstract class FooEnhancer : DefaultTask() { @get:[InputFile PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.NONE)]

    abstract val inputFile : RegularFileProperty @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile : RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun doTheWork() { outputFile.get().asFile.writeText(inputFile.get().asFile.readText() + "!") } }
  27. 🐘 $ ./gradlew fooEnhancer --info > Task :lib2:fooEnhancer FROM-CACHE Build

    cache key for task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' is eb57efc9cb2dd2b6587672bac94200b4 Task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' is not up-to-date because: Output property 'outputFile' file build/enhancedFoo.txt has been removed. Loaded cache entry for task ':lib2:fooEnhancer' with cache key eb57efc9cb2dd2b6587672bac94200b4
  28. 🐘 - Gradle should enable build caching by default and

    force task authors to mark tasks as @DisableCachingByDefault or @CacheableTask Lessons
  29. 🐘 - Gradle should enable build caching by default and

    force task authors to mark tasks as @DisableCachingByDefault or @CacheableTask - Build engineers should enable build cache and always mark their tasks @CacheableTask, unless it is an I/O operation such as copy. Lessons
  30. 🐘 - Gradle should enable build caching by default and

    force task authors to mark tasks as @DisableCachingByDefault or @CacheableTask - Build engineers should enable build cache and always mark their tasks @CacheableTask, unless it is an I/O operation such as copy. - Gradle Plugin authors should enable: tasks.withType<ValidatePlugins>().configureEach { enableStricterValidation.set(true) } Lessons
  31. 🐘 // projectA tasks.register("zip", Zip) { it.from(layout.projectDirectory.file("build.gradle.kts")) destinationDirectory.set(layout.buildDirectory.dir("zip")) archiveFileName.set("my.zip") }

    // projectB val zipTask = project(":projectA").tasks.named<Zip>("zip") tasks.register<ZipConsumer>("zipConsumer") { inputFile.set(zipTask.flatMap { it.archiveFile }) }
  32. 🐘 // projectA tasks.register("zip", Zip) { it.from(layout.projectDirectory.file("build.gradle")) destinationDirectory.set(layout.buildDirectory.dir("zip")) archiveFileName.set("my.zip") }

    // projectB val zipTask = project(":projectA").tasks.named<Zip>("zip") tasks.register<ZipConsumer>("zipConsumer") { inputFile.set(zipTask.flatMap { it.archiveFile }) }
  33. 🐘 // projectA val zipTask = tasks.register<Zip>("zip") { … }

    configurations.register("zipPublish") { isCanBeConsumed = true isCanBeResolved = false attributes { attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named("special-zip"))} } artifacts { add("zipPublish", zipTask) }
  34. 🐘 // projectB val zipConfiguration = configurations.create("zipConsumer") { attributes {

    attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named("special-zip")) } } zipConfiguration.dependencies.add(dependencies.create(project(":projectA"))) val zipFile : FileCollection = zipConfiguration.incoming.artifactView { }.files tasks.register<ZipConsumer>("zipConsumer") { inputFile.from(zipFile) }
  35. 🐘 // projectB val zipConfiguration = configurations.create("zipConsumer") { attributes {

    attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named("special-zip")) } } zipConfiguration.dependencies.add(dependencies.create(project(":projectA"))) val zipFile : FileCollection = zipConfiguration.incoming.artifactView { }.files tasks.register<ZipConsumer>("zipConsumer") { inputFile.from(zipFile) }
  36. 🐘 // projectB val zipConfiguration = configurations.create("zipConsumer") { attributes {

    attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, objects.named("special-zip")) } } zipConfiguration.dependencies.add(dependencies.create(project(":projectA"))) val zipFile : FileCollection = zipConfiguration.incoming.artifactView { }.files tasks.register<ZipConsumer>("zipConsumer") { inputFile.from(zipFile) }
  37. 🐘 - By default Gradle should flag cross-project task access

    and make cross project artifact sharing easier Lessons
  38. 🐘 - By default Gradle should flag cross-project task access

    and make cross project artifact sharing easier - Build engineers should test their builds with org.gradle.unsafe.isolated-projects=true to catch such violations Lessons
  39. 🐘 abstract class MyBuildService : BuildService<MyBuildServiceParameters> { val expensiveValue: String

    by lazy { Thread.sleep(5000) "hello" } } abstract class MyBuildServiceParameters : BuildServiceParameters
  40. 🐘 class MyPlugin : Plugin<Project> { override fun apply(target: Project)

    { val serviceProvider = target.gradle.sharedServices.registerIfAbsent( "myService", MyBuildService::class.java) target.tasks.register("myTask", MyTask::class.java) { it.myService.set(serviceProvider) it.usesService(serviceProvider) } } }
  41. 🐘 $ ./gradlew myTask FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':projectB. > Could not create task ':projectB:myTask'. > Cannot set the value of task ':projectB:myTask' property 'myService' of type org.example.MyBuildService using a provider of type org.example.MyBuildService.
  42. 🐘 // projectA plugins { id("myPlugin") } // projectB plugins

    { id("myPlugin") alias(libs.plugins.ktfmt) } • myPlugin + its dependencies • myPlugin + its dependencies • ktmft + its dependencies build classloaders
  43. 🐘 - By default Gradle should forbid build classpath difference

    between projects and if they don’t, catch this failure with a better message https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/17559 Lessons
  44. 🐘 - By default Gradle should forbid build classpath difference

    between projects and if they don’t, catch this failure with a better message https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/17559 - Build engineers should add all their plugins in root build.gradle.kts while setting apply false Lessons
  45. 🐘 Takeaways - If you work at Gradle - deprecate

    APIs that have better alternatives - enable helpful features by default (build cache & configuration cache) - enforce best build practices by default - If you own a build - enable build cache, configuration cache, and test with project isolation - use well known Gradle builds as inspiration - https://github.com/android/gradle-recipes - https://github.com/slackhq/foundry - https://github.com/androidx/androidx - If you own a Gradle plugin - use androidx.lint:lint-gradle on it and enable stricter validation
  46. 🐘 Takeaways - If you work at Gradle - deprecate

    APIs that have better alternatives - enable helpful features by default (build cache & configuration cache) - enforce best build practices by default - If you own a build - enable build cache, configuration cache, and test with project isolation - use well known Gradle builds as inspiration - https://github.com/android/gradle-recipes - https://github.com/slackhq/foundry - https://github.com/androidx/androidx - If you own a Gradle plugin - use androidx.lint:lint-gradle on it and enable stricter validation
  47. 🐘 Takeaways - If you work at Gradle - deprecate

    APIs that have better alternatives - enable helpful features by default (build cache & configuration cache) - enforce best build practices by default - If you own a build - enable build cache, configuration cache, and test with project isolation - use well known Gradle builds as inspiration - https://github.com/android/gradle-recipes - https://github.com/slackhq/foundry - https://github.com/androidx/androidx - If you own a Gradle plugin - use androidx.lint:lint-gradle on it and enable stricter validation
  48. 🐘 Takeaways - If you work at Gradle - deprecate

    APIs that have better alternatives - enable helpful features by default (build cache & configuration cache) - enforce best build practices by default - If you own a build - enable build cache, configuration cache, and test with project isolation - use well known Gradle builds as inspiration - https://github.com/android/gradle-recipes - https://github.com/slackhq/foundry - https://github.com/androidx/androidx - If you own a Gradle plugin - use androidx.lint:lint-gradle on it and enable stricter validation