Jan Dubiel speaks on " Significantly Different and Substantially the Same -
The challenges practitioners will face as early years children return to nurseries and settings after the Covid-19 lockdown"
we know about the impact of this pandemic on children. 2. What we know from the children of Jersey. 3. How we as an early years community are responding to this.
on children? • That children will have had different experiences. • That they are likely to have experienced some sort of loss including, e.g. in routines, structure, friendship, opportunity or freedom. • They will be feeling a range of emotions just like we are - anxiety, confusion, anticipation, hope, excitement, fear, etc. • Their interests, characteristics and abilities may have changed.
The Children’s Commissioner and the Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department jointly commissioned a survey….some key headlines from over 2,000 responses: • Almost half (48%) of children stated that they were feeling worried. • More than 80% of children said that they missed their friends. • Around 95% of children felt safe at home, but a small number expressed concerns relating to covid-19, home life, or wellbeing. • A small number also stated that family life was a worry with a very small number concerned about domestic violence, alcohol use in the household and overcrowded housing. • About one in three children expressed some sort of concern, such as anxiety, sadness, or safety concerns. • Younger children were more likely to express sadness about going back to school. • 70% of children and young people knew who to reach out to for support.
terms… - Childminders, nannies and early years settings can re-open for all children from 8th June, following the safe exit guidance - Bubbles of children can interact and play naturally and responsively in line with this guidance. - Virtual contact and on line engagement with children and families - Induction and home liaison will be essential - Transition will look and feel different but the aims will be the same - No data submission for the Early Learning Goals for Reception required this year - Preparing for September- what should the learning environment look like, what learning shall we plan for, etc…
that focus on well being, relationships and re-adjustment. • Doing what feels professionally appropriate • Autumn visits that feel very different- focus on Leuven Scales of well being and Involvement, Characteristics of Effective Learning and competence within the Prime Areas of Learning • Time for re- building together The Education Department will support you to achieve this through our expectations, key messages and communication.
perceives as having intrinsic worth. Every individual has a personal hierarchy of values … The choices we make reflect what we value the most at a particular point in time. When people possess what they value, they are contented. If they are deprived of what they value, they feel frustration or dissatisfaction. Humans, therefore, unconsciously behave in ways that move them toward what they value or away from anything counter to that value.” (Lloyd-Yero 2010)
directly affect the provision they seek to create and the nature of their interactions… The Role of the Adult in Early Years Settings (Rose & Rogers 2012) 16
(actions, theories and beliefs) in an interactive, constantly renewed triangulation. Convening beliefs, values and principles, analysing practises and using several branches of knowledge (philosophy, history, anthropology, psychology, sociology amongst others) constitutes the triangular movement of the creation of pedagogy. Pedagogy is thus based on praxis, in other words, an action based on theory and sustained by belief systems” Pascal 2014
we can challenge and construct ourselves because the locus of power exists with the practitioner. We can reclaim what we know is important and right for children and challenge any attempts to distract, compromise or interfere with this. Through our expertise, our knowledge, the value prism and the intuition that makes us as skilled and as powerful as we are, we can construct a reality that enables us to remain ‘true to ourselves’ and true to the children we are responsible for.’
successful learner? • What do we want children to know? • How do we want children to use their knowledge, skills and understandings? • How do we want children to be?
out a risk assessment before opening. The assessment should directly address risks associated with coronavirus, so that sensible measures can be put in place to control those risks for children and staff. All employers have a duty to consult employees on health and safety, and they are best placed to understand the risks in individual settings.”
ratios for EYFS classes • Small isolated groups (‘bubbles’) • Ratio of 1:15, in EYFS / Y1 Socially distanced from other ‘bubbles’ but not within the same bubble • avoiding contact with anyone with symptoms • frequent hand cleaning and good hygiene practices • regular cleaning of settings • and minimising contact and mixing
the mastery of small discrete elements of disembodied information. • Intellectual goals …are those that address the life of the mind in its fullest sense (e.g. reasoning, predicting, analyzing, questioning, etc.), including a range of aesthetic and moral sensibilities. 29
that includes the encouragement and motivation of the children to seek mastery of basic academic skills, e.g. beginning writing skills, in the service of their intellectual pursuits.” Katz (2015) 30
and keeping safe • Explaining the importance of handwashing and self care, ensuring that is it part of the routine • Understanding the importance of being safe outside the classroom, and explaining the reasons for the current arrangements within it • Wellbeing and emotional literacy • Opportunities to talk about, enact and communicate anxieties, fears and questions about what is happening • Introducing and reinforcing the language and terminology required
Supporting and promoting social interaction with peers, • re-establishing friendships and friendship groups • Reinforcing routines and expectations within the classroom and the rhythm of the day • Discussing the changes and differences within the environment and why • Language Development • Opportunities to talk and develop new vocabulary to describe and express specifics of the situation • Opportunities to Story tell to re-enact and process experiences • Opportunities to express ideas, thoughts, fears, anxieties, hopes and frustrations through drawing and artwork
Gross motor opportunities in the outside area • Reinforcing and discussing the need for exercise and healthy eating • The importance of the Characteristics of Effective teaching and Learning • Supporting effective learning behaviours through all activities and experiences
Nov 2013 “Teaching should not be taken to imply a top-down or formal way of working. It is a broad term, which covers the many different ways in which adults help children learn. It includes their interactions with children during planned and child-initiated play and activities: communicating and modelling language, showing, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling, providing a narrative for what they are doing, facilitating and setting challenges. It takes account of the equipment they provide and the attention to the physical environment as well as the structures and routine of the day that establish expectations. Integral to teaching is how practitioners assess what children know, understand and can do as well as take advantage of their interests and dispositions to learning (characteristics of effective learning), and use the information to plan children’s next steps in learning and monitor their progress.” 35
about the balance between activities led by children, and activities led or guided by adults. Practitioners must respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction” 36
children should be fluid, moving interchangeably between activities initiated by children and adult responses … Throughout the early years, adults should be modelling, demonstrating and questioning. … The provision of meaningful interaction between adults and children to guide new learning is an essential element of the EYFS.” 38
mean in practice. A definition I found very helpful describes this support as the difference between what a child can do on their own, and what they can do when guided by someone else – either an adult or a more able child. This simple concept captures many of the valuable interactions between an adult and a child, and is the type of relationship that the requirements of the EYFS are intended to support.”
a child and parents, carers, early years practitioners, other adults or other children, could be described as learning or teaching interactions. The purpose of the EYFS is to ensure that when these types of interaction take place between children and early years practitioners, practitioners recognise these and can consciously build upon them. I believe it is right that all early years practitioners are, in this way, expected to guide children’s learning and development 40
appropriate language, values and practices, encourage socio-dramatic play, praise, encourage, ask questions, and interact verbally with children. Excellent settings tended to achieve an equal balance between teacher-led and child-initiated interactions, play and activities” Saraj-Blachford et al 2002
“…a particular form of teacher initiation that may also be applied in cases where initially the child initiated. The most effective settings were found to provide both teacher-initiated group work and freely chosen yet potentially instructive play activities. ” (Siraj-Blatchford et al 2002)
– some children won’t want to talk, others will want to tell you everything • Environment that supports and enables language, storytelling, communication and relationships • Discussing and exploring the differences and similarities • Starting with Typical familiar activities and opportunities for open ended child led activities • Opportunities for uninterrupted deep level Child led activity (supported or unsupported by an adult) • Identifying gaps and supporting gaps in attainment in the Curriculum of: • Self care, Hygiene and keeping safe • Wellbeing and Emotional Literacy • Social Development • Language Development • Physical Development • Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
the EYFS • ‘Balance between AD and CL activities’ • Spaces for • Whole group • Small group • Areas of Provision (within limitations of space) • Resources that are cleanable and less likely to harbour virus • Rotated resources • Quarantined Resources • Individual personal resources • Areas of provision that provide suitable range of experiences • Mark making • Small world • Small Construction • Investigation and Observation • Playdough (made daily) • Water (small scale) • Books (need for 5 day quarantine)
Daily Routine and a judgement regarding a more directed structure of the day • Initial structure but flexibility in routine • Adapt a appropriate and in response to children as a group • Opportunities for • Whole group • Small group • Individual • Child led learning • Using schedule and routine to specifically support Curriculum of • Health and hygiene • Emotional wellbeing • Importance of Whole Group experience • Jenny Mosley ‘Circle time resources’ • Ferre Leavers ‘Box of feelings’
learning has happened / the curriculum has been delivered” “Knowing and understanding children in order to support their learning and development” Which • Expresses values of education and perception of learners • Defines the curriculum, pedagogy and outcomes • Enables accountability”
usual way: • Establishing relationships to talk to, question and provoke children’s learning and development • Observing children in self led activities • Communication with parents / carers • Recording as necessary to • Inform future support and challenges – record what you need to • Provide communication with parents • Consider using the Leuven Scales for Wellbeing and Involvement • No formal Assessments or records will be required • Children will not need to be assessed in order to complete the EYFS Profile