How can we get better as software designers? By becoming more aware of our design heuristics and being intentional as we cultivate and refine them. Heuristics aid in the design and even determine our attitude and behaviour. We each have our own (often implicit) heuristics acquired through reading, practice, and experience, especially when surrounded by legacy software. Let us share these heuristics during a modelling session! In this session, I'll present you with a legacy modelling problem, which I will show you how we can solve with DDD legacy patterns. I will explain the four strategies for getting started with DDD when you have a big commitment to legacy systems by Eric Evans. To really understand the strategy, I will explain the bounded context pattern and show you how you can implement the strategy in your architecture. Finally, I will share some personal heuristics when dealing with legacy software. You will leave this session with shared knowledge from experience in dealing with legacy software and how you can start Context mapping for strategic Domain-Driven Design patterns while surrounded by legacy!