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Deploying your first Micro-Service Application ...

Deploying your first Micro-Service Application to Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a very powerful container orchestration platform that is quickly gaining traction and gives you lots of benefits in deploying, running and scaling your microservice web application. But it has also a steep learning curve. In this workshop you will deploy and scale your first application which consists of multiple Micro-Services to Kubernetes and learn how you can use Persistent Storage. If you want to not just watch, but also program along yourself, have Git, Docker and the Kubernetes CLI kubectl as well as a IDE or Text Editor of your choice installed on your system.

Bastian Hofmann

February 21, 2019

More Decks by Bastian Hofmann

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • A docker image built from a Dockerfile that contains

    everything a service needs to run Image
  2. • A container runs a docker image. • Only 1

    process can run inside of a container Container
  3. • A group of 1 or more containers • Same

    port space • Ports are not accessible from outside of the pod Pod
  4. • Volumes can be mounted into a container to access

    a ConfigMap, Secret or a folder on the host Volumes
  5. kind: Deployment apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: symfony-demo spec: template: spec:

    containers: - name: symfony-demo image: symfony-demo:1.1.0 ports: - containerPort: 80
  6. $ kubectl get deployment symfony-demo -o yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind:

    Deployment metadata: annotations: ... spec: ... template: ... spec: containers: - name: symfony-demo image: symfony-demo:1.1.0
  7. NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kubernetes-dashboard-5b5bf59977-t9xb9 1/1 Running 2 9d

    nginx-ingress-controller-5549f5597c-97kcw 0/1 Running 2 9d nginx-ingress-default-backend-564d9d9477-tmnnr 1/1 Running 4 9d mysql-556c9b5bcb-5jdrt 1/1 Running 1 8d symfony-demo-5b75f5fc6-c7wr9 1/1 Running 0 8d symfony-demo-5b75f5fc6-jg8n4 1/1 Running 23 8d
  8. $ kubectl proxy --port=8080 $ curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/default/ pods { "kind":

    "PodList", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods", "resourceVersion": "336834" }, "items": [ { "metadata": { "name": "kubernetes-dashboard-5b5bf59977-t9xb9",
  9. Sees the new Service has the Type LoadBalancer and creates

    An External LB at the Cloud Provider
  10. The ingress controller (nginx) listens on Ingress Resources and configures

    itself to route incoming traffic to the correct running pods
  11. apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: postgresql-pv-claim labels: name: postgresql

    spec: storageClassName: generic accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi
  12. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: postgresql spec: template: spec:

    containers: … volumes: - name: postgresql-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: postgresql-pv-claim
  13. $ helm install stable/elasticsearch $ helm install stable/fluentd-elasticsearch --set elasticsearch.host=elasticsearch-

    client,elasticsearch.port=9200 $ helm install stable/kibana # with some configuration
  14. Still, if you make a code change you have to

    commit, push, build, deploy
  15. $ telepresence T: Starting proxy with method 'vpn-tcp'... @fhgbvx65xg|bash-3.2$ curl

    http://quote-svc/quote | jq '.' [ { "ID": 503, "title": "stefan sagmeister", "content": "<p>...</p>\n", "link": "https://quotesondesign.com/stefan- sagmeister-2/" } ]
  16. $ telepresence --swap-deployment quote-svc --namespace dev-flow-demo --expose 3000 --run npm

    run debug T: Starting proxy with method 'vpn-tcp',... T: Forwarding remote port 3000 to local port 3000.... > quote-svc@1.0.0 debug /Users/bhofmann/forge_test/quote- svc > nodemon --inspect quote-svc.js [nodemon] watching: *.* [nodemon] starting `node --inspect quote-svc.js` Debugger listening on ws:// d879-4b50-a228-440354cca791 quote svc listening on port 3000!