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Ross Bell – CEO Reflections: Workforce Lessons ...

Ross Bell – CEO Reflections: Workforce Lessons from the UK

Better Boards

August 09, 2018

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  1. Attraction ‘Right at the start’ •  Invested in staff development

    (75%) •  Offered flexible working patterns (74%) •  Paid the National Living Wage, or higher(61%) •  Challenging the perception that social care is low paid work •  Worked to develop and promote the organisation’s culture (55%) •  Used a values based approach to recruitment (47%). •  Had dedicated employee referral process (50%)
  2. Selection ‘Right at the start’ 1 Most important 2 3

    Least important Qualifica:ons 7% 20% 73% Prior work experience 7% 70% 24% Values & behaviours 86% 11% 3% Ranking of potential recruitment considerations
  3. Selection ‘Right at the start’ •  Offered work experience, candidate

    visits or 'taster shifts' (45%) •  Included care recipient / stakeholders where possible in the recruitment (45%) •  Included pre-interview assessments (41%) •  Offered pre-employment training (25%) •  Told the care worker story as part of application process(20%) Digging deeper
  4. Have tried this – It had a posi<ve impact on

    staff reten<on Have tried this – It had li@le to no impact on staff reten<on Haven’t done this Invested in learning and development 94% 1% 4% Embedded the values of your organisa:on 92% 5% 5% Celebrated your/their achievements 86% 4% 10% Involved all colleagues in decision making 81% 8% 11% Paid staff above the minimum local rates 78% 10% 12% Given staff addi:onal responsibili:es 72% 14% 14% Reviewed your workplace culture 66% 10% 23% Engagement Activities that potentially impact upon staff retention