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OKRs and Bitergia Services

December 10, 2019

OKRs and Bitergia Services

Slides for OKR Day Meetup in Madrid to showcase Bitergia services, or how to use OKR in software development with Bitergia Analytics


December 10, 2019

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  1. Software Development inbound outbound Consume open source projects Contribute to

    open source projects Release of new open source projects
  2. Software Development inbound outbound Consume open source projects Contribute to

    open source projects Release of new open source projects Silo based projects development and management
  3. InnerSource Benefits From company point of view: ↑ Code Quality

    ↓ Time to market Innovation ↓ Development & maintenance costs ↑ Engagement From people point of view: ↑ Skills (soft & hard): Mastery ↑ Dynamic environment Innovation ↑ Solve problems: Autonomy ↑ Empowerment: Purpose
  4. What do we do in Bitergia? Bitergia helps companies and

    organizations with understanding and improving software development projects that matter to them
  5. What does it make us different? We don’t care about

    the software, we care about the people and processes that build the software that matters to you.
  6. Goals - Questions - Metrics (AKA OKRs) Strategy Bitergia outlines

    organization strategy around software development to achieve organization’s business goals. Analysis Bitergia defines the data sources, questions and associated metrics to measure that provide the insights about goals status. Customization Bitergia deploy and operates its analytics platform to gather the data needed to answer the questions and metrics defined. Reporting Bitergia provides consistent reporting mechanisms, including dashboards, reports, and even data APIs for custom integrations. Bitergia Analytics Consultancy Bitergia Analytics Platform
  7. Plan - Do - Check - Act (Deming cycle) Reporting

    Customization Analysis Strategy Bitergia Analytics Services
  8. InnerSource Commons Spring Summit 2020 Madrid, April 14th - 16th

    CfP, Call for Sponsorship, and early bird tickets already open innersourcecommons.org/events/isc-spring-2020
  9. Thank you! J. Manrique López de la Fuente CEO at

    Bitergia jsmanrique@bitergia.com @jsmanrique AWS Data Hero / GitLab Hero