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8 Lessons From Last 2 Years.

8 Lessons From Last 2 Years.

Lessons I have learnt in the last 2 years as a Software Engineer. From learning tech: programming languages and frameworks, working with teams, job search etc.

Beatrice Kinya

December 02, 2021

More Decks by Beatrice Kinya

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  1. 1. ❖ Specialist or generalist? ❖ Generalising specialist Blog: Why

    T-shaped People? Link: bit.ly/3EfrZ6U Choose Your stack
  2. 2. Learn ❖ You never stop learning. ❖ Learning requires

    time. ❖ Consistency. ➢ #100DaysOfCode ❖ Share widely. On twitter, LinkedIn etc. ➢ Write a blog, give a talk. By teaching, we learn. ❖ When you get stuck ask.
  3. 3. Read ❖ Books ❖ Blogs on Medium, Hashnode, dev.to

    etc. ❖ Documentation. ❖ Watch tutorials. ❖ Android Youtube channels ➢ Android Developers ➢ CodingWithMitch
  4. 4. Practise ❖ Practise. Practise. Practise. ❖ Do not be

    stuck in the tutorial hell. ❖ Start building. Blog: Escaping Tutorial Hell and Learning How to Learn Link: bit.ly/3Esufre
  5. 5. Dev Communities ❖ Actively participate. ❖ Android254 ➢ Twitter:

    @254AndroidDevs ➢ Telegram: https://t.me/android25 4 ❖ Google Developer Student Clubs(GDSCs), Women TechMakers, etc. ❖ GADS ➢ @pluralsight, #GADS... hastags, @andela_alc on twitter
  6. 6. iMPoster Syndrome ❖ It’s real. It happens to most

    of us. ❖ Be aware when you are experiencing it. ❖ Get a peer pair with whom you can share your frustrations, learnings. ❖ Surround yourself with smart people and learn from them. ❖ Practise. Practise. Practise. Blog: Developers: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Link: bit.ly/3rv1jeU
  7. 8. Soft Skills ❖ Communication ❖ Collaboration and teamwork. ❖

    Owning up to errors. ❖ Asking when you do not know. ❖ Open mindedness. ❖ etc