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Building Go projects made easy with Gradle

Building Go projects made easy with Gradle

For many Go projects, Make and shell scripts are the predominant tools of choice for automating the process of building source code as well as assembling and distributing binaries. While powerful tools, they do not provide any higher level abstractions like conventions and generalized concepts to minimize the burden on maintainability and readability. There must be a better way to avoid copy-pasting the same automation code from project to project!

In this demo-driven talk, we will discuss how the build tool Gradle can help with bootstrapping and streamlining the automation of Go projects. In the process, we’ll identify some typical challenges with the help of a sample project and how to overcome them with GoGradle, a community plugin for Gradle.

Benjamin Muschko

January 26, 2018

More Decks by Benjamin Muschko

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Throwing the red flag Copy-pas;ng of code snippets Unstructured spagheE

    code Tes;ng through manual execu;on Only understood by build guru™
  2. generated wrapper files . !"" build.gradle !"" settings.gradle !"" gradle

    # $"" wrapper # !"" gradle-wrapper.jar # $"" gradle-wrapper.properties !"" gradlew $"" gradlew.bat supposed to be checked into SCM
  3. Applying the gogradle plugin build.gradle plugins {
 id 'com.github.blindpirate.gogradle' version

 golang {
 packagePath = 'github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier'
 } custom plugin DSL
  4. Use revision for Reproducibility glide.yaml package: .
 - package:

 version: 1.1.0
 - package: github.com/stretchr/testify
 version: 1.1.4
 concrete version or version ranges
  5. Use revision for Reproducibility glide.lock hash: 806deb3bb1bb02051f152c49856cac37224f623247...
 updated: 2018-01-08T20:54:38.326434-07:00

    - name: github.com/mvdan/xurls
 version: d315b61cf6727664f310fa87b3197e9faf2a8513
 - name: github.com/davecgh/go-spew
 version: 6d212800a42e8ab5c146b8ace3490ee17e5225f9
 - spew
 - name: github.com/pmezard/go-difflib
 version: d8ed2627bdf02c080bf22230dbb337003b7aba2d
 - difflib
 - ...
  6. Migrate package declarations dependencies {
 golang {
 build(['name':'github.com/mvdan/xurls', 'version':'d315b61cf6727664f310fa87...', 'transitive':false])

    test(['name':'github.com/davecgh/go-spew', 'version':'6d212800a42e8ab5c146b8ace...', 'subpackages':['.', 'spew'] 'transitive':false]) ...
 } build.gradle configuration
  7. Dependency report in console $ gradle dependencies > Task :dependencies

    build: github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier \-- github.com/mvdan/xurls:d315b61 test: github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier |-- github.com/davecgh/go-spew:6d21280 [spew] |-- github.com/pmezard/go-difflib:d8ed262 [difflib] \-- github.com/stretchr/testify:69483b4 [assert]
  8. Vendored packages in source tree $ tree vendor vendor $""

    github.com !"" davecgh # $"" go-spew # $"" spew !"" mvdan # $"" xurls !"" pmezard # $"" go-difflib # $"" difflib $"" stretchr $"" testify !"" assert $"" doc.go
  9. Vendored packages in source tree ---
 apiVersion: "0.8.1"

    - urls:
 - "https://github.com/mvdan/xurls.git"
 - "git@github.com:mvdan/xurls.git"
 vcs: "git"
 name: "github.com/mvdan/xurls"
 commit: "d315b61cf6727664f310fa87b3197e9faf2a8513"
 transitive: false
 - urls:
 - "https://github.com/davecgh/go-spew.git"
 - "git@github.com:davecgh/go-spew.git"
 ... gogradle.lock
  10. executing tests $ gradle test > Task :test Test for

    github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier/http finished, 3 completed, 0 failed Test for github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier/file finished, 6 completed, 0 failed Test for github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier/stat finished, 4 completed, 0 failed Test for github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier/text finished, 8 completed, 0 failed filtering: gradle test --tests file*.go
  11. calling golint from task task lint(type: com.github.blindpirate.gogradle.Go) {
 run 'golint

 check.dependsOn lint build.gradle hooks into check task
  12. declaring target platforms build {
 targetPlatform = ['darwin-amd64', 'netbsd-amd64', 'netbsd-386',

    'openbsd-amd64', 'openbsd-386', 'freebsd-amd64', 'freebsd-386', 'linux-amd64', 'linux-386', 'linux-arm', 'windows-amd64', 'windows-386']
 } build.gradle <project-name>-<plaHorm>
  13. Generated binaries $ tree .gogradle .gogradle !"" link-verifier-darwin-amd64 !"" link-verifier-freebsd-386

    !"" link-verifier-freebsd-amd64 !"" link-verifier-linux-386 !"" link-verifier-linux-amd64 !"" link-verifier-linux-arm !"" link-verifier-netbsd-386 !"" link-verifier-netbsd-amd64 !"" link-verifier-openbsd-386 !"" link-verifier-openbsd-amd64 !"" link-verifier-windows-386 $"" link-verifier-windows-amd64
  14. Resources Gradle webpage hHps:/ /gradle.org/ GoGradle plugin hHps:/ /github.com/gogradle/gogradle Link

    Verifier example source code hHps:/ /github.com/bmuschko/link-verifier