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Draft: Docker workshop at Linuxing In London, 2...

Draft: Docker workshop at Linuxing In London, 21st Nov 2017

Brian Byrne's introduction to the Docker workshop at Linuxing In London, 21st Nov 2017, Skills Matter, London

Main speaker: Elton Stoneman.

Brian Linuxing

November 21, 2017

More Decks by Brian Linuxing

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 18:15 Basic set-up of laptops. 18:20 Introduction by Brian Byrne.

    18:30 Hands-on workshop with Elton Stoneman, part 1. 19:15 Quick break. 19:30 Hands-on workshop with Elton Stoneman, part 2. 20:15 Community slot and raffle.
  2. Linuxing In London’s code of conduct, put simply: We want

    no racism, no sexism, no xenophobia, no homophobia, transphobia etc. and please really respect others. If you feel like being rude, don’t!!
  3. Bluntly put: Either follow the code of conduct, be extra

    polite to everyone or there is the door, please use it.
  4. Please say hello to your neighbour, tell them your favourite

    Linux distribution, Linux or technology trick, in one minute!
  5. All Linuxing in London events are free to attendees, and

    it is purely a voluntary effort.** **If you feel you might be able to help out, please see Brian. Social skills are more important than technical genius!
  6. A big thanks to Megan, Ewa, Wendy and everyone at

    Skills Matter, particularly the AV team :)
  7. 18:15 Basic set-up of laptops. 18:20 Introduction by Brian Byrne.

    18:30 Hands-on workshop with Elton Stoneman, part 1. 19:15 Quick break. 19:30 Hands-on workshop with Elton Stoneman, part 2. 20:15 Community slot and raffle.
  8. Big thanks to Wendy and Skills Matter, please support them

    Web site: https://skillsmatter.com/ Twitter: @skillsmatter
  9. Don’t forget: • 20th Dec - Santa at Linuxing In

    London • https://linuxinginlondon.wordpress.com/ • Twitter: @BrianLinuxing