to the modern server by Brian Byrne. 18:40 Tea break. 18:45 Linux 101 - System Rescue - the whys and wherefores. 19:10 Linux 101 - LXLE - Installing with style and care. 19:35 Tea break. 19:40 Finalise installations. 20:10 Linux 102 - a quick introduction to the Linux command line. 20:35 Free raffle - quickly Finish up and off to Skills Matter bar for a soft drink.
do-er for hire. He started computing in the 1970s, developed his coding in academia and then project management skills in the financial sector. He remembers VT100s, Token Ring and Ultrix. He’s written code in: CESIL, HP Basic, FORTRAN 66/77, ALGOL 68, COBOL, Simula, Snobol, Modular-2, Pascal, MACRO-10, MACRO-32, BLISS, Forth, C, C#, Python and even a bit of JavaScript. Not forgetting DCL, various scripting languages, numerous dialects and variations. He does a lot of tech community stuff too and talks in paragraphs! Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected]
UNIVAC I in the 1950s 2. Took up programming at night school. 3. She was the first person to design a ship using a computer system. 4. She oversaw very large projects for the US Navy 5. She was given the US Navy’s Meritorious Civilian Service Award in 1972.
no racism, no sexism, no xenophobia, no homophobia, no transphobia, no misogyny, etc. and please really respect others. If you feel like being rude, don’t!!
evening! Monday, 17th December 2018 – Our Xmas special! Planned for 2019: AWS and AI evening and Computer and App security talks, etc
it is purely a voluntary effort.** **If you feel you might be able to help out, please see Brian. Social skills are more important than technical genius!
to the modern server by Brian Byrne. 18:40 Tea break. 18:45 Linux 101 - System Rescue - the whys and wherefores. 19:10 Linux 101 - LXLE - Installing with style and care. 19:35 Tea break. 19:40 Finalise installations. 20:10 Linux 102 - a quick introduction to the Linux command line. 20:35 Free raffle - quickly Finish up and off to Skills Matter bar for a soft drink.
evening! Monday, 17th December 2018 – Our Xmas special! Planned for 2019: AWS and AI evening and Computer and App security talks, etc