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Bachelor Thesis Presentation: Automatic Configu...

Bachelor Thesis Presentation: Automatic Configuration of Server Side Software Development Environments

Ben Ripkens

June 26, 2012

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  1. name 'Java EE 6 RESTful web application' description 'RESTeasy web

    service.' buildJob { name 'deploy-staging' no vcs trigger tasks { shell 'echo "Deploying to staging environment."' } } buildJob { name 'build' tasks { maven targets: 'clean install' } trigger 'deploy-staging' on success }
  2. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <project> <actions/> <description>RESTeasy web service</description> <1-- some

    configurations excluded... --> <scm class="hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialSCM"> <installation>(Default)</installation> <source>http://localhost:8000</source> <modules></modules> <clean>false</clean> <browser class="hudson.plugins.mercurial.browser.HgWeb"> <url>http://localhost:8000</url> </browser> </scm> <canRoam>true</canRoam> <disabled>false</disabled> <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding> <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding> <triggers class="vector"> <hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger> <spec>* * * * *</spec> </hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger> </triggers> <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild> <builders> <hudson.tasks.Maven> <targets>clean install</targets> <mavenName>(Default)</mavenName> <pom>pom.xml</pom> <usePrivateRepository>false</usePrivateRepository> </hudson.tasks.Maven> </builders> <publishers> <hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger> <childProjects>worblehat-deploy-staging</childProjects> <threshold> <name>SUCCESS</name> <ordinal>0</ordinal> <color>BLUE</color> </threshold> </hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger> </publishers> <buildWrappers/> </project>
  3. name 'Java EE 6 RESTful web application' description 'RESTeasy web

    service.' buildJob { name 'deploy-staging' no vcs trigger tasks { shell 'echo "Deploying to staging environment."' } } buildJob { name 'build' tasks { maven targets: 'clean install' } trigger 'deploy-staging' on success }
  4. We need to 1. Change an enum in Janus’ core

    2. Add Git config generation strategy to Jenkins
  5. We need to 1. Change an enum in Janus’ core

    2. Add Git config generation strategy to Jenkins Do we actually need this?
  6. We need to 1. Change an enum in Janus’ core

    2. Add Git config generation strategy to Jenkins Do we actually need this?