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Annotation Processors vs Kotlin Plugins

Annotation Processors vs Kotlin Plugins

Bruno Aybar

May 28, 2020

More Decks by Bruno Aybar

Other Decks in Programming


  1. @brunoaybarg Bruno125 Bruno Aybar Software Engineer @ Avantica Technologies AndroidDev

    Peru co-organizer https://brunoaybar.com/talks/intro-kapt-plugin
  2. AGENDA 1. Introducción a KAPT A. KAPT vs APT B.

    Flujo de ejecución C. Ejemplos D. K in KAPT 2. Introducción a Kotlin Plugins A. Usos y Ejemplos B. Flujos de ejecución C. Deep dive: Android Extension Plugin 3. ¿Cuándo usar cada uno? EXTRA: KAPT y Plugins en el contexto de Kotlin/JS
  3. OBJETIVOS 1. Entiendan los casos de uso de cada uno.

    2. Se animen a investigar más, a contribuir a más proyectos open source!
  4. KATP 1. Te permite CREAR nuevos archivos en base a

    las anotaciones 2. Funciona para archivos Java y Kotlin (kinda)
  5. Usuario.java Usuario.class javac annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores

    de anotaciones ServiceLoader META-INF/services/ javax.annotation.processing.Processor busca
  6. annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores de anotaciones ServiceLoader

    com.example.EntityProcessor com.foo.OtherProcessor net.blabla.SpecialProcessor javax.annotation.processing.Processor Usuario.java Usuario.class javac
  7. annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores de anotaciones ServiceLoader

    META-INF/services/ javax.annotation.processing.Processor Usuario.java Usuario.class javac
  8. Usuario.java Usuario.class javac annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores

    de anotaciones 2. Cada procesador se encarga de procesar las anotaciones que necesite
  9. Usuario.java Usuario.class javac annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores

    de anotaciones EntityProcessor UsuarioDao.java UsuarioTable.java crea crea 2. Cada procesador se encarga de procesar las anotaciones que necesite
  10. Usuario.class javac annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores de

    anotaciones 2. Cada procesador se encarga de procesar las anotaciones que necesite UsuarioDao.java Usuario.java UsuarioTable.java
  11. annotation processing flow 1. Identifica los procesadores de anotaciones 2.

    Cada procesador se encarga de procesar las anotaciones que necesite UsuarioDao.class Usuario.class UsuarioTable.class UsuarioDao.java Usuario.java UsuarioTable.java 3. Cuando no queden más anotaciones por procesar, se termina
  12. 1. Identifica los procesadores de anotaciones 2. Cada procesador se

    encarga de procesar las anotaciones que necesite 3. Cuando no queden más anotaciones por procesar, se termina Annotation Processing Boilerplate Destruction - Jake Wharton (droidconNYC 2014)
  13. EJEMPLOS 1. Dagger 2. Spring 3. Android I. Room II.

    Lifecycle III.… 4. Gson / Jackson / Moshi 5. Etc.
  14. K-APT @Provides fun provideList(): List<Taco> { return emptyList() } @Inject

    lateinit var tacos: List<@SuppressJvmWildcard Taco>
  15. K-APT El procesador de anotaciones no recibe los archivos “.kt”

    directamente Recibe una representación intermedia del código
  16. K-APT d2 = {"Lcom/example/Usuario;", "", "permisos", "", "", "(Ljava/util/List;)V", "getPermisos",

    "()Ljava/util/List;", “main"} ) public final class Usuario { @NotNull private final List permisos; @NotNull public final List getPermisos() { return this.permisos; } public Usuario(@NotNull List permisos) { Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(permisos, "permisos"); super(); this.permisos = permisos; } }
  17. K-APT @Metadata( mv = {1, 1, 15}, bv = {1,

    0, 3}, k = 1, d1 = {"\u0000\u0016\n\u0002\u0018\..."}, d2 = {"Lcom/example/Usuario;", "", "permisos", "", "", "(Ljava/util/List;)V", "getPermisos", "()Ljava/util/List;", “main"} ) public final class Usuario { @NotNull private final List permisos; @NotNull public final List getPermisos() { De aqui podemos sacar más data!
  18. Arquitectura de un Plugin Plugin Subplugin CommandLineProcessor ComponenRegistrar Extension Extension

    Writing Your First Kotlin Compiler Plugin - Kevin Most (KotlinConf 2018)
  19. lateinit var mainLayout: LinearLayout lateinit var myEditText: EditText lateinit var

    myButton: Button fun onCreate() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) mainLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout) myEditText = findViewById(R.id.my_edit_text) myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button) }
  20. lateinit var mainLayout: LinearLayout lateinit var myEditText: EditText lateinit var

    myButton: Button fun onCreate() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) mainLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout) myEditText = findViewById(R.id.my_edit_text) myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button) } 1. Declare variables
  21. lateinit var mainLayout: LinearLayout lateinit var myEditText: EditText lateinit var

    myButton: Button fun onCreate() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) mainLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout) myEditText = findViewById(R.id.my_edit_text) myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button) } 2. Set layout
  22. lateinit var mainLayout: LinearLayout lateinit var myEditText: EditText lateinit var

    myButton: Button fun onCreate() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) mainLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout) myEditText = findViewById(R.id.my_edit_text) myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button) } 3. Assign variables
  23. lateinit var mainLayout: LinearLayout lateinit var myEditText: EditText lateinit var

    myButton: Button fun onCreate() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) mainLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout) myEditText = findViewById(R.id.my_edit_text) myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button) }}
  24. lateinit var mainLayout: LinearLayout lateinit var myEditText: EditText lateinit var

    myButton: Button fun onCreate() { setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) mainLayout = findViewById(R.id.main_layout) myEditText = findViewById(R.id.my_edit_text) myButton = findViewById(R.id.my_button)
 mainLayout.orientation = VERTICAL
 myEditText.setOnTextChangedListener { … } myButton.setOnClickListener { … } }} 4. Actually use your components
  25. No need to compile These fields are ready to be

    used as soon as you write them on your XML file
  26. Analyse XML layouts, and generate fields Synthetic Imports During compilation,

    replaces fields with findViewById IDEA instructions to handle autocompletion, indexing, on-the-fly modifications
  27. when (containerType) { ACTIVITY, VIEW, DIALOG -> { v.invokevirtual("findViewById") }

    FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> { v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") }
  28. when (containerType) { ACTIVITY, VIEW, DIALOG -> { v.invokevirtual("findViewById") }

    FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> { v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") } class MyFragment: Fragment() { override fun onCreateView(): View { ... } }
  29. when (containerType) { ACTIVITY, VIEW, DIALOG -> { v.invokevirtual("findViewById") }

    FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> { v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") }
  30. } FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> {

    v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") } public interface LayoutContainer { /** Returns the root holder view. */ public val containerView: View? }
  31. } FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> {

    v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") }
  32. } FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> {

    v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") } *Only works if you enable* androidExtensions { experimental = true }

  33. when (containerType) { ACTIVITY, VIEW, DIALOG -> { v.invokevirtual("findViewById") }

    FRAGMENT -> { v.invokevirtual("getView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } LAYOUT_CONTAINER -> { v.invokeinterface("getContainerView") v.invokevirtual("findViewById") } // Should never occur else -> throw IllegalStateException("Invalid type") }
  34. abstract class AndroidLayoutXmlFileManager(val project: Project) { open fun getModuleData(): AndroidModuleData

    { return AndroidModuleData( module = androidModule, variants = androidModule.variants.map { getVariantData(it) } ) } }
  35. abstract class AndroidLayoutXmlFileManager(val project: Project) { open fun getModuleData(): AndroidModuleData

    { return AndroidModuleData( module = androidModule, variants = androidModule.variants.map { getVariantData(it) } ) } } getVariantData Evaluates each variant
  36. private fun getVariantData(variant: Variant): AndroidVariantData { val resDirectories = variant.resDirectories.map

    { fileManager.findFileByUrl("file://$it") } val allChildren = resDirectories.flatMap { it?.getAllChildren() ?: listOf() } val allLayoutFiles = allChildren.filter { it.parent.name.startsWith("layout") && it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") } val layoutNameToXmlFiles = allLayoutFiles .groupBy { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') } .mapValues { it.value.sortedBy { it.parent.name.length } } getVariantData
  37. private fun getVariantData(variant: Variant): AndroidVariantData { val resDirectories = variant.resDirectories.map

    { fileManager.findFileByUrl("file://$it") } val allChildren = resDirectories.flatMap { it?.getAllChildren() ?: listOf() } val allLayoutFiles = allChildren.filter { it.parent.name.startsWith("layout") && it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") } val layoutNameToXmlFiles = allLayoutFiles .groupBy { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') } .mapValues { it.value.sortedBy { it.parent.name.length } } 1. Searches “res" folder
  38. private fun getVariantData(variant: Variant): AndroidVariantData { val resDirectories = variant.resDirectories.map

    { fileManager.findFileByUrl("file://$it") } val allChildren = resDirectories.flatMap { it?.getAllChildren() ?: listOf() } val allLayoutFiles = allChildren.filter { it.parent.name.startsWith("layout") && it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") } val layoutNameToXmlFiles = allLayoutFiles .groupBy { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') } .mapValues { it.value.sortedBy { it.parent.name.length } } 2. Looks at each file
  39. fileManager.findFileByUrl("file://$it") } val allChildren = resDirectories.flatMap { it?.getAllChildren() ?: listOf()

    } val allLayoutFiles = allChildren.filter { it.parent.name.startsWith("layout") && it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") } val layoutNameToXmlFiles = allLayoutFiles .groupBy { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') } .mapValues { it.value.sortedBy { it.parent.name.length } } return AndroidVariantData(variant, layoutNameToXmlFiles) } 3. Filter XML layouts files
  40. it?.getAllChildren() ?: listOf() } val allLayoutFiles = allChildren.filter { it.parent.name.startsWith("layout")

    && it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") } val layoutNameToXmlFiles = allLayoutFiles .groupBy { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') } .mapValues { it.value.sortedBy { it.parent.name.length } } return AndroidVariantData(variant, layoutNameToXmlFiles) } 4. Gets the names of the files
  41. val allLayoutFiles = allChildren.filter { it.parent.name.startsWith("layout") && it.name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml") } val

    layoutNameToXmlFiles = allLayoutFiles .groupBy { it.name.substringBeforeLast('.') } .mapValues { it.value.sortedBy { it.parent.name.length } } return AndroidVariantData(variant, layoutNameToXmlFiles) } 5. We know which files to evaluate
  42. } override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag?) { val localName = tag?.localName

    ?: "" if (isWidgetTypeIgnored(localName)) { tag?.acceptChildren(this) return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null) { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) 1. Evaluates each <XML tag>
  43. <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/main_layout" ...> <EditText android:id="@+id/my_edit_text" ...> <Button android:id="@+id/my_button" ...> </LinearLayout>

    } override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag?) { val localName = tag?.localName ?: "" if (isWidgetTypeIgnored(localName)) { tag?.acceptChildren(this) return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null) { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue)
  44. <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/main_layout" ...> <EditText android:id="@+id/my_edit_text" ...> <Button android:id="@+id/my_button" ...> </LinearLayout>

    } override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag?) { val localName = tag?.localName ?: "" if (isWidgetTypeIgnored(localName)) { tag?.acceptChildren(this) return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null) { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue)
  45. } override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag?) { val localName = tag?.localName

    ?: "" if (isWidgetTypeIgnored(localName)) { tag?.acceptChildren(this) return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null) { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue)
  46. } override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag?) { val localName = tag?.localName

    ?: "" if (isWidgetTypeIgnored(localName)) { tag?.acceptChildren(this) return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null) { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) val IGNORED_XML_WIDGET_TYPES = setOf( "requestFocus", "merge", "tag", "check", "blink" )
  47. } override fun visitXmlTag(tag: XmlTag?) { val localName = tag?.localName

    ?: "" if (isWidgetTypeIgnored(localName)) { tag?.acceptChildren(this) return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null) { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) 2. Ignores unsupported widgets
  48. return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null)

    { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } }
  49. return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null)

    { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/main_layout" ...>
  50. return } val idAttribute = tag?.getAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE) if (idAttribute != null)

    { val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } 3. Only considers widgets with an ID
  51. val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val

    xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } tag?.acceptChildren(this) } } <view class=“android.widget.Button"...> <Button …/>
  52. val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val

    xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } tag?.acceptChildren(this) } } <view class=“android.widget.Button"...> <Button …/> Button
  53. val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val

    xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } tag?.acceptChildren(this) } } <view class=“android.widget.Button"...> <Button …/>
  54. val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val

    xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } tag?.acceptChildren(this) } } 4. Determines the widget type
  55. val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val

    xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } tag?.acceptChildren(this) } } <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/main_layout" ...>
  56. val idAttributeValue = idAttribute.value if (idAttributeValue != null) { val

    xmlType = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTRIBUTE) ?.value ?: localName val name = androidIdToName(idAttributeValue) if (name != null) { elementCallback(name, xmlType, idAttribute) } } } tag?.acceptChildren(this) } } 5. We found a valid widget! Now to the next step...
  57. private fun genProperty(...): PropertyDescriptor { val property = object :

    AndroidSyntheticProperty ( ..., Modality.FINAL, Visibilities.PUBLIC, Name.identifier(resource.id.name), CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED, /* lateInit = */ false, /* isConst = */ false, /* isExternal = */ false, ) private fun genProperty(...): PropertyDescriptor { val property = object : AndroidSyntheticProperty ( ..., Modality.FINAL, Visibilities.PUBLIC, Name.identifier(resource.id.name), CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED, /* lateInit = */ false, /* isConst = */ false, /* isExternal = */ false, ) val getter = PropertyGetterDescriptorImpl( property,
  58. val getter = PropertyGetterDescriptorImpl( property, Annotations.EMPTY, Modality.FINAL, Visibilities.PUBLIC, /* isDefault

    = */ false, /* isExternal = */ false, /* isInline = */ false, CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED, /* original = */ null, SourceElement.NO_SOURCE ) property.initialize(getter, null)
  59. /* isInline = */ false, CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED, /* original = */

    null, SourceElement.NO_SOURCE ) property.initialize(getter, null) return property } Getter only, no setter
  60. /* isInline = */ false, CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED, /* original = */

    null, SourceElement.NO_SOURCE ) property.initialize(getter, null) return property }
  61. override fun getPackageFragmentProvider(...) { // Packages with synthetic properties for

    (variantData in moduleData.variants) { val variant = variantData.variant.name for (layoutName in variantData.layouts) { val packageName = "$SYNTHETIC_PACKAGE.$variant.$layoutName" createPackageFragment(packageFqName) createPackageFragment(packageFqName + “.view") } } }
  62. // Packages with synthetic properties for (variantData in moduleData.variants) {

    val variant = variantData.variant.name for (layoutName in variantData.layouts) { val packageName = "$SYNTHETIC_PACKAGE.$variant.$layoutName" createPackageFragment(packageFqName) createPackageFragment(packageFqName + “.view") } } }
  63. val variant = variantData.variant.name for (layoutName in variantData.layouts) { val

    packageName = "$SYNTHETIC_PACKAGE.$variant.$layoutName" createPackageFragment(packageFqName) createPackageFragment(packageFqName + “.view") } } } import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*
 import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.view.*
  64. override fun getPackageFragmentProvider(...) { // Packages with synthetic properties for

    (variantData in moduleData.variants) { val variant = variantData.variant.name for (layoutName in variantData.layouts) { val packageName = "SYNTHETIC_PACKAGE.$variant.$layoutName" createPackageFragment(packageFqName) createPackageFragment(packageFqName + “.view") } } }
  65. class AndroidPsiTreeChangePreprocessor { override fun treeChanged(event: PsiTreeChangeEventImpl) { if (event.code

    in HANDLED_EVENTS) { // Layout file was renamed val element = event.element if (element != null && event.code == PROPERTY_CHANGED && event.propertyName == "fileName") { if (checkIfLayoutFile(element)) { incModificationCount() return } }
  66. if (event.code in HANDLED_EVENTS) { // Layout file was renamed

    val element = event.element if (element != null && event.code == PROPERTY_CHANGED && event.propertyName == "fileName") { if (checkIfLayoutFile(element)) { incModificationCount() return } } val xmlAttribute = findXmlAttribute(child) ?: return val name = xmlAttribute.name if (name != "android:id" && name != "class") return If file was: - Added - Removed - Moved - Replaced - Renamed
  67. if (event.code in HANDLED_EVENTS) { // Layout file was renamed

    val element = event.element if (element != null && event.code == PROPERTY_CHANGED && event.propertyName == "fileName") { if (checkIfLayoutFile(element)) { incModificationCount() return } } val xmlAttribute = findXmlAttribute(child) ?: return val name = xmlAttribute.name if (name != "android:id" && name != "class") return And is an XML layout (inside res/layout folder)
  68. if (event.code in HANDLED_EVENTS) { // Layout file was renamed

    val element = event.element if (element != null && event.code == PROPERTY_CHANGED && event.propertyName == "fileName") { if (checkIfLayoutFile(element)) { incModificationCount() return } } val xmlAttribute = findXmlAttribute(child) ?: return val name = xmlAttribute.name if (name != "android:id" && name != "class") return Layout should be re-evaluated!
  69. } } val xmlAttribute = findXmlAttribute(child) ?: return val name

    = xmlAttribute.name if (name != "android:id" && name != "class") return incModificationCount() } } }
  70. } } val xmlAttribute = findXmlAttribute(child) ?: return val name

    = xmlAttribute.name if (name != "android:id" && name != "class") return incModificationCount() } } } Only updated if id or class is modified
  71. El plugin ha tenido que: Saber qué archivos analizar Saber

    cómo analizar cada archivo Saber cómo manejar cada componente Saber en qué momentos actualizar Manipular el código interno Crear imports dinámicamente
  72. A nivel de IDE… Implementa a mano el autocompletado Implementa

    “Ir a la declaración" Implementa la indexación de archivos Y más…
  73. Más detalle en... Analyzing the Internals of Kotlin’s Android Syntethic

    Import (Part 1 & 2) https://brunoaybar.com/kotlin-android-synthetic- import-part-1 https://brunoaybar.com/kotlin-android-synthetic- import-part-2
  74. KAPT -Trabajan sobre Java y Kotlin -Solo sobre la JVM

    -Solo puede crear archivos -Son relativamente sencillos de crear -El código existe LUEGO de compilar
  75. Kotlin Plugin -Puedes hacer lo que quieras: modificar codigo, crear

    nuevos archivos, comunicarte con el IDE, etc. -Son multiplataforma -Demandan DEMASIADO trabajo -Documentación casi nula -Por ahora, solo hay plugins desarrollados por JetBrains -El código existe LUEGO de compilar… pero puede integrarse en tiempo real con el IDE
  76. K-APT Usuario.java JS files / LLVM IR / etc. Kotlin

    IR Other processors Java Bytecode JVM processor
  77. KotlinJS? KotlinJS NO trabaja sobre la JVM… ... no soporta

    KAPT ... pero sí se le pueden agregar plugins
  78. @brunoaybarg Bruno125 Bruno Aybar Software Engineer @ Avantica Technologies AndroidDev

    Peru co-organizer Thanks! https://brunoaybar.com/talks/intro-kapt-plugin