When starting a new initiative, always evaluate open source options before going to reinvent the wheel. (e.g., if redis doesn’t work for you, you better have solid evidence)
core business value. Define your secret sauce so there’s a shared understanding that can guide decisions. Embed this secret sauce within your culture and company via training.
opened in the future. Pretend the whole world will be watching. Use reasonable third party dependencies to prevent pain down the road. (we mostly use Apache’s Third Party Guidelines as a starting point)
source community, with over three million users. You would be stupid to ignore that fact. Embrace social coding tools to lower the barrier to contribution and participation.
them. We view them as a place for stable projects that grow into maturity, not to incubate new projects. Our goal is to gain traction first as fast as possible. If not, fail fast and carry on.
OSI permissive licenses (the ALv2 in the majority of cases). We do this so we can maximize adoption and participation, which we favor instead of control.
source for me is not a way to contribute to the free software movement, but to contribute to humanity. This means a lot of things, for instance I don't care about what people do with my code, nor if they'll release back their modifications. I simply want people to use my code in one way or the other. Especially I want people to have fun, learn new stuff, and make money with my code. For me other people making money out of something I wrote is not something that I lost, it is something that I gained.”
bigger effect in the world if somebody can pay the bills using my code. 2) If there are N subjects making money with my code, maybe they will be happy to share some of this money with me, or will be more willing to hire me. 3) I can be myself one of the subjects making money with my code, and with other open source software code. For all this reasons my license of choice is the BSD licensed, that is the perfect incarnation of do whatever you want as a license.”
to priority stupidity” True. Remember the history of surgery? Ignaz Semmelweiz (hand washing) Surgery checklist: Glad your surgeon washes hands? Even with surgery process, metal objects still are left in people :) See http://many.corante.com/archives/2003/09/17/process_is_an_embedded_reaction_to_prior_stupidity.php See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis
we open √ README √ LICENSE √ CONTRIBUTING.MD √ .travis.yml √ Avoid KEYS / sensitive bits √ Avoid GPL License Family Attempts to build and posts results in JIRA. Enforces and teaches good practices.
monthly queries on contributors to our open source projects and projects of interest. Hand it off the Recruiting and the ATS. It’s hard enough to find good talent, why not hire from open source projects of interest.
Open Sourced Projects (what opened) Top Committers (commits+issues closed) Releases (assumed via git-tag) Contentious Issues (issues with most comments) Top Watched Project (most stars) Top Forked Project (most forks) Track trends. Motivates contribution.