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GeoSpatial Activities at WorldFish

September 23, 2014

GeoSpatial Activities at WorldFish


September 23, 2014

More Decks by CGIAR-CSI


  1. GeoSpatial Activities at WorldFish CGIAR-CSI 2014 Annual Meeting ITC, University

    of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands World aquaculture production by continent in 2010 (China treated separately) The world according to aquaculture…
  2. Outline  Estimating the numbers depend on AAS  Participatory

    GIS (PGIS)  GIS Modeling for Sustainable Aquaculture Development Planning in Timor-Leste  Catchment Water Allocation Tool (CaWAT)  Regional Marine Protected Area (MPA) Atlas
  3. “farming and fishing systems where the annual production dynamics of

    natural freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems contribute significantly to the household livelihood, including income and food security” Estimating the numbers depend on AAS What is an Aquatic Agricultural System (AAS)? Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. Photo by Eric Baran (2012)
  4. Estimating the numbers depend on AAS The distribution of AAS

    in the developing world  No existing official map(s) for the world’s AAS. Rely on the definition to ‘define’ the areas, include coastal and inland ecosystem component.  The global datasets used to map the AAS area:  GlobCover 2009 (Global Land Cover Map)  Global lakes and wetlands database (GLWD)  World Vector Shorelines
  5. AAS area (‘000 km2) Regions Inland Coastal Total Oceania 42

    287 329 Asia 866 1,030 1,896 Africa 809 298 1,106 Latin America - Caribbean 873 408 1,281 Total 2,590 2,022 4,612 Estimating the numbers depend on AAS Oceania Asia Africa Latin America (Caribbean) % AAS area worldwide  Estimated AAS area worldwide (excluding OECD countries)
  6. Estimating the numbers depend on AAS  The global population

    dataset:  LandScan Global Population 2011  CIESIN Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP)  The poverty dataset:  Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (2011)  Sub-national Poverty Map for Sub- Saharan Africa at 2005 International Poverty Lines by HarvestChoice/IFPRI (2012) The number of MPI poor per km2 within AAS area in South Asia The number of people per km2 within AAS area in East Asia & Pacific
  7. AAS-dependent (‘000) Regions People Poor Proportion of Poor (a) East

    Asia & the Pacific 223,533 19,200 9% (b) South Asia 152,117 69,987 46% (c) Sub-Saharan Africa 82,872 47,177 57% (d) Latin America (Caribbean) 27,369 1,512 6% Total 485,890 137,876 28% % AAS- dependent people % AAS- dependent poor Estimating the numbers depend on AAS (b) (a) (c)  Estimated number of AAS-dependent people or poor in the non-OECD world (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)
  8. Participatory GIS (PGIS)  Assists communities in diversifying and intensifying

    farming area Village Akra at polder zone 29 in Khulna District Transect walk Record GPS point Participatory Mapping Collect & digitalize the data Verify the map & utilize for decision making collective discussions Digitize
  9. GIS Modeling for Sustainable Aquaculture Development Planning in Timor-Leste http://www.worldfishcenter.org/resource_centre/

    WF_3602.pdf  Timor-Leste (also know as East Timor) is a new country, achieved independence on 20 May 2002  Government of Timor-Leste developed National Aquaculture Development Strategy (2012-2030): • Supported by WorldFish • Funded by RFLP/FAO and CTSP  The Strategy emphasizes the development of aquaculture in agro-ecological ‘niches’ area with favorable resource-base and social- economic contexts
  10.  The process involved aquaculture suitability mapping of area taking

    a set of biophysical and socio-economic factors into account GIS Modeling for Sustainable Aquaculture Development Planning in Timor-Leste  1 ha : 3 tons productions  Increase aquaculture production to 12,000t by 2030  Results: Harnessing freshwater fish production potential  A simplified Geographical Information Systems (GIS) modeling using multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) was used for delineating recommendation domains for freshwater aquaculture across Timor-Leste
  11. CaWAT (Catchment Water Allocation Tool)  “Enhancing adaptive capacity to

    climate change impacts through well-managed water use for aquaculture integrated with small-scale irrigation in the Chinyanja Triangle in Africa” – 3-year project funded by BMZ/GIZ  Coordinated by WorldFish in partnership with IWMI, the University of Osnabrueck, government agencies and World Vision in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia Study sites in the Chinyanja Triangle Framework for water resources assessment http://www.worldfishcenter.org/re source_centre/WF-2013-40.pdf
  12. CaWAT (Catchment Water Allocation Tool)  GIS-based decision support toolkit

    for water resources management for incorporating pond aquaculture in small-scale irrigation systems in the Chinyanja Triangle in southern Africa Excel-based interface – available soon to download… Results in tables, graphs & maps
  13. Regional Marine Protected Area (MPA) Atlas  Coral Triangle Atlas

    http://ctatlas.reefbase.org  The BOBLME MPA Atlas http://boblme.reefbase.org Designed and hosted by
  14. Web Mapping Solution A web mapping solution by  Built

    on open source software for managing data and building web mapping applications  Encourage for knowledge transfer and capacity building to national partners