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September 25, 2014



September 25, 2014


  1. Esri Resources for CSI 2014 CGIAR - CSI ITC, September

    24th, 2014 Prepared by: Susana Crespo, [email protected], @AgMapper Tony Mason, [email protected] Data Open Data view of ArcGIS Online Data marked ‘public’: Discover, View, Filter, Subscribe, API. Coming (very) soon - the ability to search across Open Data sites More here. Explore… McKnight Foundation’s Andes Collaborative Crop Research Program Open Data Site (Beta) Click ‘Explorar todos los datos’ Landsat8 Image Service 60 TB updated nightly. Multiple views: NDVI, Soil moisture index available. More information here. Living Atlas - Esri collection of hosted global authoritative layers, live feeds, many as image services. Earth Observation subset, Multispectral imagery subset. Global image services - Terrain, dynamic hill shade being generated server - side. More elevation layers and geo- processing tools here. Coming soon… Global thematic / derived data sets. Note: CGIAR SRTM data is integrated and served in world terrain layer along with other data sources. Go here for a map of what elevation service and resolution is available where (This particular map requires ArcGIS Online login). MODIS Thermal Find item here, where the workflow to create this workflow is documented. Data is gathered from NASA and served as a map service within hours of being flown. Inventory of new and useful datasets for use with ArcGIS. New Workflows for Generating Data Go to developers.arcgis.com, create an empty feature class, add to a web map, then open and edit web map with Collector. Now, works for offline editing. Discovery Increasing ability to discover data across providers. GEOSS ArcGIS for GEOSS discovery Portal for discovery Provides federated search to ArcGIS Online, GEO DAB, and Geoplatform.gov catalogs. It harvests public ArcGIS Online content (some 240,000 items now) and then exposes it as an OGC discovery service (CSW). ArcGIS Online Entry Point to Esri contribution to GEO here There is also a CSW client for ArcGIS Desktop. This allows users to search GEO DAB from within ArcGIS Desktop.
  2. ERSM - Enterprise Remote Sensing Management App. Click anywhere in

    the world to browse image availability from commercial satellite imagery. Prototype has been designed to accelerate research and is commissioned by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Contact Matt Manning or Tony Mason for more information. Analysis Imagery Analysis App tools you can access on GitHub Spectral profile widget Supervised Classification Image Service Rendering Good Verbal Description of the rendering widget Africa Modeler Requires and ArcGIS Online login to access An app that points to an image service and allows for weighted overlay analyses on the fly, resulting in index layer (low to high) useful for visualizing geographies of suitability. Overlay geographies for summarizing / drilling down. Copy and paste this link to overlay Ethiopia administrative boundaries. http://services.arcgis.com/GivDjHkgkhcnK6MV/arcgis/rest/services/Ethiopia_AdminBoundaries/FeatureServer/3 Landscape Modeler Documentation on how to create a landscape modeler app. Imagery Analysis is not just for Imagery. See the WRI Suitability Mapper for on-the-fly processing of rasters as image services resulting in suitable areas for cultivating palm oil in Indonesia. Caveat: This is not to comment on the validity of this tool - but on the versatility of the technology. New Analytical tools Tools increasingly moving online, no software installation needed for Hot Spot Analysis. Emerging Tools Multi-dimentional analysis on NetCDF, mining for space time patterns.. Also new — ability to expose NetCDF files on the web. Additional Resources Map Journal Storytelling Template Gallery of sample templates here Step by step instructions here. For developers who want to tinker with the code, find it here GIS Tools for Hadoop Open source toolkit intended for Big Spatial Data Analytics here.. Note: complete Esri API is available NumPy Integration with ArcGIS Documentation on converting feature classes and rasters to arrays, then to put arrays back into feature classes and rasters. Esri and Open Source Nice listing of resources here. Templates Briefing books - a great way to share text - based narratives organized around spatial content. Code here More information here Apps Services hydrate story maps, web applications, collector, etc. Story map templates here. Just for Fun Snap2Map Free Application for generating quick story maps from a smartphone. Requires ArcGIS Login. Explorer for ArcGIS Running native on a Mac, this application allows for creation, discovery, sharing of maps. Available in 22 languages.