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Spatial data needs to make rural landscapes wor...

September 23, 2014

Spatial data needs to make rural landscapes work for all


September 23, 2014


  1. Spatial data needs to make rural landscapes work for all

    ! Louise (Wieteke) Willemen Department of Natural Resources, ITC UTwente ! With examples from: ❖ Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University ❖ EcoAgriculture Partners, Washington DC ❖ Landscapes for People Food and Nature Initiative
  2. Making landscapes work for all by mainstreaming spatial information on

    multiple landscape benefits into decision-making ! ! Research themes: 1. Make landscape benefits visible 2. Quantify the effectiveness of landscape measures 3. Improve the consistency and transparency of mapping methods 2 1. Process knowledge & methods 2. Evidence to guide governance 3. Communication 2. Evidence to guide governance
  3. Rockstrom et al UN, 2012 > 9 billion Why landscapes?

    • High pressure on land resources ➢Impact on human food security, health and conflicts • Landscapes: areas continuously shaped by humans and nature (social- ecological systems) • Landscape view: to capture and manage dynamics, synergies, and trade-offs among multiple stakeholder interests and land units
  4. Landscapes to sustain human well-being
 Food production Timber production

    Raw materials Climate regulation Water regulation Habitat provisioning Fuel wood Recreation Cultural heritage Provisioning Supporting/regulating Cultural Well-being MA 2003, TEEB 2010, CICES 2012 Ecosystem Services (ES): benefits from (human-modified) ecosystems to people ! Landscapes: The Where Ecosystem Services: The What
  5. Managing ES for food production & livelihoods People ES flow

    Agriculture ES flow Financial mechanisms ES flow ! Land and governance interventions (restoration, farming practices, access, markets) Investments for improved benefit flows in agricultural landscapes Landscape Well-functioning ecosystems, nutritious food, generating income, benefit sharing
  6. Effective landscape measures • Growing interest in landscape approaches to

    agricultural systems (adaptive, sustainable sourcing) • Change trajectory: costly, uncertain future outcome for Agriculture and Food
  7. Effective measures: spatial research 1. Empirical impact assessment for interventions

    to improve benefit flows in agricultural landscapes • Monetary and non-monetary costs & benefits (ES, $, t) • Investment evaluation (restoration, market, field practice) 2. Monitoring for evidence and adaptive management ! ✓ Informative indicators (EO, spatially explicit data) ✓ Reliable time series data ✓ Quantified relational models ✓ Sites with implemented interventions (impact assessment) ✓ Sites with tb implemented interventions (monitoring)
  8. Science to support rural landscapes
 • Science- land management pathways

    • Accurate spatial and temporal methods and data • Linking research approaches & actors; challenging reality • Joint research program? Who decides? Standards? • Support effective landscape interventions • Prescriptive guidelines for landscape management • Reduce risks, optimize costs for enabling organizations (legal, markets, finance) • Better deal with the dual role of agriculture research and management approaches that cross boundaries Thank you.