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Chivonne Williams
April 16, 2013


Web Thesis Make Up Me

Chivonne Williams

April 16, 2013


  1. 140 Characters “Make Up Me is a makeup and hair

    social site, raising support & awareness for women with cancer through beauty and fundraising” Wednesday, 17 April 13
  2. Elevator pitch Make Up Me is a social site and

    hub for those that love hair and makeup, it focuses on how to achieve great beauty looks and also raises awareness and donations for two charitable hair and make up sites, “Look Good Feel Better” and “My New Hair”. It not only facilitates the needs of women that want learn tips and techniques for themselves through free step by step advice it encompasses those with specific needs, raises awareness that for some people hair and make up is a need not a want. Make Up Me encourages support through social networking, fundraising and donation for women with cancer. The sites content and advice are produced with well being in mind in hope to attain support from influential women wanting to give back to a good cause. Wednesday, 17 April 13
  3. Make Up Me Website Make up and hair portfolio gallery,

    tips and techniques Product fundraising and social network News and information Blog ↙ ↓ ↘ ↗ ↑ Wednesday, 17 April 13
  4. Minesweeping The activity of moving the pointer across icons to

    uncover ToolTips or rollovers in order to figure out what the icons represent. Such designs require the user to actively decipher the interface, probing and testing the meaning of each interface element, rather than the interface elements being self-apparent. Minesweeping is a euphemism for a user’s response to an interface where there is insufficient differentiation between active, ‘clickable’ elements (such as navigation), and content. Without appropriate visual cues, the user must ‘scrub’ the screen to ‘unearth’ active elements. http://www.motive.co.nz/glossary/mine-sweeping.php http://www.usabilityfirst.com/glossary/minesweeping/ Wednesday, 17 April 13
  5. ‘Browsers’ and ‘direct request but open to browse clients’ like

    visual information and navigation About ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ News Blog Wednesday, 17 April 13