UK is crowed and compe??ve, populated with thousand of independent beauty salons and mobile therapists the number of designer salons is increasing, with large companies such as Elizabeth Arden and Clarins providing treatments in a variety of venues, including department stores. Addi?onally, hundreds of leisure service providers, such as hotels, spars and health clubs offer beauty services to their customers. This industry is populated by thousands of unqualified and under-‐qualified operators providing treatments informally to friends and family. It is impossible to quan?fy this compe??on, but you can combat it by ensuring you provide a highly professional service adhering to health and safety legisla?on and relevant industry codes of conduct. I also face indirect compe??on from cosme?cs and body care products retailers. Premium. Skincare ranges are becoming ever more sophis?cated and department stores selling designer products oKen employ qualified therapist as sales staff, which are able to dispense advice and provide free demonstra?ons. Tuesday, 5 February 13