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Web Thesis

Chivonne Williams
February 05, 2013

Web Thesis

My project planning

Chivonne Williams

February 05, 2013


  1. 140 Characters Make  Up  Me  is  a  makeup  &hair  team

     which  offers   services  for  all  occasions,  raising  support  &awareness   through  beauty  for  women  with  cancer Tuesday, 5 February 13
  2. Elevator pitch Make Up Me is a London-based hair and

    makeup business, with expertise in all areas of innovative beauty, fashion and photographic styling. Make Up Me currently needs a face-lift, a new design and additional interactive media including social elements and SEO. My aim is to redesign the site and the brand, expand the business model, make it more interactive and develop more online presence. I would like to give clients and browsers more reason to return to the site, stay on it longer and support a cause that’s close to my heart. I will add news and social forums for clients and patients to use as well as other Social Media such as Pinterest and Facebook, which will allow people to come up with campaigns to support women with Cancer who need help with makeup and hair. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  3. USP ✤ I will differ from other sites as as

    well as being a business site promoting services, I will encourage my clients to give back by promoting a cause that can benefit from hair and make up. Not a want more a need. I will allow clients to post personal images and content, socialise and share information publicly or privately. All which will be relevant to a cause, which relates to their interest of hair and make up. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  4. Make Up Me Website Portfolio gallery Services News and Blog

    about charity campaigns Real stories and experiences Interactive social media about personal campaigns ↙ ↓ ↘ ↗ ↑ Tuesday, 5 February 13
  5. Business A charitable idea for a Hair and makeup site

    is appealing for my business as well as for the hair and make up industry and women patients going through cancer. The Charities I will be raising money for will “Look Good Feel Better” and “My New Hair”. My website would be aimed at both volunteers, patients and clients. Volunteers would be able to share fundraising ideas, join teams and raise awareness through social networking and find out more information about their local “Look Good Feel Better” voluntary classes and hospitals involved. Patients will be able to find their local “Look Good Feel Better” classes, find out information about any events held to raise money for the cause in their area and use social networking and forums to socialise with others in similar situations to themselves. Clients can find their regular information about services and prices, further information about how they can show their support for the cause and share information socially. I will start my website now by starting a simple Blog and gaining followers. One idea is to have Patients as guest bloggers and have personal product reviews which will attract clients seeking information about products to the site. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  6. How will I promote my site? I will promote my

    site using my existing clients, and existing social media networks I will use Facebook Campaigns to get people involved in doing something creative with hair or make up to raise money and awareness I will also do some fundraising of my own such as “The Wolf Run” April 2013 to raise money and awareness of my site I will use SEO throughout my site I will contact business’ I know within the hair and make up industry such as Wig companies and make up brands and ask for support I will ask the local hospitals and councils for advertising space Tuesday, 5 February 13
  7. Up-front costs Fundraising, for example my first fundraising event I

    need to pay to attend. I may need to do this with others or to assist my own events or campaigns Sales and Marketing- Possibly Adwords, Facebook Ads, local paper, promotions and events Additional help i.e. assistance from designers or developers Employees and assistance of Make Up Me Insurance- Public Liability Insurance and Business Insurance Time Tuesday, 5 February 13
  8. Description of Revenue Source My Source of revenue will come

    from my services provided and commission from services provided from my assistance Affiliate marketing from products I recommend or review within my Blog and from businesses involved within my target market who also offer affiliate campaigns Later on I hope to receive revenue from advertising Tuesday, 5 February 13
  9. Affiliate companies ✤ Affiliate Window ✤ Affiliate Future ✤ Click

    bank ✤ Trade Doubler ✤ Affiliate link ✤ Skim links Tuesday, 5 February 13
  10. Estimated Traffic and Revenue at Launch I will have the

    start of my site up in April, this will be my first fundraising event “The Wolf Run”. So far I have a team of 5, I aim for this 5 (and hopefully more) to get 30 sponsors each and to donate through my site. If successful this will mean a definite stream of additional traffic 5x 30, which is 150 hits around this time, as well as a regular stream of clients looking for make up and hair throughout the peek bridal season and browsing clients. I will ask my team to ask their sponsors to promote the site via social media, I hope that at least 1 third of these sponsors will which will again generate more traffic and visitors to the site. I hope to have around 250 hits around the month of April 2013. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  11. Revenue Stream Revenue I will receive around this time will

    just be from my Bridal clients and general clients. The rest of my site will not likely be making revenue but will be receiving funds towards “Look Good Feel Better” and “My New Hair”. Eventually I will be receiving revenue from my clients, commission from my assistance, advertising and Affiliate marketing which could be anything from 5% - 20% commission from products purchased found through my site. Hopefully around £500pm to start with. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  12. Competition The  industry  for  hair  and  make  up  in  the

     UK  is  crowed  and  compe??ve,  populated  with   thousand  of  independent  beauty  salons  and  mobile  therapists  the  number  of  designer  salons   is  increasing,  with  large  companies  such  as  Elizabeth  Arden  and  Clarins  providing  treatments   in  a  variety  of  venues,  including  department  stores.  Addi?onally,  hundreds  of  leisure  service   providers,  such  as  hotels,  spars  and  health  clubs  offer  beauty  services  to  their  customers.   This  industry  is  populated  by  thousands  of  unqualified  and  under-­‐qualified  operators   providing  treatments  informally  to  friends  and  family.  It  is  impossible  to  quan?fy  this   compe??on,  but  you  can  combat  it  by  ensuring  you  provide  a  highly  professional  service   adhering  to  health  and  safety  legisla?on  and  relevant  industry  codes  of  conduct. I  also  face  indirect  compe??on  from  cosme?cs  and  body  care  products  retailers.  Premium.   Skincare  ranges  are  becoming  ever  more  sophis?cated  and  department  stores  selling   designer  products  oKen  employ  qualified  therapist  as  sales  staff,  which  are  able  to  dispense   advice  and  provide  free  demonstra?ons. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  13. Some  of  my  main  compe?tors  are: Online hMp://www.returntoglory.co.uk/Client/Default.aspx-­‐   mobile

     make  up  and  hair  service hMp://www.temptalia.com/-­‐   make  up  ?ps  and  tricks hMp://www.makeupalley.com/-­‐   make  up  review  site hMp://www.joygoodman.com/-­‐   freelance  make  up  ar?st hMp://premierhairandmakeup.com/-­‐ make  up  agency hMp://blush.uk.com/-­‐   mobile  make  up  and  hair COMPETITION You  Tube  videos Pinterest  pin  boards Print Womens  magazines Department  stores Tuesday, 5 February 13
  14. Beauty  therapist Their  services  are  facials,  manicures,  waxing,  and  massaging,

     bridal  make  up,  this  merges  with   Make  Up  Me  because  I  offer  all  these  services  but  specialise  in  makeup  and  hair  styling.  Beauty   therapist  are  also  based  in  salon  and  mobile  so  they  can  build  up  there  clientele  very  quickly.   They  adver?se  mainly  on  internet  and  in  magazine  or  word  of  mouth.  I  differen?ate  from  them   because  I  am  a  specialists  in  makeup  and  touching  on  skincare,  my  service  is  more  for  people   who   need   professional   services   for   special   occasions   events,   photoshoots,   fashion   and   weddings.   Freelance  makeup  ar5sts   They  offer  the  same  service  as  me  mainly  they  work  as  individuals  on  film,  fashion,  editorials   and  music  videos.  This  compe?tor  merges   with  my  services   because  myself  and  my  business   partner  offer  the  same  service  but  we  are  2  freelance  makeup  ar?sts  who  have  added  beauty   skills  and  hair  skills  so  we  have  a  wider  market  to  target.  Makeup  ar?sts  tend  to  use  websites  to   show  their  porVolio  of  work  to  clients.  Also  they  tend  to  have  agencies  who  find  them  the  work   who  take  a  commission.    We  will  differ  from  freelance  makeup  ar?st  because  we  offer  a  wider   range   of   skills   such   as   social   interac?on,   real   reviews   and   news,   hair   styling   this   is   more   appealing  to  an  individual  and  to  a  company  as  the  offer  of  service  is  greater  than  an  individual   make  up  ar?st.   COMPETITION Tuesday, 5 February 13
  15. Competitor Stats over 3 months Trevor Sorbie is a hairdresser

    that also supports charitable causes. From his rankings you can see 90% of his visitors come from the UK. He would be a competitor as he offers hair services as well as supports a chosen charity. His site has been running for 15 years Tuesday, 5 February 13
  16. Daniel Sandler is a make up artist with his own

    line, he supports a chosen Cancer research program and is a strong competitor. This site has been online for over 11 years and has most of its success by being referred by search engines Tuesday, 5 February 13
  17. This site is a beauty community that does its own

    reviews for makeup products. Its very popular in the US, I feel one of its strongest success points is the amount of links and link backs it has to its site. The visitors are more global and search more specifically with keywords. This is something I could look into when designing my own social network/community and advising on products. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  18. This site is a strong competitor to my actual business

    Make Up Me, it delivers services such as mobile make up hair and beauty. It also has a high number of links keeping it quite strong. This site gets a quarter of its hits from search engines and as you can see has quite a specific audience. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  19. Determining the Success of my business I will determine the

    success of my business by the amount of increased traffic and revenue stream to my business. How long people are staying on the site for and the use of the social network and fundraising facilities. As my site is currently a portfolio site and service menu it does not have a high amount of search time or repeat traffic. This is something I can judge against when looking at the success of the new business. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  20. Commodity ✤ The benefits of a user using my website

    would be to find a hair or make up artist for their needs, be it personal, for business purposes or for a project such as a show or advertisement. The content will be informative and useful in helping with what the client is searching for. ✤ Secondly the benefits to my user will be learning more about a charitable cause and how they can help. ✤ The functionality and user experience will be to be able to browse via search box. Look at galleries specific to their request and read up on further information such as services and prices. Or read up and view the social networks fundraising activity. The site will use relevant visual hierarchy and a grid system to make it easy, clear and concise and easy to follow. ✤ The charitable aspect of my business will always be visible as the client will always be able to see and access a donate button and a “Find out how you can raise money through hair and make up for those who need it” tab. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  21. My Mission -Raise awareness for a good cause -Create activity

    -Create a social network where people can meet, donate and raise money -Improve business and repeat business -Drive traffic Tuesday, 5 February 13
  22. Audience ✤ My audience will mainly be women 16-34 looking

    to pamper themselves. ✤ Businesses looking for a service ✤ Brides Tuesday, 5 February 13
  23. Audience Categories ✤ BROWSERS- want to view the site and

    galleries, might need an artist for the future i.e a bride, scanning for prices. Want easy visual hierarchy and ability to go back to the start, search for information required. ✤ DIRECT REQUEST CLIENTS- want simple and easy navigation to “contact” to speak to someone about their personal request ✤ DIRECT REQUEST, OPEN TO BROWSE- client has come to the site for a purpose, finds their purpose but could be enticed by further information, offers or attractive content. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  24. “Tell uplifting stories of people who have been helped or

    are helping via social media. This emotional connection resonates with audiences and increases giving.” Tuesday, 5 February 13
  25. Good News Stories Browsers and direct request but open to

    browse clients like visual information and navigation Tuesday, 5 February 13
  26. Social Media and Fundraising 6 social media and fundraising tips.

    http://www.nonprofitmarketingguide.com/blog/2012/08/13/how-social-media-and-fundraising-fit-together/ 1. PROJECT-SPECIFIC, SHORT-TERM CAMPAIGNS THAT RAISE MONEY NOW By setting a specific goal (e.g. we need to raise £1500 to buy XYZ), and actively encouraging and empowering your biggest supporters to make it happen by a set deadline, you can raise money via social media using lots of applications available to help you do this. You can also use this approach with “emergency” or “breaking news” fundraising — “this bad thing just happened, and here’s how you can help.” Tuesday, 5 February 13

    MONEY IN THE FUTURE Actively encourage supporters to think about donating their birthdays or other celebrations where guests expect to give gifts. Tuesday, 5 February 13

    MONEY NOW Add fundraising through social media to the event. If event participants get sponsors (e.g. the classic 5K or -thon model), you can make it easier for them to raise that money with social media — and it can make a huge difference in how much they raise. Even if participants don’t get friends to sponsor them, you can still use social media as part of an auction or to collect donations from people who can’t attend. Blackbaud and Event360 are good resources. Tuesday, 5 February 13

    AN INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN TO RAISE MONEY NOW Use the same messaging in social media that you are using when you are asking for donations in direct mail and email. You can also use social media to add a “soft” ask — like signing a petition or a card, or sharing a photo or story — to the “hard” ask for a donation, where supporters follow through on the soft ask via social media. That gives you another opportunity to request a gift. Tuesday, 5 February 13

    social media to stay in touch with the donors you are already have, in a conversational, friendly way. Social media allows you to provide more frequent updates than your newsletter allows. You can also publicly thank them for their support and report back on results their generosity helped produce. You can also use social media to connect donors with other supporters, e.g. creating a Facebook Group for your business or society. Tuesday, 5 February 13

    can also use social media to find and start conversations with people who may someday become major donors. Just like any other kind prospecting, it takes research time and a personal touch to make these connections. Bill Connors, writing at NetWitsThinkTank, says “...major donor fundraising with social media is really just using an online tool to help with an offline process.” Tuesday, 5 February 13
  32. Summary of Research Findings for Online Giving In 2011, online

    giving was up 13% on a year-over-year basis when large International Affairs organisations are removed from the analysis. 54% of the organisations in the analysis experienced results at or above this growth rate. Large organisations grew by 8.6% and medium organisations grew 13.1% in 2011. Smaller nonprofits grew 12.8% compared to the same time period in 2010. When large International Affairs organisations are included in the analysis the growth rate drops to 0.3%. This is because of the tremendous amount of online giving to these organisations in 2010 in response to the Haiti earthquake. Online giving to the entire International Affairs sector was down 55% in 2011. International Affairs is the only sector not experiencing positive growth in 2011. Tuesday, 5 February 13
  33. End-of-year giving continues to account for most of all online

    donations. 34.8% of online giving happened in October, November, and December of 2011. December represented 20.3% of online giving in 2011 and was up on a year-over-year basis. January had a significant decrease in the percentage of online fundraising occurring during the month, dropping from 14.6% in 2010 to 5% in 2011, again illustrating the impact of Haiti relief giving to International nonprofits. End of Year Online Giving- The Best time to Campaign? Tuesday, 5 February 13
  34. Raise Funds. “Organisations can apply to YouTube's Nonprofits program which

    lets users click to donate after watching a video. Movember's own social network MoSpace lets Mo Bros and Sisters donate money, track money by groups, and share giving with their friends. An app is in the works too.” Tuesday, 5 February 13