a single VM with a single global state among all agents on the network. Is it possible to abstract and apply this virtual machine synthesis to a network of any number of agents running any defined network protocol? Can the Ocap model allow interoperation between disparate contracts, functions, and virtual machines, with a programming interface that feels like standard imperative programming.
have launched in recent years to trade cryptocurrencies, fuelled by the dramatic rise in the value of bitcoin and other virtual currencies as well as an explosion of startups funding themselves via “initial coin offerings”. The market value of all cryptocurrencies has soared. However, banks are keeping their distance, worried by fact that cryptocurrencies are commonly used by criminals to trade illicit goods on the “dark web”. ” Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, predicted earlier this month that governments around the world would “crush” bitcoin before long ... https://www.coindesk.com/events/invest-2017/
of the E and Dr. SES distributed object-capability programming languages, inventor of Miller Columns, a pioneer of agoric (market-based secure distributed) computing, an architect of the Xanadu hypertext publishing system, a representative to the EcmaScript committee, and a senior fellow of the Foresight Institute. https://research.google.com/pubs/author35958.html
Billing Administrator • Curated roles ◦ List of permissions: get, list, delete, start, stop, • Custom roles ◦ Policy set: Set of roles and members (if parent policy less restrictive, overrides more restrictive).
video url with youpak. Here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWtDipSSAU8 In the next example, you will not get the country restriction notice. On the link https://www.youpak.com/watch?v=oWtDipSSAU8 It works only by clicking the link; it won't work on an embed.
designates a resource and authorizes some kind of access to it. Capabilities solve “The Confused Deputy” problem in Windows, MacOS, and Unix derived OS Linux, Android, etc. A first class move from ACL (access control lists) by closing the loopholes bad actors are exploiting in e-commerce. Posit smart contract moves to POLA (principle of least authority) . Object capability: Smart contact blockchain capability-based.
of Wiki technologies an influential computer programmer, and leads the new Federated Wiki project. He was previously Nike's first Code for a Better World Fellow and is recognized for coining and defining technical debt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham
systems and programming languages were designed for private networks. Yet commerce now operates over public networks. Work scaling blockchain technologies perhaps proxy for securing crypto-commerce. By addressing process, trust and access. • Smart contracts can enforce procedures within the company. For example, say, ‘user A can only access X document with approval from user B and C’. • In respect to trust, it allows companies to ensure that procedures are being executed in compliance with regulation. • Web developers can implement JavaScript strict-mode now to improve current apps (more object-capabilities slated for ES7).