169.254.27.xxx remote-as 10124 neighbor 169.254.27.xxx activate neighbor 169.254.27.xxx timers 10 30 30 address-family ipv4 unicast neighbor 169.254.27.xxx remote-as 10124 neighbor 169.254.27.xxx timers 10 30 30 neighbor 169.254.27.xxx default-originate →ෆཁͰ͋Εআ neighbor 169.254.27.xxx activate neighbor 169.254.27.xxx soft-reconfiguration inbound ! To advertise additional prefixes to Amazon VPC, copy the 'network' statement ! and identify the prefix you wish to advertise. Make sure the prefix is present ! in the routing table of the device with a valid next-hop. network →ΞυόλΠζ͢ΔϧʔτΛࢦఆʢྫɿnetwork maskʣ