Everyone uses Open Source Software, but not everyone contributes back to the community. Some are scared of being judged on their skill, while others may feel that they have nothing to share. These excuses couldn’t be farther from the truth! Open Source Development, especially in the Swift community, is fun, exciting, and especially welcoming! With 5 years of OSS experience, 7300+ stars on GitHub, over 1.5 million downloads on CocoaPods, and contributions to established projects, like Swift, and the Swift Source Compatibility Suite, Arthur will discuss how contributing has made me a more confident developer, share the lessons learned in the process, and most importantly, convince others that their contributions will better themselves and the community!
He also will talk about how to get involved in open source, and how to contribute to Swift.
This talk was made for CocoaHeads Kyiv #13 which took place Dec 16 2017.