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Techie corner- sep10-15.pdf

September 18, 2012

Techie corner- sep10-15.pdf

Presentation created by Senthil Ganesh Operation Manager and SEO Analyst, Cogzidel Technologies.


September 18, 2012


  1. China targeted on Google and some other American companies to

    spread virus. China made a sophisticated attack on Google. But Google did not accuse china and said its originated from china. Its the reason why Google is out of China. Hackers focus on industrial things so as to steal the things in which they work with. They initially target small companies which are less defensive that is which is vulnerable and then they penetrate deeper in to large companies. The process of attack is the Water Hole Attack
  2. Attacker profiles victims and kind of websites they go to.

    Attacker test the vulnerability When the attacker finds the website that he can compromise, he injects the java script or HTML codes. codes redirect the victim to separate site hosting the exploit code for chosen vulnerability. The compromised website is now waiting to infect the profiled victims with a zero day exploit. Zero Day exploit is something which harm the code with virus without any awareness to the developers. PROCESS BEHIND ATTACK
  3. ESTEEM SECURITY RISKS  Secure data transfer. All of the

    traffic travelling between your network and whatever service you’re accessing in the cloud must traverse the Internet. Make sure your data is always travelling on a secure channel; only connect your browser to the provider via a URL that begins with ”https.”  Make sure. Also, your data should always be encrypted and authenticated using industry standard protocols, such as Internet Protocol security that have been developed specifically for protecting Internet traffic.  Secure software interfaces. The Cloud Security Alliance recommends that you be aware of the software interfaces, or APIs, that are used to interact with cloud services
  4.  Secure stored data. Your data should be securely encrypted

    when it’s on the provider’s servers and while it’s in use by the cloud service. Ask potential cloud providers how they secure your data.  User access control. Data stored on a cloud provider’s server can potentially be accessed by an employee of that company, and you have none of the usual personnel controls over those people & Data separation. Every cloud-based service shares resources, namely space on the provider’s servers and other parts of the provider’s infrastructure. Hypervisor software is used to create virtual containers on the provider’s hardware for each of its customers. But CSA notes that ”attacks have surfaced in recent years that target the shared technology inside Cloud Computing environments.” So, investigate the compartmentalization techniques, such as data encryption, the provider uses to prevent access into your virtual container by other customers.
  5. PRINCIPLES UNDERLIE THE AGILE MANIFESTO -Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery

    of useful software Welcome changing requirements, even late in development Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months) Working software is the principle measure of progress Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace Close, daily co-operation between business people and developers Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co- location) Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design Simplicity- The art of maximizing the amount of work not done .
  6. CURIOSITY ROVER It is a car sized robotic rover as

    a part of Nasa's Mars Science Laboratory. Launched on Nov 26, 2011 Landed in the mars on Aug 6, 2012 Goals: Investigate the climate and geology Role of water Habits of planets
  7. Power source : RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) It have a

    two identical on-board rover computers -> Rover Computer Element Communicated the earth by using the Xband Transmitter and receiver. It has a 17camers. These cameras have an auto focus capability. Each camera has a 8GB memory, which capable of storing 5,500 images. This is a fourth Rover 1st rover -> Sojourner Rover 2nd rover -> Spirit Rover 3rd rover -> Opportunity Rover 4th rover -> Curiosity Rover Comparision among previous Rovers: Previous Rovers active when landing. Curiosity Rover active when touching the surface of the mars.

    technology that is Intel's fourth generation processor, which is expected to replace Intel's current third generation processor in desktops and laptops 2. The Third Generation processor are called as ivy bridge and second generation processors are called sandy bridge. 3. This sandy bridge processors are introduced at the start of 2011. 4. The disadvantage of sandy bridge is it has more number of delays. 5. So, Due to the number of delays, Intel third generation processors arrival in April 2012.
  9. 6. After that ivy bridge uses some new technologies. 7.

    In order to achieve the reduction in ivy bridge die size, intel developed a new kind of 3D Tri-gate transistor. 8. IVY bridge processor having better integrated graphics. 9. Even though its having better graphics it doesn't support some games like Max payne3, Batman : ark ham city. 10. Now, the power savings will be obtained in a number of ways for Haswell processors. 11. Beginning with the new graphical system, Intel expects Haswell's graphics to be twice that of ivy bridge at the same power level.
  10. FEATURES OF I-PHONE 5  Apple’s next Iphone is official,

    and despite being the sixth Iphone model (technically), we know it’s officially the iPhone 5. Iphone 5 is 18 percent thinner (0.30 inch vs. 0.37 inch thick) than the iPhone 4S.  Apple says it's the thinnest handset around, but that's a race that changes often. That means it's also 20 percent lighter for a total of 3.95 ounces. The Retina Display expands from 3.5 inches (its size since the original Iphone) to 4 inches.  Apple also promises that wide-screen movies will look better, with 44 percent more color saturation than on the Iphone 4S.  Touch sensors are now built into the display itself, which makes it 30 percent thinner as a result and less prone to glare.  Iphone 5 will support 4G LTE networks. That's in addition to the current support for GPRS, EDGE, EV-DO, and HSPA data networks.
  11. LTE has a single chip for voice and data, a

    single radio chip, and a "dynamic antenna" that will switch connections between different networks automatically. The Iphone 5 gets an additional microphone for a total of three. ( front, rear and bottom) The speaker now has five magnets (so up from two), which is apparently better and it's supposed to use 20 percent less space. Inside, the Iphone 5 will debut with iOS 6 already onboard. The Iphone 5 will be available in three capacity models, all of which will come in black and white versions. The 16GB is $199, the 32GB $299, and the 64GB $399. On September 21, it will go on sale in nine countries: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
  12. SPECIAL THANKS TO PERSONS:  Miss Vishnu Priya-presented “Google Attacks”

     Mr Senthilganesh-presented “Top Security risks in cloud computing”  Mr Venkatesh-presented “Software Engineering-Agile Manifesto”  Mr Kalidass-presented “Curiosity Rover”  Mr Boominadha Prakash-presented “Intel Haswell Fourth Generation Processor”  Miss Meenal presented-“The Features of Iphone 5”
  13. PRESENTATION PREPARED BY L.Senthil Ganesh -Operation Manager and SEO Analyst

    Special Thanks to All cogzians especially to our CEO, COO, CTO and DIRECTOR for their support and Guidance. PING ME Mobile : 09751963916 Email id : [email protected] Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/senthilganeshl Skype : toprayistowork