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Techie corner- sep17-21.pdf

September 27, 2012

Techie corner- sep17-21.pdf

Presentation created by Senthil Ganesh Operation Manager and SEO Analyst, Cogzidel Technologies


September 27, 2012


  1.  SixthSense is a wearable gestural interface that augments the

    physical world around us with digital information.  Technology that plays with Human gestures to make the world more interactive and workflow much easier.  Pranav Mistry, of Indian origin, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab is the mastermind behind the sixthsense technology. WHY SIXTH SENSE?  Hereby Physical world is painted with the digital information.  You can carry your digital world with you wherever you go.  You can start with any wall or any surface as an interface even your palm.
  2. APPLICATIONS:  Check the time just by drawing a circle

    on the wrist.  Watch related videos on the newspaper articles you are reading.  To make a call, virtual keypad is shown on your palm.  Get product information by using image recognition technology.  Get book reviews, ratings & other relevant information.  Get flight updates regarding timing of the flight.  Projects relevant information regarding a person.  Click pictures just by forming “framing gesture”.
  3. • Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders

    with information about the quality of the product or service under test. • Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. • Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). WHAT ARE THE TESTING LEVELS?  Unit testing  Integration Testing  System Testing  System Integration Testing  Top Down Testing  Bottom Up Testing
  4. The efficient testing Methods • Static vs. dynamic testing •

    There are many approaches to software testing. Reviews, walkthroughs, or inspections are referred to as static testing, whereas actually executing programmed code with a given set of test cases is referred to as dynamic testing. • White-box testing • White box testing- tests internal structures or workings of a program, as opposed to the functionality exposed to the end-user. • Black-box testing • Treats the software as a "black box", examining functionality without any knowledge of internal implementation. • Grey Box testing • Combination of block box and white box testing
  5.  If the name Mozilla rings any bells it's because

    they're the tech boffins who put together Internet Explorer, the browser that Windows defaults to. Mozilla took the leviathan computing company on with its Firefox browser, and today it stands as the second most popular browser worldwide.  Now the company who was underdog to Microsoft looks to be playing the same role, but this time against internet mogul Google.  Announced on the Mozilla discussion forum, Mozilla have begun coding for phones and tablets. The BBC revealed the mobile operating system will draw on Android code, with Mozilla writing as much fresh code as possible. The hybrid-like operating system will be named Boot To Gecko.  It is an unusual name for an OS, until you remember Gecko is the rendering engine employed by the Firefox browser that interprets web page coding and displays it in a screen-friendly format, a homage to its origins.  Even though Android coding will form the operating system's foundations, Mozilla hope to add a much more open wrapper around it than Google currently do, making it more versatile as an operating system.
  6.  Its shared foundations will also make Boot To Gecko

    compatible with the same phones as Android, competing as a direct alternative to Google.  Often, when you select a link from an application native to the Android or iOS market, the operating system will have to open a new webpage in the browser. Boot To Gecko aims to limit this by making applications much more web-centric.  If the venture proves successful, Mozilla will be waging war against industry giants, with Google, Apple and Microsoft dominating many facets of the technological world.  Mozilla have acknowledged the project is in infancy and have chosen to make the development public in hope it will attract talented enthusiast coders who will contribute to the Boot To Gecko's cause.  According to their project team, all of the code development will be completed and shared with the public as soon as it is written.  Researcher Andreas Gal, who announced the development, admits the company has set a high target, but wants to do it "the way we think open source should be done.  Gal says his ultimate goal is to break "the stranglehold of proprietary technologies over the mobile device world," implicitly referring to the practices of Apple, Windows Phone and Google.
  7.  Combustion is a Digital Video Compositor.  Combustion Developers

    is Auto desk Media and Entertainment.  It is released in 2008.  Open Source: Blender, Jahshaka, Open shot video Editor, Cinelerra.  Combustion is the Newest Version of Auto desk's.  Combustion is a Visual Effects and Com-positing Software Tool.  Combustion is a Computer Program " for motion graphics, Com-positing and Visual Effects".  The Software retails for US $995 (Mac Minute, 2004).
  8.  It is Commonly likened to Adobe's After Effects and

    Share a timeline based interface with Auto desk's high-end com-positing systems infeno, Flame and flint.  This is in contrast to the node based interface used by some other com-positing applications.  The release of version 2, Combustion includes both node view and time line views.  It has Since been replaced by Toxik, which is now called Composite.  Operating System is - Windows, Max OS.
  9.  Miss Kaushalya- Presented “Sixth Sense Technology”.  Miss Catherine

    Jenifer- Presented “Software Testing”.  Mr Balaji- Presented “Mozilla entering the Mobile race”.  Mrs Suseendra Devi- Presented “Combustion”.
  10. PRESENTATION PREPARED BY L.Senthil Ganesh -Operation Manager and SEO Analyst

    Special Thanks to All cogzians, who made this Techie session more interactive and Informative. PING ME Mobile : 09751963916 Email id : [email protected] Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/senthilganeshl Skype : toprayistowork