I gave this lightning talk at Code & Supply's Engineering Management first working group meeting on Building Job Descriptions (https://www.meetup.com/Pittsburgh-Code-Supply/events/250358603/). It was a series of talks followed by a roundtable discussion.
This is not necessarily a technical talk. I've used this approach to hire for non-profit boards and friends in other industries have since used it successfully, too.
High points:
* Select for capabilities, not years of experience
* Set expectations divided into four categories:
** Things the candidate needs to know when they walk in the door
** Things the candidate will be doing when they walk in the door
** Nice-to-have familiarities that you're willing to train on
** Things the candidate could be interested in, in order to show the future direction
* Beware of spending too much time looking for unicorns
* Beware of hiring a Unicron, that just eats everything and doesn't help anyone
* The best unicorns are the ones you built.