This presentation from FOWA 2011 covers how to use the browser stack, especially HTML5 technologies, to prototype new features and answer questions about ideas with single page prototypes.
Apple produces 10 pixel-perfect prototypes for each feature. They compete — and are winnowed down to three, then one, resulting in a highly evolved winner. Because Apple knows the more you compete inside, the less you'll have to compete outside. - Adrian Slywotsky Steve Jobs and the Eureka Myth Harvard Business Review
video create a smoother experience? • Would providing more information at the end of a video help users transition between videos? • Should the next video play automatically? • Would users give us a rating at the end of a video if we made that available?
Does it make people smile? • Do users like automatically jumping to the next video? • Do users end up rating the videos? • Does the end of video overlay cause any confusion? • Should we add keyboard shortcuts for play/pause and navigating videos? • Should the videos autoplay?
Answer: Was pleasantly surprised with the next previous buttons. 2 things on that however. I hit next before watching to the end of a video and when I went back to it it didn't save my spot. Also, the button outline looks degraded.
the end of each video? Answer: The rating was good, and did give a rating but looking at the count down timer I felt like I had to rush and make a selection.
prototype? What made you smile? Answer: The moving from video to video with the previous/next buttons. And Nick just always makes me smile. He is a great teacher.