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DevOps for Leaders

DevOps for Leaders

Two things are important today: speed and talents. DevOps is a collaboration model to become faster and faster and faster. To introduce DevOps you will need talents - and everybody knows: talents only stay in organizations with really great leaderships.

The talk was held at the Delivery of Things conference in Berlin (2016/04/25, http://deliveryofthingsworld.com/en/).


April 29, 2016

More Decks by competence.wtf

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  1. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y good

    old times money & access your USP > 50y half-life
  2. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years dev time
  3. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years passion survive drive for workers
  4. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years passion I am part survive I follow attitude
  5. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years passion I am part break rules survive I follow clear roles processes
  6. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years passion I am part break rules enable & coach survive I follow clear roles command & control managers
  7. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years product culture passion I am part break rules enable & coach survive I follow clear roles command & control
  8. now and hopefully the future ideas ubiquitous < 5y weeks

    or months good old times money & access your USP > 50y years product culture passion I am part break rules enable & coach survive I follow clear roles command & control speed talents tracer-bullets feedback loop continuous improvement entrepreneurship ideas passion
  9. 85% of your financial success is due to your personality

    and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. Shockingly, only 15% is due to technical knowledge. Carnegie Institute of Technology
  10. WHAT CAN DEVOPS LEARN FROM Dev OPS Stephen Burton, Tech

    Evangelist @BurtonSays search for „qcon london 2012 formula“
  11. “DevOps is about being agile, and going from A-Ha to

    Cha Ching as quickly as possible.” John Willis, DevOps Evangelist
  12. A deployment should be so easy that a new employee

    should be able to deploy on the first day. “
  13. Every recurring task should be so easy that your dog

    should be able to perform it on the first day. “
  14. If you can’t get the C, don’t bother with A,

    the M and the S. “ John Willis
  15. w/ culture w/o culture sharing automation measurement „I can’t code

    - it’s the developers task to automate“ „Everybody automates and I help wherever it is needed“ „I measure to make sure it’s not my fault“ „I want to measure the overall performance of our responsibility“ „I just share with my people“ „I want to know how the others are working“
  16. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process values &

    targets clear cut team building goal? now? top down & bottom up
  17. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process define values

    & targets time & space clear cut team building top down &
  18. leader continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process define values &

    targets give time & space performance will go down too early cle
  19. continuous improvement cannot define process define values & targets give

    time & space performance will go down don’t start measuring too early
  20. cannot define values & targets give time & space performance

    will go down don’t start measuring too early
  21. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process values &

    targets clear cut team building goal? now? top down & bottom up
  22. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process values &

    targets clear cut team building goal? now? top down & bottom up
  23. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process ne s

    & ts clear cut team building goal? now? what to improve first? top down & bottom up
  24. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process values &

    targets clear cut team building goal? now? top down & bottom up
  25. leader ship continuous improvement responsibility cannot define process values &

    targets clear cut team building goal? now? top down & bottom up
  26. the journey is never over continuous improvement must be practiced

    all the time it´s all about collaboration common responsibility is a must-have
  27. the journey is never over continuous improvement must be practiced

    all the time it´s all about collaboration common responsibility is a must-have culture is the key
  28. it is a lot of work improvement knowledge reliability response

    capability KPIs will evolve do the right thing do things right identity responsibility pair programming pair operating tooling post mortems KPIs priorities trust one mindset togetherness we how to improve talking early involvement
  29. sources http://capl.washjeff.edu/2/l/4069.jpg http://media0.webgarden.es/images/media0:4df37bbac9b88.jpg/redbull-rb5-wallpaper-f1- car-2009-16.jpg http://www.motorsportblog.it/post/60215/f1-fia-conferma-gli-interventi-di-sicurezza-ai-box- dallhungaroring https://en.wiki2.org/wiki/Network_topology#/media/File:Internet_map_1024.jpg http://zkm.de/en/artwork/zuse-z22 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/18/technology/mobile-carriers-warn-of-spectrum-crisis-others- see-hyperbole.html?_r=0

    http://hype.my/2015/44079/redbull-infiniti-red-bull-racing-flags-off-2015-season/ http://www.f1fanatic.co.uk/2010/11/18/drivers-and-teams-end-of-season-photographs/f1-grand- prix-of-abu-dhabi-race-18/ https://pixabay.com/de/datenbank-zylinder-metallischen-304970/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_steam_engine#/media/File:TMW_676_- _Steam_engine_with_oscillating_cylinders.jpg http://www.f1fanatic.co.uk/2010/11/14/picture-gallery-abu-dhabi-grand-prix/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hewlett-Packard#/media/File:HP_garage_front.JPG