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Introduction to Remote Working for New Graduates

Introduction to Remote Working for New Graduates

Sinan Küfeoğlu'nun "Emerging Technologies and Value Creation in Smart Cities" dersinde konuk olarak katılıp, üniversite öğrencileri ve yeni mezunlarına uzaktan çalışmatı (Remote Working) tanıtan bir online sunum yaptım.
Sinan hocama ve öğrencilerine tekrardan teşekkür ederim :)
Sunum videosunu izlemek için: https://youtu.be/8b7jrDOV9g4

Cagri Sarigoz

April 29, 2020

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  1. @cagrisarigoz About Çağrı Sarıgöz Product Person & Podcaster with 10+

    years of experience in IT, Defense Industry, and Public Sector. BS at Boğaziçi EE & MS at ODTÜ MEM 4+ years of Remote Work Experience Currently works at ASELSAN as a technical PM
  2. @cagrisarigoz What is Remote Working? Remote work is a working

    style that allows professionals to work outside of a traditional office environment.
  3. @cagrisarigoz Remote Work: Pros Employee benefits: - A better work-life

    balance - Health benefits: diet, hygiene - No commute Employer benefits: - Massively increased talent pool - Loyalty and engagement - Increase in employee productivity - Cutting costs
  4. @cagrisarigoz Your Remote Story? You can start your remote work

    journey today: - Learn more about remote work - Target: Look for remote internship / job opportunities - Be part of: Join remote workers’ online communities
  5. @cagrisarigoz Learn more about remote work - AngelList Weekly: https://angel.co/newsletters

    - Buffer Remote Work Blog: https://open.buffer.com/category/remote-work/ - Rework podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5JxcIaIkN8zx3Zy7yD9snv - 21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mEEmEx73dUrZfeao7IdxD - Rodolphe Dutel, Founder at Remotive: https://twitter.com/rdutel - David Heinemeier Hansson, Co-founder at Basecamp: https://twitter.com/dhh
  6. @cagrisarigoz Look for remote internship / job opportunities AngelList Remote

    Jobs: https://angel.co/remote - Mostly startup jobs - Lots of internship opportunity - Great platform to connect with startup founders & startup workers
  7. @cagrisarigoz Look for remote internship / job opportunities Acadium: https://acadium.com/

    - Helps students improve their digital marketing skills and land remote “apprenticeships”. - Students are not paid but the employers pay the platform to recruit their interns - Getting hired is also possible
  8. @cagrisarigoz Look for remote internship / job opportunities Some other

    popular remote job listing sites: - Remotive Jobs: https://remotive.io/remote-jobs - We Work Remotely: https://weworkremotely.com/ - Remote OK: https://remoteok.io/ - Toptal: https://www.toptal.com/ - Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/ - Crossover: https://www.crossover.com/
  9. @cagrisarigoz Join remote workers’ online communities If you are really

    into remote work, you can spend some money on being close to remote workers: - Remotive: https://remotive.io/community - 1.5K members - My favorite place for remote work. Friendly, nice people - Nomad List: https://nomadlist.com/ - 2.8K members. I’ve found my first remote job here :) - More dispersed over the globe - My profile: https://nomadlist.com/@cagrisarigoz
  10. @cagrisarigoz Let’s Connect! - Q&A Any questions? LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cagrisarigoz/ Twitter:

    https://twitter.com/cagrisarigoz Podcast: https://cagrisarigoz.com/podcast/ Email: merhaba@cagrisarigoz.com
  11. @cagrisarigoz References & Resources - https://www.slideshare.net/theproductguy/working-remotely-58636459 - http://slides.com/tdzifa/remotework/ - https://cagrisarigoz.com/2020/03/17/uzaktan-remote-freelance-is-bulma/

    - https://cagrisarigoz.com/2018/01/19/uzaktan-calisma-remote-working/ - https://weworkremotely.com/college-students-ditch-the-free-internships-and-start- working-remotely-part-time-now - https://airtable.com/shrISyCrp2kqqenvU/tblyOLIMfA7rYs9Qa/viwi57WGppci47meP ?blocks=hide - https://toggl.com/out-of-office-why-go-remote/ - https://callhippo.com/technology/remote-work-pros-cons - https://usefyi.com/future-of-remote-work/