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Introduction to Remote Working for Digital Mark...

Introduction to Remote Working for Digital Marketers

Levent Aşkan'ın düzenlediği Online Marketing eğitimlerinin sonuncusunda yaptığım sunum.

Cagri Sarigoz

May 10, 2020

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  1. @cagrisarigoz About Çağrı Sarıgöz Product Person & Podcaster with 10+

    years of experience in IT, Defense Industry, and Public Sector. BS at Boğaziçi EE & MS at ODTÜ MEM 4+ years of Remote Work Experience Currently works at ASELSAN as a technical PM
  2. @cagrisarigoz What is Remote Working? Remote work is a working

    style that allows professionals to work outside of a traditional office environment.
  3. @cagrisarigoz Remote Work: Pros Employee benefits: - A better work-life

    balance - Health benefits: diet, hygiene - No commute Employer benefits: - Massively increased talent pool - Loyalty and engagement - Increase in employee productivity - Cutting costs
  4. @cagrisarigoz Your Remote Story? You can start your remote work

    journey today: - Learn more about remote work - Target: Look for remote internship / job opportunities - Be part of: Join remote workers’ online communities - Be efficient: Build your own Remote Digital Marketer’s toolkit
  5. @cagrisarigoz Learn more about remote work - AngelList Weekly: https://angel.co/newsletters

    - Buffer Remote Work Blog: https://open.buffer.com/category/remote-work/ - Rework podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5JxcIaIkN8zx3Zy7yD9snv - 21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mEEmEx73dUrZfeao7IdxD - Rodolphe Dutel, Founder at Remotive: https://twitter.com/rdutel - David Heinemeier Hansson, Co-founder at Basecamp: https://twitter.com/dhh
  6. @cagrisarigoz Remote Digital Marketer’s Superpowers - Over-communicator - Flexible: be

    open to freelance, part-time or full-time work - Especially at the beginning of your career - Reliable: always be present, whatever the circumstances are - Has the right set of tools (more on that on following slides) - Consistent: It might take a while to find the remote job of your dreams. Be there and do the hard work until you get it
  7. @cagrisarigoz Look for remote internship / job opportunities AngelList Remote

    Jobs: https://angel.co/remote - Mostly startup jobs - Lots of internship opportunity - Great platform to connect with startup founders & startup workers
  8. @cagrisarigoz Look for remote internship / job opportunities Acadium: https://acadium.com/

    - Helps students improve their digital marketing skills and land remote “apprenticeships”. - Students are not paid but the employers pay the platform to recruit their interns - Getting hired is also possible
  9. @cagrisarigoz Look for remote internship / job opportunities Some other

    popular remote job listing sites for digital marketers: - Remotive Jobs: https://remotive.io/remote-jobs - We Work Remotely: https://weworkremotely.com/ - Remote OK: https://remoteok.io/ - Indeed: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?l=remote&remotejob=1 - Hubstaff Talent: https://talent.hubstaff.com/search/jobs - Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/
  10. @cagrisarigoz Landing a Remote Marketing Job There are lots to

    say here, so I just leave some references to check out: - The 8 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Applying For a Remote Job: https://doist.com/blog/remote-job-application-advice/ - 5 Little-Known Hacks for Finding Remote Work: https://blog.hubstaff.com/hacks-find-remote-jobs/
  11. @cagrisarigoz Join remote workers’ online communities If you are really

    into remote work, you can spend some money on being close to remote workers: - Remotive: https://remotive.io/community - 1.5K members - My favorite place for remote work. Friendly, nice people - Nomad List: https://nomadlist.com/ - 2.8K members. I’ve found my first remote job here :) - More dispersed over the globe - My profile: https://nomadlist.com/@cagrisarigoz
  12. @cagrisarigoz Remote Digital Marketer’s Toolkit - Mobile hotspots - Team

    chat apps: Slack, Discord, etc. - Video conferencing apps: Zoom, Google Hangouts, Slack - Online office suites: G Suite (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) - A must have for a remote digital marketer! - Cloud storage: Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. - To-do list apps - Project management software - Note-taking apps - Whiteboard and mind mapping tools - Miro, Coggle, etc. - Focus apps Reference: https://zapier.com/learn/remote-work/productivity-apps-remote-work/
  13. @cagrisarigoz Let’s Connect! - Q&A Any questions? LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cagrisarigoz/ Twitter:

    https://twitter.com/cagrisarigoz Podcast: https://cagrisarigoz.com/podcast/ Email: merhaba@cagrisarigoz.com
  14. @cagrisarigoz References & Resources - https://www.slideshare.net/theproductguy/working-remotely-58636459 - http://slides.com/tdzifa/remotework/ - https://cagrisarigoz.com/2020/03/17/uzaktan-remote-freelance-is-bulma/

    - https://cagrisarigoz.com/2018/01/19/uzaktan-calisma-remote-working/ - https://weworkremotely.com/college-students-ditch-the-free-internships-and-start- working-remotely-part-time-now - https://airtable.com/shrISyCrp2kqqenvU/tblyOLIMfA7rYs9Qa/viwi57WGppci47meP ?blocks=hide - https://toggl.com/out-of-office-why-go-remote/ - https://callhippo.com/technology/remote-work-pros-cons - https://usefyi.com/future-of-remote-work/ - https://zapier.com/learn/remote-work/productivity-apps-remote-work/