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Customer-centric Businesses Need Support Operat...

Customer-centric Businesses Need Support Operations

Craig Stoss

October 28, 2022

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  1. 01 Support Ops The Value of Support Operations Examples How

    are these applied in practice? Customer Needs How do we meet them? 02 03
  2. 1. Customers don’t always know what they want 2. But

    they do know what the struggle with

    how do we do this if they don’t know what they want?
  4. Use the Customer as the Signal Instead of asking them

    what they want, infer it from what they tell already do or say
  5. - Mathew Patterson, HelpScout “The Support Operations team is responsible

    for helping a company’s support team be more productive, work more effectively, and deliver better service to their customers. The primary job ... is to create an environment for the support team in which they can do their best work and not be distracted or delayed by problems with tooling, processes, or logistics. … Support Operations team works with … the support team themselves, customer service leaders, and senior company management.”
  6. - Mathew Patterson, HelpScout - Edited by Craig Stoss “The

    Support Operations team is responsible for helping a company’s support team be more productive, work more effectively, and deliver better service to their customers. The primary job ... is to create an environment for the support team in which they can do their best work and not be distracted or delayed by problems with tooling, processes, or logistics. … Support Operations team works with … the support team themselves, customer service leaders, and senior company management.”
  7. Value of Support Ops Internal • Providing higher context •

    Frictionless support • Better products • Increased automation and proactivity External • Guide customers • Help them before they even know they need it • Offer customized experiences • Increase NPS Customer Support is a Value Center and Support Operations unleashes that value
  8. Service • Support Channels • First Response • Handle Time

    • CSAT • Categorization Value • Proactive • Preventative • Real-time • Supportability • Coaching • Trending Service vs Value
  9. Start with Low Investment Who? ◦ Career path for a

    Senior Agent ◦ Existing Leader ◦ In-house data team When? ◦ Now! What? ◦ Select one or more Support Ops use cases ◦ Research and recommend improvements ◦ Execute Change ◦ Measure Impact Why? ◦ To realize the ROI of a Support Ops Initiative
  10. The Data to Improve is Likely Already Available In SaaS

    and IoT especially, data is abundant, but not utilized
  11. Questions to Answer Today ◦ What widget causes the most

    support contacts? ◦ What factors correlate to ticket escalation? ◦ Which performance factors do your customers value most from your service? ◦ What in your tech stack integrates to improve your support value? ◦ What ticket types costs the most to support? ◦ Where are your customer, or your support agents, wasting clicks?
  12. Basic First Steps 1. Research ◦ Does the data it

    exist today? ◦ Who owns the data? ◦ Interview/Shadow (Customers or Agents) 2. Gather ◦ Google Sheets ◦ Looker 3. Cross reference ◦ Customer size/age/spend/vertical ◦ Product area ◦ Cost or Impact 4. Analyze, trend, and explain 5. Recommend change
  13. A Couple Notes • Support Ops isn’t only about data

    • As you scale, tools can take over much of the manual actions • Don’t get caught up in the title: ◦ Support Operations is any task that improves your company using support data
  14. Customer Centric Businesses Require Dedicated People to Improving Support Value

    Across the Business Those Dedicated People are Support Operations