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Puppet For Developers

Puppet For Developers

How to not fuck off your future sysadmin - a whirlwind tour of puppet and how to start automating your server configuration.

Daniel Knell

February 18, 2013

More Decks by Daniel Knell

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Resources package { "nodejs": ensure => present } file {

    "/etc/motd": ensure => present, content => "HELLO!" } service { "redis-server": ensure => running }
  2. Variables $greeting = "HELLO" $ensure = present file { "/etc/motd":

    ensure => $ensure, content => "${greeting} WORLD!" }
  3. Classes class nodejs ($ensure = present) { package { "nodejs":

    ensure => $ensure } } class { "nodejs": ensure => present } include nodejs
  4. Nodes node "www.example.com" { include nodejs } node "www01.example.com", "www02.example.com",

    "www03.example.com" { include nodejs } node /^www\d+\.example\.com/ { include nodejs } node "default" { include nodejs }
  5. Facter $ facter architecture => x86_64 domain => local facterversion

    => 1.6.17 fqdn => Obsidian.local hardwareisa => i386 hardwaremodel => x86_64 hostname => Obsidian id => daniel interfaces => lo0,gif0,stf0,en0,p2p0,vboxnet0,vboxnet1,utun1,utun0 ipaddress => ipaddress6 => fd29:252f:ec95:f2ff:f4ba:3854:6dd:ea40 ipaddress_en0 => ipaddress_lo0 => ipaddress_vboxnet0 => ipaddress_vboxnet1 => is_virtual => false kernel => Darwin kernelmajversion => 12.2 kernelrelease => 12.2.1 kernelversion => 12.2.1
  6. Facts class custom_motd { file { "/etc/motd": ensure => present,

    content => "Welcome to ${::hostname}!" } }
  7. Files # /etc/puppet/modules/custom_motd/manifests/init.pp class custom_motd { file { "/etc/motd": ensure

    => present, source => "puppet:///custom_motd/motd" } } # /etc/puppet/modules/custom_motd/files/motd Hello!
  8. Templates # /etc/puppet/modules/custom_motd/manifests/init.pp class custom_motd { file { "/etc/motd": ensure

    => present, content => template("custom_motd/motd.erb") } } # /etc/puppet/modules/custom_motd/templates/motd.erb Welcome to <%= @hostname %>!
  9. Custom Resource Types # /etc/puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/site.pp define nginx::site ( $aliases )

    { file { "/etc/nginx/conf/sites/${name}": ensure => present, content => template("nginx/site.erb") } file { "/var/www/${name}": ensure => directory } } # /etc/puppet/modules/websites/manifests/example.pp class websites::example { nginx::site { "www.example.com": aliases => [ "example.com" ] } }
  10. RSpec Puppet # /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/spec/classes/ntp_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' describe 'ntp', :type =>

    :class do it { should include_class('ntp') } it do should contain_file('ntp::config').with({ :ensure => 'present', :path => '/etc/ntp.conf' }) end context "with ensure => absent" do let(:params) { {:ensure => 'absent'} } it { should contain_package('ntp').with_ensure('absent') } it { should_not contain_service('ntp') } it { should contain_file('ntp::config').with_ensure('absent') } end end
  11. RSpec Puppet $ rake spec /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/1.9.3-p286/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/classes/ ntp_spec.rb

    ....F...................................................................... Failures: 1) ntp with discard => 'average 3 minimum 1' Failure/Error: it { should contain_file('ntp::config').with_content(content) } expected that the catalogue would contain File[ntp::config] with content matching `/discard average 3 minimum 1\n/` but its value of `"discard !!BROKEN!! average 3 minimum 1\n"` does not # ./spec/classes/ntp_spec.rb:30:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>' Finished in 3.54 seconds 75 examples, 1 failure Failed examples: rspec ./spec/classes/ntp_spec.rb:30 # ntp with discard => 'average 3 minimum 1'
  12. • redis/ • manifests/ • init.pp • files/ • config

    • spec/ • classes/ • redis_spec.rb • spec_helper.rb Module
  13. Manifest # modules/redis/manifests/init.pp class redis { package { ‘redis-server’: ensure

    => present } file { ‘/etc/redis.conf’: ensure => present, source => ‘puppet:///redis/config’, require => Package[‘redis-server’], notify => Service[‘redis-server’] } service { ‘redis-server’: ensure => running require => File[‘/etc/redis.conf’] } }
  14. Spec # /etc/puppet/modules/redis/spec/classes/redis_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' describe 'ntp', :type => :class

    do it { should include_class('ntp') } it do should contain_package('redis-server').with({ :ensure => 'present' }) end it do should contain_file('/etc/redis.config').with({ :ensure => 'present', :source => 'puppet:///redis/config' }) end it do should contain_service('redis-server').with({ :ensure => 'running' }) end end
  15. Spec Helper # /etc/puppet/modules/redis/spec/spec_helper.rb require 'rspec-puppet' fixture_path = File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '..',

    'fixtures')) RSpec.configure do |c| c.module_path = File.join(fixture_path, 'modules') c.manifest_dir = File.join(fixture_path, 'manifests') end
  16. File # Redis configuration file example # Note on units:

    when memory size is needed, it is possible to specify # it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth: # # 1k => 1000 bytes # 1kb => 1024 bytes # 1m => 1000000 bytes # 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes # 1g => 1000000000 bytes # 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes # # units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same. # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it. # Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized. daemonize no # When running daemonized, Redis writes a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid by # default. You can specify a custom pid file location here.
  17. Links • Puppet Labs - http://puppetlabs.com/ • Hiera - http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/hiera

    • Librarian Puppet - http://librarian-puppet.com/ • Puppet Forge - http://forge.puppetlabs.com/ • Puppet Lint - http://puppet-lint.com/ • RSpec Puppet - http://rspec-puppet.com/ • Vagrant - http://vagrantup.com/ • Boxen - http://boxen.github.com/