a family of methods for simplifying difficult computation problems by drawing random numbers. • These numbers are drawn from known probability distributions and are used both directly in formulas and to make decisions.
numbers can be drawn as input to some calculation – Often, the inputs to the calculation will obey some probability distribution. • Making Decisions – We can make decisions by drawing a random number between 0 and 1 and comparing it to a probability of a given outcome.
random number generator for MC methods are different than in other cases, such as cryptography. • It is generally unimportant for subsequent numbers in the sequence to be unguessable from a sample of previous numbers. • It is recommended to seed the RNG with a constant value during debugging to make results reproducible.
of the curve from -1 to 1. • Since we know that we can compare the result of the Monte Carlo with the known value. • We draw random numbers in the range of -1 to 1 for x and 0 to 1 for y and check whether y is greater or less than (1 – x^2).
function of a bunch of inputs, we can calculate the error on the output value with a Monte Carlo selection of input values. • The example on the right is from my dissertation, showing the variation of the final result with variation of 18 input parameters.
particle which is unstable. • From the Particle Data Group (pdg.lbl.gov), we see that its mean lifetime is 2.20 µs. • From this, we can derive a probability that the decay occurs in a given time interval, and propagate simulated muons through a series of time steps with Monte Carlo decision making to attempt to reproduce the decay curve.
of a particle beam with simple interactions. • There is an idealized detector which accumulates deposited energy. • The basic method involves randomly selecting initial conditions, then stepping along the particle path making random decisions about the different interaction types. • The annotated source code can be found in the repository.
the use of randomness. • The main uses for the random numbers are as inputs to calculations or to make decisions. • Randomly sampling high dimension spaces is much faster than a comparable deterministic calculation. • Simulations using Monte Carlo decision making can simulate systems with a wide variety of possible interactions.