with JavaScript Server-side JavaScript platform built on Google V8 engine What JavaScript has done for the webbrowser, Node.js is doing for the backend server http://nodejs.org
is the language of choice for high performance, low latency applications and has been powering everything from robots to API engines to cloud stacks to mobile web sites. Node.js Advisory Board - October 23, 2014
written in JavaScript, written in JavaScript, will will eventually be written in eventually be written in JavaScript JavaScript Atwood's Law http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-principle-of-least-power/
feature competes with Google V8 ECMAScript 5.1 compatible (ES6/ES2015 with Java 9) Seamless interoperability of Java and JavaScript Shell Scripting Language and API Extensions http://openjdk.java.net/projects/nashorn/ closures, collections & for each, multi-line string literals, string interpolation, __noSuchProperty__, __noSuchMethod__, typed arrays, binding properties, error extensions, conditional catch clause, String functions, and many, many more...
and focus our efforts, and believe the Node.js Foundation has an important role to play in helping to make Node.js successful, as well as the developers using the technology to deploy Node.js applications. We look forward to working alongside our colleagues in the Foundation to help guide the project in the future. Rich Sharples, senior director, Product Management, Red Hat https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/red-hat-joins-nodejs-foundation
Node.js is very popular Operations, monitoring and integration lacks JVM is Enterprise environment of choice (and all the above lacks are already solved) Run JavaScript on the JVM thanks to invokedynamic (Nashorn, DynJS) Re-use your infrastructures and libraries with Node.js Nodyn from Red Hat Re-use of Node API module, integration of Netty and Vert.x Process-bindings in Java/JavaScript Embed Node.js apps into your Java applications Run Node.js apps in distributed environments