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Building a global startup with Cassandra

Dave Gardner
September 12, 2014

Building a global startup with Cassandra

Slides from my talk at the Cassandra Summit 2014 about our journey at Hailo from a monolithic application and DB to a distributed application and DB. Lots of information about our Go and Java microservice architecture and the process and challenges of migration.

Dave Gardner

September 12, 2014

More Decks by Dave Gardner

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  1. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 London Launch North America Launch Atlanta Launch Introduction of

    C* November 2011 September 2012 March 2014 Ireland Migration August C* only cities launched MySQL primary storage C* adoption timeline
  2. PHP Cust API eu-west-1 PHP Driver API Java Hailo Engine

    MySQL PHP Driver API PHP Driver API PHP Cust API PHP Cust API Load Balancer Load Balancer MySQL Redis H1
  3. PHP Cust API eu-west-1 Java Hailo Engine MySQL PHP Driver

    API PHP Cust API PHP Cust API ELB ELB Java Hailo Engine PHP Driver API ELB MySQL Java Hailo Engine MySQL PHP Driver API ELB C* C* C* PHP Cust service PHP Credits service Java Pay service eu-west-1 us-east-1 H1.5
  4. us-east-1 C* C* C* eu-west-1 ELB Go “Thin” API RabbitMQ

    Message Bus (federated clusters per AZ) Go Service Go Service Java Service C* C* C* ELB Go “Thin” API RabbitMQ Message Bus (federated clusters per AZ) Go Service Go Service Java Service H2
  5. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Economy Premium us-east-1 eu-west-1 us-east-1 eu-west-1 C* 2.0.8 i2.xlarge

    8GB heap 800GB storage (1 SSD ephemeral) C* 2.0.8 m1.4xlarge 8GB heap 1.7TB storage (4x400GB ephemeral)
  6. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Premium •  Read heavy (10:1) •  Avoid issues caused

    by compactions Economy •  Write heavy (10:1) •  Secondary use cases
  7. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Entity storage Basic CRUD for passengers, drivers, jobs Time

    series Logs of actions during jobs, logins Search For management portals Analytics Counting events
  8. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H1 $sql = "INSERT INTO `customers` (`email`, `password`, `created`,

    `status`) VALUES ('$e', '$p', '$t', '$s')"; #php #mysql * parameter sanitisation snipped
  9. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Functionality •  IDs generated by MySQL auto-increment •  Index

    constraints (phone, email) checked by unique MySQL indexes automatically •  ACID consistency, familiar H1 #php #mysql
  10. 77669839702851584 41 bits Timestamp millisecond precision, bespoke epoch 10 bits

    Configured machine ID 12 bits Sequence number CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H2 ID Generation using Snowflake derivative #golang #cassandra
  11. lock, err := lockUser(user) defer lock.Unlock() if err != nil

    { return errors.ISE(..) } CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H2 Index checking using flawed ZK/C* combo #golang #cassandra
  12. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Ideal solution: C* CAS with CQL INSERT INTO users

    (email, name) VALUES ('jdoe@abc.com', 'Jane Doe’) IF NOT EXISTS
  13. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H1 $sql = "UPDATE `customers` SET `email`='$e' WHERE id

    = '1234'"; #php #mysql * parameter sanitisation snipped
  14. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 CQL or Thrift the same rule applies •  Update

    individual columns that equate to user actions •  Example: set auto tip should mutate one column H2 #cassandra
  15. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H1 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `quotes` WHERE `customer`='$c’

    ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT $o,$n"; #php #mysql * parameter sanitisation snipped
  16. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H2 for iter.Next() { job := &Job{} if err

    := iter.Item().Unmarshal(job); err != nil { return nil, "”, err } jobs = append(jobs, job) if len(jobs) >= count { break } } return jobs, iter.Last(), nil #cassandra
  17. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Time series library •  Buckets by configurable row time

    range •  Supports an index for sparse datasets to track which time ranges exist (can iterate all) H2 #cassandra
  18. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Ideal solution: CQL CREATE TABLE temperature ( weatherstation_id text,

    event_time timestamp, temperature text, PRIMARY KEY (weatherstation_id,event_time) );
  19. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Ideal solution: CQL •  Better data model (discrete columns)

    •  Lacks row time partitioning •  Ideally would still wrap in a nice library
  20. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Functionality •  Search to power admin portals for company

    management •  Ideally not on the critical path for getting people Hailos to where they want to be
  21. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H1 $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE (

    firstname LIKE '$keywords%’ OR lastname LIKE '$keywords%’ OR email LIKE '$keywords%’ OR phone LIKE '%$keywords%')" #php #mysql * parameter sanitisation snipped
  22. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H2 #elasticsearch Customer Search Service Search Service Event Federation

    Service us-east-1 Regional Elastic Search Customer Search Service Search Service Event Federation Service eu-west-1 Regional Elastic Search
  23. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Implementation •  Primary data store is C* •  Microservice

    listens to changes and asynchronously indexes documents •  Documents federated between regions to independent Elastic Search clusters
  24. H1 SELECT COUNT(*) as numJobs, SUM(jobs.fare + jobs.tip) as totalFare,

    AVG(jobs.cleared - jobs.created) AS avgJobTimeInSeconds, SUM(jobs.cleared - jobs.created) AS timePOBInSeconds, MAX(jobs.distance) AS distanceLongestJobInMetres, (SELECT pickup_sector FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) as numPickups, pickup_sector FROM jobs WHERE jobs.cleared >= $from AND jobs.cleared < $to AND jobs.driver=$driverId AND pickup_sector IS NOT NULL AND pickup_sector != '' GROUP BY pickup_sector ORDER BY numPickups DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS cpp) as mostFrequentPickupSector FROM jobs WHERE jobs.cleared >= $from AND jobs.cleared < $to AND jobs.driver = $driverId #php #mysql #truestory #omg
  25. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 H2 #nsq #redshift #cassandra Event firehose (NSQ) Service Service

    Service Redshift loader service S3 archive service HOB activity service Generation Processing
  26. { “eventType”: “point”, “timestamp”: “123456789”, “driver”: “LON1234”, “lat”: “lng”: }

    for { get event from firehose add to map[time.Time]map[string]*HyperLogLog if batch full || max flush time { flush batch to C* and complete in NSQ } } ROW: metric name + time component COL: time component + random batch UID VAL: binary HLL data Raw events In memory batched rollup C* storage
  27. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Counting distinct things with C* •  HyperLogLog data structure

    bounds memory and gives probabilistic answers •  Idempotent flush to C* plus global replication •  Can make lots of columns
  28. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Ideal solution: split out analytics •  Turn things that

    happen into “events” •  Put events into NSQ or Kafka •  Use events in different ways to suit different use cases
  29. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 2012 2013 2014 Zero downtime operational changes first cluster

    phpcassa v1.0.9 eu-west stats cluster astynax v1.1 us-east, eu-west expand into ap-northeast-1 split into premium/ economy clusters v2.0 us-east, eu-west deprecate stats cluster adopt Go and gossie client expand into us-east-1
  30. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Meet the experts Julien Campan Cassandra Analyst Since the

    C* Summit 2013 we have added dedicated C* support Chris Hoolihan Infrastructure Architect
  31. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Today, I would start with C* for Hailo • 

    Technology startup which has to be big to work (network effect) •  Experienced and well-funded founders with immediate global ambition •  C* 2.x with CQL and C*-experienced team
  32. CASSANDRASUMMIT2014 Image credits h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/wrwetzel/7302103558/in/photostream/   h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/w4nd3rl0st/12491208355   h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/cdevers/5702488800   h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/rh2ox/9990016123

      h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/davidnunn/11933033385   h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/bre"morrison/4780958663   h"ps://www.flickr.com/photos/nathaninsandiego/2732195668