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David Trickey
February 06, 2024


David Trickey

February 06, 2024

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    International 1) Blue approach: 2) The advantages are: 3) What are the NEEDS of Blues in decision-making meetings? 4) WRITE HERE: How do you think BLUES may feel if these NEEDS ARE NOT MET? • CONTRIBUTING: Blues feel most comfortable with a clear structure for meetings & staying focused on objective facts. Working through a plan step-by step ensures we track progress. It also means everyone knows what we are doing. • We all know where we are in a clear & logical process. We see where we are going next, so implementation easy and sense of certainty is increased. • Need rigorous planning & preparation, advanced agendas, clear processes & a focus on information (facts & data). • LEADERSHIP: Leaders encourage feedback & accept open disagreement - if people have better ideas supported by logic and facts. Everyone feels empowered to make contributions when they have something useful to say. • Leaders facilitate useful contributions from everyone in meetings. By separating the personal from the professional we avoid interpersonal conflicts, as people stick to rational disagreements in an objective way. • Need for everyone to contribute equally, while the leader steps back or facilitates without pushing own agenda. People are brief & focused with contributions. Opinions without supporting proof are see as hot air. • DECIDING: We take decisions in meetings by building consensus & ensuring we respect and include minority opinions. Leader can't push decisions through without explaining the logic behind them & ensuring everyone speaks. • Meetings are for making decisions with plans, where everyone listens carefully to all points of view. This inclusive approach means there is strong collective commitment to implementing decisions made. • Need to take into consideration expert opinion from anyone, not just the leader. Everyone’s view has equal weight. Meetings must end with a decision based on rational exchange – if not it’s just a ‘talking shop’. BLUE CULTURAL ORIENTATION AND BEHAVIOURS This is how people in your organization tend to see the world and communicate to develop collaboration, teamworking and trust. It’s how we do things in Blue Holdings. You may not always choose to behave like this, but you are representing the majority of Blues. Please consistently adopt these behaviours during the meeting with the other partners. You cannot share this document openly with the partners, but you can negotiate with the partners around what is important for BLUES to ensure they bring value to the alliance in meetings. First choose your leader! Leading volunteers is key! It’s the person in the group who has done most voluntary work.