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GraphQL & Ruby

GraphQL & Ruby

A gentle introduction to GraphQL, and creating a GraphQL service in Ruby. Given at the August 2017 meeting of the London Ruby Users Group.

Darren Oakley

August 14, 2017

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  1. What is GraphQL? It’s a spec… • A query language

    for APIs • A server-side runtime for executing queries on your data ◦ In a TYPED schema YOU define • Database / Storage Engine agnostic • Implemented in many different languages
  2. What is GraphQL? A GraphQL service is created by: •

    defining types • fields on those types • providing functions for each field on each type type Company { id: ID! name: String! catchPhrase: String employees: [Employee] } type Employee { id: ID! firstName: String! lastName: String! age: Int email: String company: Company }
  3. Queries query { company(id: 123) { id name } }

    { "data": { "company": { "id": 123, "name": "Hirthe-Ritchie" } } }
  4. Queries query { company(id: 123) { id name catchPhrase }

    } { "data": { "company": { "id": 123, "name": "Hirthe-Ritchie" "catchPhrase": "Business-focused coherent parallelism" } } }
  5. Queries { employee(id: 456) { firstName lastName email age company

    { name catchPhrase } } } { "data": { "employee": { "firstName": "Arlo", "lastName": "Stehr", "email": "[email protected]", "age": 22, "company": { "name": "Nolan-Jacobs", "catchPhrase": "Integrated clear-thinking monitoring" } } } }
  6. mutation { createCompany(input: { name: "Rockhopper Brewing", catchPhrase: "We make

    beer" }) { success company { id name catchPhrase } } } Mutations { "data": { "createCompany": { "success": true, "company": { "id": "5", "name": "Rockhopper Brewing", "catchPhrase": "We make beer" } } } }
  7. mutation { updateCompany(input: { id: 5, catchPhrase: "We make GOOD

    beer" }) { success company { id name catchPhrase } } } Mutations { "data": { "updateCompany": { "success": true, "company": { "id": "5", "name": "Rockhopper Brewing", "catchPhrase": "We make GOOD beer" } } } }
  8. Why Choose GraphQL? Pros • The Schema - documentation is

    built right in • Fetch all data for a page in one request • Flexibility for multiple different clients • No need for API versioning as you evolve the schema over time
  9. Cons • HTTP semantics be damned - 200 OK for

    all responses… • Caching can be an issue - needs to be keyed on the (POST) request body • Relay is clever, too clever, and not well documented - we couldn’t figure out how to use it effectively and went in favour of Apollo. Why Choose GraphQL?
  10. GraphQL & Ruby http://graphql-ruby.org • Should work with any web

    framework, but pulls in Rails • Supports ActiveRecord and Sequel::Model http://graphql.pro • Authorization strategies built in • Monitoring • Persisted queries • and more...
  11. Defining Your Schema GraphqlSchema = GraphQL::Schema.define do query Types::QueryType mutation

    Types::MutationType resolve_type ->(object, _ctx) { "Types::#{object.class.name}Type".constantize } end
  12. Types Types::EmployeeType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Employee' field :id, !types.ID

    field :firstName, !types.String { resolve ->(obj, _arg, _ctx) { obj.first_name } } field :lastName, !types.String { resolve ->(obj, _arg, _ctx) { obj.last_name } } field :age, types.Int field :email, types.String field :company, Types::CompanyType end
  13. Types Types::CompanyType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Company' field :id, !types.ID

    field :name, !types.String field :catchPhrase, types.String { resolve ->(obj, _arg, _ctx) { obj.catch_phrase } } field :employees, types[Types::EmployeeType] do argument :limit, types.Int resolve ->(obj, args, _ctx) { employees = obj.employees employees = employees.limit(args[:limit]) if args[:limit] employees } end end
  14. Exposing a Query Types::QueryType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Query' field

    :company, function: Functions::FindRecord.new(model: Company, type: Types::CompanyType) field :employee, function: Functions::FindRecord.new(model: Employee, type: Types::EmployeeType) end
  15. Functions class Functions::FindRecord < GraphQL::Function attr_reader :type def initialize(model:, type:)

    @model = model @type = type end argument :id, GraphQL::ID_TYPE def call(_obj, args, _ctx) @model.find(args[:id]) end end
  16. Adding a Mutation Mutations::CreateCompanyMutation = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do name 'CreateCompany' input_field

    :name, !types.String input_field :catchPhrase, types.String return_field :company, Types::CompanyType return_interfaces [Interfaces::MutationResultInterface] resolve ->(_obj, inputs, _ctx) { comp = Company.create(name: inputs[:name], catch_phrase: inputs[:catchPhrase]) { company: comp.errors.none? ? comp : nil, success: comp.errors.none?, errors: comp.errors.details.to_a } } end
  17. Adding a Mutation - ResultInterface Interfaces::MutationResultInterface = GraphQL::InterfaceType.define do name

    'MutationResultInterface' field :success, !types.Boolean field :errors, types[Types::ValidationErrorType] end
  18. Adding a Mutation - Surfacing Errors Types::ValidationErrorType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do

    name 'ValidationError' field :attribute, !types.String do resolve ->(obj, _arg, _ctx) { obj.first.to_s.camelize(:lower) } end field :message, !types.String do resolve ->(obj, _arg, _ctx) { obj.second.map { |elm| elm[:error] }.join(', ') } end end
  19. Adding a Mutation Types::MutationType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name 'Mutation' field

    :createCompany, field: Mutations::CreateCompanyMutation.field field :updateCompany, field: Mutations::UpdateCompanyMutation.field end
  20. Testing RSpec.describe 'Types::EmployeeType' do subject { GraphqlSchema.execute(query, context: {}, variables:

    {}) } let(:employee) { create(:employee) } describe 'querying for a employee and their company' do let(:query) { %`{ employee(id: #{employee.id}) { email company { name } } }` } it 'returns the employee and their company' do expect(subject.dig('data', 'employee', 'email')).to eq(employee.email) expect(subject.dig('data', 'employee', 'company', 'name')).to eq(employee.company.name) end end end
  21. • The Ruby GraphQL DSL didn’t seem very ruby-ish to

    us... ◦ Lots of definition functions ◦ Lambdas passed around everywhere • Documentation wasn’t great • We wanted to experiment with Elixir ◦ Functional programming ◦ Pattern Matching ◦ Fault Tolerance ◦ etc etc… ◦ Basically, most of the things listed here: http://bit.ly/2ux5PZZ Why We Switched?
  22. Don’t write off the Ruby GraphQL gem In heavy use

    at Github and Shopify - it’s not going to go away! It helped us build a PoC GraphQL service very quickly to evaluate the approach, but we then decided to rebuild and extend with Elixir.