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Demystifying OAuth and OIDC: JFokus

Demystifying OAuth and OIDC: JFokus

Deepu K Sasidharan

February 05, 2025

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  1. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech ➔ JHipster co-chair ➔ Java

    Champion ➔ Creator of KDash, JDL Studio, JWT UI ➔ Developer Advocate @ Okta ➔ OSS aficionado, polyglot dev, author, speaker Hi, I’m Deepu K Sasidharan @deepu105@mastodon.social deepu.tech @deepu105.bsky.social deepu05
  2. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Authorization Process of determining whether

    a user has the necessary permissions to access a resource.
  3. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Enhanced security: Token based, Limited

    Scope & Duration Standardized: Interoperability, ease of integration Flexible & Scalable: Diverse use cases, cross platform UX: Widely adopted, good UX, social login
  4. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech OAuth OAuth 1.0 →No longer

    used OAuth 2.0 →Widely used version OAuth 2.1 →Latest version
  5. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Tokens Access Token →Authorization to

    access a resource Authorization Code →Short lived token to get an access token Refresh Token →Long lived token to get new access tokens
  6. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Claim →KV pair assertion with

    user info Scope →Group of claims or permission limiting access
  7. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech OAuth 2.0 Grants Authorization Code

    Grant →Exchange authorization code for access token (secure clients) Implicit Grant →Get access token directly (SPA, native apps) Client Credentials Grant →Access token without user interaction (confidential clients) Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant →Access token using user credentials (trusted clients)
  8. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech OAuth 2.1 Grants Authorization Code

    Grant with PKCE →Exchange authorization code for access token (secure clients, SPAs, native apps) Client Credentials Grant →Access token without user interaction (confidential clients)
  9. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Other Grants Refresh Token Grant→Exchange

    refresh token for access token Extension Grants →Device Authorization Grant, Token Exchange Grant, CIBA, etc.
  10. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Implicit Grant Flow (Not recommended)

    Authorization request { client_id, response_type=token, redirect_uri=..., scope, state, etc } Token request NA
  11. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

    Flow (Not recommended) Authorization request NA Token request { client_id, client_secret, username, password, grant_type=password }
  12. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Authorization Code Grant Flow (Not

    recommended) Authorization request { client_id, response_type=code, redirect_uri=..., scope, state, etc } Token request { client_id, client_secret, authorization_code, grant_type=authorization_code, redirect_uri, etc }
  13. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Authorization Code Grant Flow with

    PKCE Authorization request { client_id, response_type=code, redirect_uri=..., code_challenge, scope, state, etc, } Token request { client_id, code_verifier, authorization_code, grant_type=authorization_code, redirect_uri, etc }
  14. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Client Credentials Grant Flow Authorization

    request NA Token request { client_id, client_secret, grant_type=client_credentials }
  15. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Refresh Token Grant Flow Authorization

    request NA Token request { client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, grant_type=refresh_token }
  16. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Device Authorization Grant Flow Device

    Authorization request { client_id, scope, } Token request { client_id, device_code, grant_type=urn:ietf:params :oauth:grant-type:device_code }
  17. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Authentication Process of verifying the

    identity of a user. OAuth lacked a standard way to authenticate users.
  18. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech OpenID Connect OpenID Connect (OIDC)

    is an identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 framework
  19. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech OIDC using Authorization Code Grant

    Flow with PKCE Authorization request { client_id, response_type=code, redirect_uri=..., code_challenge, scope=’openid,..’, state, etc, } Token request { client_id, code_verifier, authorization_code, grant_type=authorization_code, redirect_uri, etc }
  20. @auth0 | @deepu105 | deepu.tech Auth for GenAI Try the

    demo and join the waitlist JWT UI