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Dub Dub Time Machine - Swift Connection, Paris,...

Dub Dub Time Machine - Swift Connection, Paris, France, September 2024

Every year, we all get excited about all the new stuff introduced at WWDC, but when we go back to the office, we're hit with the reality that our app supports N-2 - and we won't be able to use all the new shiny for another two years.

What if you could have a reminder two years later of what the (old) new hotness was? Join Ellen as she guides you through the amazing revolutionary world of...iOS 16! Major Swift UI Goodies! TextKit 2! WeatherKit! SwiftRegex! And all sorts of random tiny improvements you can finally actually *use*.

Ellen Shapiro

September 24, 2024

More Decks by Ellen Shapiro

Other Decks in Technology


  1. DUB DUB TIME MACHINE (aka, what's new for n-2 supporting

    apps) SwiftConnection | Paris | September 2024 Ellen Shapiro | mastodon.social/@designatednerd | pixiteapps.com
  2. enum Route: Hashable { case login case signup case home

    case profile } class NavigationModel: ObservableObject { @Published var navigationPath = [Route]() func handleDeeplinkToProfile() { self.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } }
  3. enum Route: Hashable { case login case signup case home

    case profile } class NavigationModel: ObservableObject { @Published var navigationPath = [Route]() }
  4. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } } }
  5. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } }
  6. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } }
  7. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } }
  8. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { /" ..$ Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } label: { Text("Deeplink to profile") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { /" ..$ case .home: return TitleView(title: "I am the home page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) case .profile: return TitleView(title: "I am the profile page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) } } } }
  9. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { /" ..$ Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } label: { Text("Deeplink to profile") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { /" ..$ case .home: return TitleView(title: "I am the home page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) case .profile: return TitleView(title: "I am the profile page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) } } } }
  10. struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body:

    some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { /" ..$ Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } label: { Text("Deeplink to profile") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { /" ..$ case .home: return TitleView(title: "I am the home page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) case .profile: return TitleView(title: "I am the profile page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) } } } }
  11. struct TitleView: View { let title: String let navigationModel: NavigationModel

    var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 100) { Text(self.title) Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [] } label: { Text("Log out") } } .navigationTitle(self.title) } }
  12. struct TitleView: View { let title: String let navigationModel: NavigationModel

    var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 100) { Text(self.title) Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [] } label: { Text("Log out") } } .navigationTitle(self.title) } }
  13. @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { if self.horizontalSizeClass

    =" .compact { return VStack { /$..& } } else { return HStack { /$..& } } }
  14. @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { if self.horizontalSizeClass

    =" .compact { return AnyView(VStack { /$..& }) } else { return AnyView(HStack { /$..& }) } }
  15. @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { let layout:

    AnyLayout if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { layout = AnyLayout(VStackLayout()) } else { layout = AnyLayout(HStackLayout()) } return layout { Text("1") Text("2") } }
  16. @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { let layout:

    AnyLayout if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { layout = AnyLayout(VStackLayout()) } else { layout = AnyLayout(HStackLayout()) } return layout { Text("1") Text("2") } }
  17. @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { let layout:

    AnyLayout if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { layout = AnyLayout(VStackLayout()) } else { layout = AnyLayout(HStackLayout()) } return layout { Text("1") Text("2") } }
  18. let item = items[indexPath.row] cell.contentConfiguration = UIHostingConfiguration { HStack {

    Text(item.title) Spacer() Image(systemName: "star.fill") .foregroundColor(item.isFavorite ? .yellow : .gray) } }
  19. struct HamConsumptionPerWeek { let average: Float let country: String static

    let averageTitle = "Times I Eat Ham Per Week" static let countryTitle = "Country I Am In" }
  20. private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  21. private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  22. private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  23. private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  24. private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  25. private struct LineChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { LineMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average)) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  26. private struct LineChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body:

    some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { LineMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $0.country), y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average)) .foregroundStyle(Color.blue.gradient) } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }
  27. struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false

    var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") } } } Hi Paul!
  28. struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false

    var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") } } } Hi Paul!
  29. struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false

    var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") .presentationDetents([.medium, .large]) } } } Hi Paul!
  30. struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false

    var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") .presentationDetents([.medium, .large]) .presentationDragIndicator(.hidden) } } } Hi Paul!
  31. struct ContentView: View { @State private var dates: Set<DateComponents> =

    [] var body: some View { MultiDatePicker("Select dates", selection: $dates) .frame(height: 400) .padding() } }
  32. struct ContentView: View { @State private var dates: Set<DateComponents> =

    [] var body: some View { MultiDatePicker("Select dates", selection: $dates) .frame(height: 400) .padding() } }
  33. TK2 Good ‣ Way better separation of display vs storage

    concerns ‣ Layout fragments to allow more complex and reusable design choices
  34. TK2 Good ‣ Way better separation of display vs storage

    concerns ‣ Layout fragments to allow more complex and reusable design choices ‣ Handling composed character languages and emoji is much easier
  35. Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView ‣ NSTextRange/Location:

    Fragments, Layout manager, Text Elements, Text content storage delegate
  36. Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView ‣ NSTextRange/Location:

    Fragments, Layout manager, Text Elements, Text content storage delegate ‣ NSRange: Working with ranges of the underlying NSString or NSAttributedString
  37. Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView ‣ NSTextRange/Location:

    Fragments, Layout manager, Text Elements, Text content storage delegate ‣ NSRange: Working with ranges of the underlying NSString or NSAttributedString ‣ Swift.Range: Working with any Swift.String or Swift.AttributedString you wound up with
  38. "Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for

    the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage
  39. "Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for

    the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView
  40. "Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for

    the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView ‣ Convert UITextRange to NSRange
  41. "Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for

    the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView ‣ Convert UITextRange to NSRange ‣ Use NSRange to update underlying NSAttributedString in textContentStorage.contentStorage font to a bold one
  42. "Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for

    the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView ‣ Convert UITextRange to NSRange ‣ Use NSRange to update underlying NSAttributedString in textContentStorage.contentStorage font to a bold one ‣ Have layout elements reload using NSTextRange
  43. Use TK2: ‣ New Apps ‣ Apps without super-complicated text

    logic that interact with TK1 ‣ Apps with complicated but well-tested text logic
  44. Use TK2: ‣ New Apps ‣ Apps without super-complicated text

    logic that interact with TK1 ‣ Apps with complicated but well-tested text logic ‣ Apps which want deeper interaction with Apple Intelligence™
  45. Save yourself some trouble! ‣ Existing apps with very complex

    and untested display and/or storage logic
  46. Features ‣ Locations of detected data already in view coordinates

    ‣ Items have unique identifiers ‣ Items are placed in reading order in delegate callbacks
  47. Features ‣ Locations of detected data already in view coordinates

    ‣ Items have unique identifiers ‣ Items are placed in reading order in delegate callbacks ‣ Async stream available if you don't need to create UI.
  48. Runtime support for parameterized protocol types is only available in

    iOS 16.0.0 or newer 'Regex' is only available in iOS 16.0 or newer
  49. let route = """ I took a plane to Chicago.

    I took a plane to Barcelona. I took a train to Zaragoza. I took a train to Logroño. I took a train to Zaragoza. I took a train to Barcelona. I took a train to Paris. I took a plane to Washington. I took a plane to Rochester. """
  50. let travelPattern = "I took a (?[A-z]+) to (?[A-z]+)" if

    let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: travelPattern, options: []) { regex.enumerateMatches(in: rtfString, options: [], range: fullRange) { /"..$ } }
  51. let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let

    matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  52. let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let

    matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  53. let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let

    matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  54. let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let

    matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  55. let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let

    matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  56. let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let

    matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  57. let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture

    { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  58. let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture

    { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  59. let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture

    { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  60. let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture

    { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  61. let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB

    = Regex { "I took a " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  62. let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB

    = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  63. let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB

    = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }
  64. let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB

    = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match[transportMethod])") print("Destination: \(match[destination])") }
  65. let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB

    = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match[transportMethod])") print("Destination: \(match[destination])") }
  66. !

  67. func getForecast(for location: CLLocation) async throws -" CurrentWeather { try

    await WeatherService .shared .weather(for: location, including: .current) }
  68. func getForecast(for location: CLLocation) async throws -" Forecast<Hourly> { try

    await WeatherService .shared .weather(for: location, including: .hourly) }
  69. func getForecast(for location: CLLocation) async throws -" Forecast<Daily> { try

    await WeatherService .shared .weather(for: location, including: .daily) }
  70. Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣

    MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support
  71. Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣

    MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI
  72. Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣

    MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion
  73. Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣

    MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion ‣ Easy filtering of media type in PHPickerViewController
  74. Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣

    MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion ‣ Easy filtering of media type in PHPickerViewController ‣ Initial passkey support
  75. Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣

    MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion ‣ Easy filtering of media type in PHPickerViewController ‣ Initial passkey support ‣ 16.1: ActivityKit + Live Activities
  76. Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working

    with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts
  77. Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working

    with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new
  78. Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working

    with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController
  79. Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working

    with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController ‣ Data Toys: WeatherKit, Transferrable protocol, SwiftRegex
  80. Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working

    with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController ‣ Data Toys: WeatherKit, Transferrable protocol, SwiftRegex ‣ This is definitely not an exhaustive list
  81. Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working

    with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController ‣ Data Toys: WeatherKit, Transferrable protocol, SwiftRegex ‣ This is definitely not an exhaustive list ‣ Poke around old videos, there's some fun stuff
  82. Links! ‣ Workaround for installing on old devices https:// forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/708901

    ‣ What's new in Swift UI for iOS 16 https:// www.hackingwithswift.com/articles/250/whats-new-in- swiftui-for-ios-16 ‣ Migrating to new navigation types https:// developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/migrating-to- new-navigation-types
  83. More Links! ‣ WWDC Speedrun https://appdevcon.nl/session/wwdc- speedrun/ ‣ Nerdy Internals

    of an Apple Text Editor https:// papereditor.app/internals ‣ Choosing a transfer representation for a model type https:// developer.apple.com/documentation/coretransferable/ choosing-a-transfer-representation-for-a-model-type ‣ Swift Regex Tester https://swiftregex.com/
  84. Even more links! ‣ Why SwiftRegex requires iOS 16+ https://forums.swift.org/t/

    why-the-new-features-in-swift-5-7-needs-the-latest-os- version-support/60952/16 ‣ Rendering SwiftUI views within UITableView or UICollectionView cells on iOS 16 https:// www.swiftbysundell.com/articles/rendering-swiftui-views- within-uitableview-or-uicollectionview/
  85. WWDC Videos! ‣ The SwiftUI Cookbook for Navigation: https:// developer.apple.com/wwdc22/10054

    ‣ Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI: https:// developer.apple.com/wwdc22/10056 ‣ Use SwiftUI from UIKit: https://developer.apple.com/ wwdc22/10072 ‣ DataScannerViewController: https://developer.apple.com/ videos/play/wwdc2022/10025/
  86. More WWDC Videos! ‣ Meet TextKit 2 (2021): https://developer.apple.com/ wwdc21/10061

    ‣ What's new in TextKit and TextViews (2022): https:// developer.apple.com/wwdc22/10090 ‣ What's new in SwiftUI (2022 Edition): https:// developer.apple.com/wwdc22/10052 ‣ Meet Transferrable: https://developer.apple.com/ wwdc22/10062 ‣ Meet Swift Regex: https://developer.apple.com/
  87. Yet More WWDC Videos! ‣ Swift Regex: Beyond the basics:

    https://developer.apple.com/ wwdc22/110358 ‣ Meet WeatherKit: https://developer.apple.com/ wwdc22/10003 ‣ Adopt Variable Color in SFSymbols: https:// developer.apple.com/wwdc22/10158 ‣ Live Text Interaction: https://developer.apple.com/videos/ play/wwdc2022/10026