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Devops meets Functional Programming - Vladimir Kirillov

Devops meets Functional Programming - Vladimir Kirillov

This is a story of an Infrastructure team at Zalora that implemented DevOps using Haskell and Nix.

The story is about:

- drowning in inherent complexity of existing Puppet configuration
- establishing a functional programming community inside the company
- implementing configuration management using purely-functional language and package manager Nix and using NixOS as the base OS
- challenges of using new tools at scale
- building cloud infrastructure tools using Haskell
- building a code-driven deployment platform borrowing design practices from Erlang/OTP, Mesos and other successful distributed system frameworks, accommodating engineering team growth
- overcoming adoption failures and finally reaching operational happiness

DevOpsDays Singapore

October 17, 2015

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  1. • Pla%orm So+ware / SRE at Zalora, CS undergrad at

    NTUU KPI • We're hiring to our distributed team!
  2. • config mgmt • running systems • monitoring • deployment

    / CI / CD • immutable infrastructure • supervising failures • ... • system integra<on
  3. Microgram • Applica(on realms (infra + configs) • Applica(on defini(ons

    (how to run / scale / monitor) • User APIs • Run(me converts defini(ons to real things (like infra) • Run(me handles opera(ons & automates labor • Fail
  4. /etc/passwd nobody:*:-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false root:*:0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh daemon:*:1:1:System Services:/var/root:/usr/bin/false _uucp:*:4:4:Unix to Unix

    Copy Protocol:/var/spool/uucp:/usr/sbin/uucico _taskgated:*:13:13:Task Gate Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false _networkd:*:24:24:Network Services:/var/networkd:/usr/bin/false _installassistant:*:25:25:Install Assistant:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false _lp:*:26:26:Printing Services:/var/spool/cups:/usr/bin/false _postfix:*:27:27:Postfix Mail Server:/var/spool/postfix:/usr/bin/false _scsd:*:31:31:Service Configuration Service:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false
  5. /etc/pf.conf block quick from <bad_hosts> pass in on $ext_if proto

    tcp to $webserver port www \ (max-src-conn-rate 100/10, \ overload <bad_hosts> flush global) pass out on em0 inet proto tcp \ from $developerhosts to any port 80 \ set queue developers pass out on em0 inet proto tcp \ from any to any port 25 \ set queue mail
  6. sendmail.mc define(`confTO_CONNECT', `1m')dnl define(`confTO_IDENT', `0')dnl define(`confTO_COMMAND', `2m')dnl LOCAL_NET_CONFIG # This

    rule ensures that all local mail is delivered using the # smtp transport, everything else will go via the smart host. R$* < @ $* .$m. > $* $#smtp $@ $2.$m. $: $1 < @ $2.$m. > $3
  7. YAML / Ansible tasks: - name: take out of load

    balancer pool command: /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }} delegate_to:
  8. "Programming" with JSON (CloudForma8on) "Outputs" : { "MyOutput" : {

    "Value" : { "Fn::Join" : [ "%", [ "A-string", {"Ref" : "AWS::StackName" } ] ] } } }
  9. Puppet: resource-oriented DSL, isolated effects Although Puppet’s language is built

    around describing resources (and the rela6onships between them) in a declara6ve way, several parts of the language do depend on evalua6on order case $operatingsystem { centos, redhat: { $service_name = 'ntpd' } debian, ubuntu: { $service_name = 'ntp' } } package { $service_name: ensure => installed, }
  10. Puppet + Hiera Apparently trea+ng code and data separately is

    cool again! --- mysql::server::root_password: 'strongpassword' databases: gotcms: user: 'got' password: 'super_secret_db_password' host: 'localhost' grant: 'ALL'
  11. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <project> <actions/> <description></description> <logRotator> <daysToKeep>7</daysToKeep> <numToKeep>-1</numToKeep> <artifactDaysToKeep>-1</artifactDaysToKeep>

    <artifactNumToKeep>-1</artifactNumToKeep> </logRotator> <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies> <properties/> <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/> <canRoam>true</canRoam> <disabled>false</disabled> <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding> <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding> <triggers class="vector"/>
  12. <tr> <xsl:attribute name="style"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="CONDITION"> <xsl:value-of select="'visibility: visible'"> </xsl:when>

    <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="'visibility: collapse'"> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:attribute> </tr>
  13. % cat databass.yaml sg: db-alpha.infra.zalora.io my: db-psi.infra.zalora.io id: db-psi.infra.zalora.io hk:

    db-psi.infra.zalora.io th: db-theta.infra.zalora.io ph: db-beta.infra.zalora.io vn: db-beta.infra.zalora.io
  14. • MariaDB channels are server-centric • our model is country-centric

    • countries can share servers go#a aggregate!
  15. % cat databass.yaml | \ awk -F': ' '{print $2,

    $1}' | \ awk '{a[$1] = a[$1] (a[$1] ? "," : "") $2; } END { for(k in a) print k, a[k]; }' db-beta.infra.zalora.io ph,vn db-psi.infra.zalora.io my,id,hk db-alpha.infra.zalora.io sg db-theta.infra.zalora.io th
  16. Bash • somewhat ubiquitous and mostly unportable • hard to

    scale • strings • more strings • unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' • also strings
  17. Other ways to tackle refactoring • rewrite manually? • use

    a random script to do it during preprocessing? • write a puppet plugin to do that? • AbstractAggregationVirtualMethodFactoryFactory? • find a be8er template engine? • like, embed python into your tags? • why not use an expressive language in the first place?
  18. db-slave-channels = let mapper = _: { db-name, masterhost, ...

    }: nameValuePair (to-key master-host) { inherit master-host; databases = [ db-name ]; }; reducer = { name, value }: all: all // { ${name} = value // { databases = all.${name}.databases or [] ++ value.databases; }; }; in fold reducer {} (mapAttrsToList mapper conf);
  19. bash = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; base64 = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/base64"; jq = "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq"; curl

    = "${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s --retry --fail"; awk = "${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk"; openssl = "${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl";
  20. Nix • func&onal language • dynamically typed • lightweight "schema

    valida&on" (hard to say typing) • one side-effect (derivation, used to build a package manager framework)
  21. eris-sdk = erisJob { branch = "master"; shell = ''

    export SLACK_CHANNEL='#eris-facepalm' export SLACK_TIMEOUT=5m bin/slack make sdk ''; ssh-keys = [ credentials.hydrabot ]; triggers = [ (ghprb-trigger "eris-sdk") (github-push-trigger) ]; };
  22. mapAttrs' (realm-name: spec: deployJob "deploy-${realm-name}" { inherit realm-name; scm =

    eris_master; permissions = with spec; { build = humans-can-build ++ others-can-build; }; ssh-keys = attrValues credentials; })) (filterAttrs is-deployable realms);
  23. choice-parameter = { name , description ? "" , choices

    ? [ "this is a list" ] }: (term "hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition" null [ (term "name" null name) (term "description" null description) (term "choices" { class = "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"; } [ (term "a" { class = "string-array"; } (map (term "string" null) choices)) ]) ]);
  24. NixOS • Nix packages + Linux kernel + systemd •

    Immutable system images • Full-stack
  25. infra = { ec2-instance = { web1 = m3large; web2

    = m3large; db-master = { infra, ... }: r3xlarge' { blockDeviceMapping."/dev/xvdm".disk = infra.ebs.database; }; cron = instance "m3.large"; }; elb = elb.defaults; ebs.database = { inherit (realm.ec2-args) region zone; size = 200; volumeType.gp2 = true; }; };
  26. writeBashScript = name: script: let prelude = '' #!${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash set

    -e -o pipefail ''; in pkgs.runCommand name { inherit prelude script; } '' echo "$prelude" >> "$out" echo "$script" >> "$out" chmod +x "$out" ${ShellCheck}/bin/shellcheck \ "$out" '';
  27. • zalora/upcast - declara1ve infra provisioning (like nixops/ terraform/fugue) •

    zalora/replicator - automated MySQL replica1on • zalora/sproxy - proxy that handles OAuth2 + ACL interface • zalora/aws-ec2 - EC2 extensions for aris1db/aws • unicron, a single-user cron • a lot more on Zalora's GitHub
  28. Correct by construc-on • harden your interoperability with type-safe APIs

    data Expr :: * -> * where E :: Executable -> e -> Expr e Pipe :: Expr e -> Expr e -> Expr e Seq :: Expr e -> Expr e -> Expr e Or :: Expr e -> Expr e -> Expr e Redir :: Expr e -> FilePath -> Expr e Env :: [Pair] -> Expr e -> Expr e Sudo :: Expr e -> Expr e SSH :: Hostname -> e -> Expr e -> Expr e
  29. Correct by construc-on: web APIs data DeploymentParams = -- ...

    data DeploymentStatus = -- ... type Deployments = "deployments.xml" :> Header "x-api-key" ApiKey :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] DeploymentParams :> Post '[XML] DeploymentStatus
  30. Interpre'ng effects wtf :: (Member Spec r, Member Upcast r)

    => Eff r (Map Machine ExitCode) wtf = infra >>= machines >>= traverse (`ssh` cmd) where cmd :: Commandline cmd = exec "wtf" []
  31. -- | Idempotent effects based on evaluating the spec (ok

    to cache). data Spec v where NixQuery :: FromJSON json => Query json -> Spec json Infra :: Spec Infras Stub :: Show a => a -> Spec () -- | Effects that require networking. data Upcast v where Machines :: Infras -> Upcast (Attrs Machine) NixBuild :: Query a -> Upcast [StorePath] NixInstantiate :: Query a -> Upcast [StorePath] MachineExec :: (Machine, Commandline) -> Upcast ExitCode SystemInstalls :: (Machine, StorePath) -> Upcast ExitCode NRNotification :: ApiKey -> [DNS] -> Upcast ()
  32. Integra(ng with the rest of the stringy world • UNIX

    is a minefield for experimen5ng with parser combinators! • a lot of perf analysis or systems explora5on is done by analysing streams of text • use haskell if lost in awk+perl+sed • see proger/lxkit and zalora/gctuner
  33. Why not just take a random PL again? • DSLs

    are about isola0ng effects • (like calling system() during a pure graph traversal) • hard to work in a language where you can't protect from shoo0ng self in the foot