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Ignites of Day 2 @ DevOpsDays Singapore 2015

Ignites of Day 2 @ DevOpsDays Singapore 2015

- How to make a shift from traditional model to DevOps? (Namrata Rao)
- Repository as an deployment artifact (Inny So)
- Developer Happiness at RedMart (Surya Dharma Tio)
- DevOps and the CFO (Benjamin Henshall)

DevOpsDays Singapore

October 17, 2015

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  1. How to make a Shift from model to ? Namrata

    Rao QA Lead TreeBox Solutions namrata.rao.mail@gmail.com https://sg.linkedin.com/in/namrataraosg @NamrataRao1502
  2. Let’s talk about BEST….finally “Contrary to popular belief, DevOps is

    more than automating code deployments and releases! It’s the culmination of behaviors, community, culture and technical talent; colliding to improve IT services thru tools, technologies, trust and people” Culture People and Processes Tools
  3. So what’s the transition plan for Good to Best? 2

    Leaps forward Individual Team level consensus End to End Process Change
  4. “DevOps is about People wherein everyone in the organization believes

    that every little contribution adds immense value” - Namrata Rao Thank You!!! namrata.rao.mail@gmail.com https://sg.linkedin.com/in/namrataraosg @NamrataRao1502
  5. = ͟ ͟͞͞ ʕ•̫ ͡ •ʔ = ͟ ͟͞͞ ʕ•̫

    ͡ •ʔ = ͟ ͟͞͞ ʕ•̫ ͡ •ʔ = ͟ ͟͞͞ ʕ•̫ ͡ •ʔ = ͟ ͟͞͞ ʕ•̫ ͡ •ʔ version,deploy,test,promote
  6. Mirrors Nginx v1.0 Nginx V0.5 Sensu v1.0 puppet v1.1 Mirrors

    abc v1.0 abc v1.2 xyz v1.0 123 v1.1 abc v1.0 abc v1.2 xyz v1.0 123 v1.1 Nginx v1.0 Nginx V0.5 Sensu v1.0 puppet v1.1 Team member Add artefact download snapshot snapshot Artefact V1.1 Your Repository
  7. Mirrors Nginx v1.0 Nginx V0.5 Sensu v1.0 puppet v1.1 Mirrors

    abc v1.0 abc v1.2 xyz v1.0 123 v1.1 abc v1.0 abc v1.2 xyz v1.0 123 v1.1 Nginx v1.0 Nginx V0.5 Sensu v1.0 puppet v1.1 Team member Add artefact download snapshot snapshot Artefact V1.1 Your Repository
  8. Mirrors Nginx v1.0 Nginx V0.5 Sensu v1.0 puppet v1.1 Mirrors

    abc v1.0 abc v1.2 xyz v1.0 123 v1.1 abc v1.0 abc v1.2 xyz v1.0 123 v1.1 Nginx V0.5 Sensu v1.0 puppet v1.1 Team member Add artefact download snapshot snapshot Artefact V1.1 Your Repository
  9. 3 Our Tech Journey API API API 2011 2012 2013

    2014 2015 Monolith Microservice
  10. 5 Our Tech Pipeline Local Dev / Test SCM Commit

    Built / Unit Test Deploy Quality Control Feature Alpha Production
  11. 6 Our Environment 150+ EC2 Instances 3 Environments Feature |

    Alpha | Production 30+ microservices 2 Linux Distro CentOs | Ubuntu 2 Enterprise Apps ERP | WMS ⇒ Infrastructure as Code
  12. 7 Our Test Environment alpha route feature route alpha route

    feature route feature-a site feature-z site alpha site
  13. 8 Feature Environment Creation Developer takes the 1st step, tool

    takes care of the rest Feature branch creation Service-feature role creation Pick free server from pool Chef Bootstrap instance HAProxy Add to Service Registry Add to API Route Chef Upload Data Bag Feature branch creation Service-feature role creation EC2 Pick free server from pool Chef Bootstrap instance
  14. 10 Release Engineering - Github-flow Local Dev / Test SCM

    Commit Built / Unit Test Deploy Quality Control master feature-x Commit Deploy QC Deploy to Alpha QC Merge to Master Release {major | minor | patch} Deploy with semantic Versioning QC x’.y’.z’ major: x’ = x+1 minor: y’ = y+1 patch: z’ = z+1 x.y.z
  15. 11 Release Engineering - Github-flow Local Dev / Test SCM

    Commit Built / Unit Test Deploy Quality Control master feature-x Commit Deploy QC Deploy to Alpha QC Merge to Master Release {major | minor | patch} Deploy with semantic Versioning QC x’.y’.z’ major: x’ = x+1 minor: y’ = y+1 patch: z’ = z+1 x.y.z
  16. 12 Release Engineering - GH-flow + Semantic Version Clone Repo

    Compilation Versioning Packaging Deploy Tag & Release
  17. 17 Upcoming Initiatives • Onboarding / Offboarding • Better/Centralized Logging

    • Service Discovery • Auto-scaling • Better Monitoring • Containers • Chaos engineering
  18. END