- How to make a shift from traditional model to DevOps? (Namrata Rao)
- Repository as an deployment artifact (Inny So)
- Developer Happiness at RedMart (Surya Dharma Tio)
- DevOps and the CFO (Benjamin Henshall)
more than automating code deployments and releases! It’s the culmination of behaviors, community, culture and technical talent; colliding to improve IT services thru tools, technologies, trust and people” Culture People and Processes Tools
that every little contribution adds immense value” - Namrata Rao Thank You!!! namrata.rao.mail@gmail.com https://sg.linkedin.com/in/namrataraosg @NamrataRao1502
takes care of the rest Feature branch creation Service-feature role creation Pick free server from pool Chef Bootstrap instance HAProxy Add to Service Registry Add to API Route Chef Upload Data Bag Feature branch creation Service-feature role creation EC2 Pick free server from pool Chef Bootstrap instance