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[2017.02 Meetup #10] [TALK #2] Ricardo Costa -...

[2017.02 Meetup #10] [TALK #2] Ricardo Costa - Serverless code with Azure Functions

In this talk, I'll provide an overview of Microsoft's serverless solution: Azure Functions. We'll do a quick tour of its features. We'll learn about its architecture, the programming model and, very important, its pricing.

Ricardo Costa is a solutions architect at |create|it|. He's been developing and architecting integration solutions for almost 12 years. His main focus is on Software Architecture, Enterprise Integration and Azure solutions.

DevOps Lisbon

February 13, 2017

More Decks by DevOps Lisbon

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  1. Ricardo Costa •  I’m a solu5ons architect at |create| it|.

    I’ve been developing and architec5ng integra5on solu5ons for almost 12 years. My main focus is on SoJware Architecture, Enterprise Integra5on and Azure solu5ons. •  [email protected] •  [email protected] •  hPps://www.linkedin.com/in/kosta
  2. Agenda •  Azure Func5ons •  Architecture •  Web Jobs VS

    Azure Func5ons •  Triggers, Inputs, Outputs •  Visual Studio •  Demo •  Cost
  3. Serverless •  “Serverless can also mean applica5ons where some amount

    of server-side logic is s5ll wriPen by the applica5on developer but unlike tradi5onal architectures is run in stateless compute containers that are event-triggered, ephemeral (may only last for one invoca5on), and fully managed by a 3rd party. One way to think of this is ‘Func5ons as a service / FaaS’.” •  Mar5n Fowler - hPps://mar5nfowler.com/ar5cles/serverless.html
  4. Azure Func9ons •  Serverless code •  Event-driven + triggers +

    schedules •  Can expose HTTP endpoints •  Variety of languages. •  Single purpose. •  Sta5c. •  Start, execute, stop.
  5. Web Jobs VS Azure Func9ons •  C# •  APribute configura5on

    •  Visual Studio, nuget, msbuild •  More control over the host •  C#, Node.JS, ... •  File configura5on •  Web Portal, VSCode, Azure builds •  Less control over the host
  6. Triggers, Inputs, Outputs •  Schedule •  HTTP •  Blob Storage

    •  Events •  Queues •  Queues e Topics (SB) •  Tables •  Tables (Mobile) •  No-SQL DB •  Push No5fica5ons •  SMS
  7. Visual Studio •  Visual Studio integra5on – new! •  Project

    Templates •  hPp://bit.ly/ToolsAzureFunc5ons