Dream, Code, Test, Deploy, Repeat. These are the steps of today's modern product teams. MAN-IT is growing and needed to provide its technologists with a modern way to achieve their goals.
MAN's platform team needs to support cloud, on-premise and embedded-engineering development teams. After surveying the CICD landscape and after much consideration, the decision was to base our CICD infrastructure on Gitlab. Gitlab not only provides the centralized source code repositories for all of our team, but also provides a core tool chain for all development teams, regardless of which technological stack they are developing for providing pipelines for building, testing, deploying and other functionality. In conjunction with Gitlab, MAN is providing SonarQube for best-practices and Static Source Code Analysis along with JFrog Artifactory for hosting artifacts for Maven, NPM, and docker images (with maybe more things in the future).
One challenge MAN faces is the onboarding of users and synchronizing the userbase across these additional platforms. This talk will dive into how we are using Gitlab, Sonar, JFrog-Artifactory, where we started with it, where we are going, how we are using AWS Serverless functionality (lambda, streams, step functions, etc) to get us to where we are going and how the CICD/Cloud-team are dog-fooding all of our tools to make sure we can feel the same joys and pains as our user base. It will go from a higher level to start and quickly get technical when discussing our serverless solutions.
Robert Kuhr is a Cloud Architect at MAN Truck & Bus AG. Robert architects pragmatic and valuable solutions in the cloud as well as on-prem and in the embedded world. Additionally, he guides teams in crafting solutions to accomplish their goals reasonably while taking account for best practices in CICD and DevOps processes.