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Dev vs Ops transformation to Agility DevOps cul...

Dev vs Ops transformation to Agility DevOps culture

by Mazvydas Rackauskas
DevOps Pro Vilnius 2016

DevOps Pro

June 03, 2016

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  1. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 2 June 3, 2016 AGENDA •

    Intro • CSC overview • Traditional Dev VS Ops • Challenges • DevOps • Challenges and Benefits • Agility Platform • Things to consider
  2. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 3 June 3, 2016 AGENDA •

    Intro • CSC overview • Traditional Dev VS Ops • Challenges • DevOps • Challenges and Benefits • Agility Platform • Things to consider
  3. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 4 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Introduction • My name is Mažvydas Račkauskas (Please call me Maz – makes it easier for everybody) • Email: [email protected] • Background Request for CSC employees – Please do not answer the questions about CSC.
  4. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 5 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Question of the Day: • What is CSC ? • How many employees work at CSC ? • What is Hybrid Cloud ?
  5. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 6 June 3, 2016 CSC Overview

    EMPLOYEES WORLDWIDE 70,000 BY THE NUMBERS GLOBAL POWERHOUSE $11.7B YEARS OF INNOVATION AND SERVICE EXCELLENCE 50+ GLOBAL ALLIANCES WITH BEST-OF- BREED PARTNERS 100+ RECOGNIZED BY INDUSTRY ANALYSTS AS A LEADER ACROSS OUR PORTFOLIO TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION Designed and implemented a super-precise dispatching system for a major railway, keeping them on time and on track CONSULTING BIG DATA AND ANALYTICS BUSINESS PROCESS SERVICES AND OUTSOURCING INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES APPLICATION SERVICES SOFTWARE AND IP CYBERSECURITY CLOUD INSURANCE Managing the world’s largest insurance application service program MANUFACTURING Implemented a new supply chain management solution for one of the world’s most powerful and iconic brands BANKING AND CAPITAL MARKETS Leading core systems transformation at one of the world’s largest banks HEALTHCARE Improving standards of patient care by providing innovation solutions for a national healthcare system ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES Reduced costs and increased resiliency of IT systems for a global chemical and energy client PUBLIC SECTOR Modernized one of the world’s largest supply chains, streamlining military logistics support for a major branch of the U.S. Armed Forces TECHNOLOGY AND CONSUMER SERVICES Centralized IT infrastructure for one of the largest diversified suppliers in the food-service industry LEADING INNOVATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS AROUND THE WORLD NEXT-GEN OFFERINGS Market shifts and technology trends demand fresh thinking. We help clients capitalize on trends and anticipate what’s ahead.
  6. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 7 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Secure IT Company • Governance • Access control • CMDB • Documentation • ITIL best practices • Processes • Many Operations aspects
  7. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 8 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Successful IT company • Fast releases • New market products • Up-to-date • Development of new products • Ongoing projects • Many Development aspects
  8. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 9 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Company Growth • Control • CMDB • Operational processes • Etc. Can companies keep up with success and grow ?
  9. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 10 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 How we used to see Operations in the past? Main concerns: • Security • Stability • No Downtime For these reasons, a new code deployment into production is undesirable That is how à
  10. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 11 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 How we used to see Developers? • Key concern - release code into production as fast as possible Outcome – as long as code works, there are no concerns about overall security and stability
  11. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 12 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Trying to stay secure and successful • Companies create processes for governance. • If processes create additional delays, there is a tendency that employees skip them. • The predicted outcome - unsustainable governance processes and incompletely documented systems: • Part of systems are in CMDB. • Some useless systems are running. • Shadow IT grow.
  12. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 13 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Silent respect for Project Managers that worked in this type of company • Aggressive schedules • Numerous processes, procedures and approvals • Complicated resource allocation • Many competencies for various activities, such as install server, backups, AV, DB, SW configuration, etc. till project gets to the developer. • Other
  13. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 14 June 3, 2016 Intra-organizational conflict

    Poor IT service delivery Low reactivity/ time-to-market A release is a risky, unreliable procedure that costs businesses both time and expense Delivery of software is a time consuming, stressful and costly process IT Development and Operations work within their own silos, with their own specific priorities and processes IT is striving to accelerate delivery cycle but people, process, and technology challenges remain A strong execution gap remains between the need to deliver software effectively and the ability to do of IT organizations
  14. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 15 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Standard Cloud does answer some of the question • Images • Resource allocation • Time to start How about : • App migrations • OS Upgrade • Documentation • Patches Finally if you do not like the current cloud platform and you decide to migrate – how much confidence do we have, that will be able to recreate systems and their relations.
  15. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 16 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Lets Imagine Imagine the system, process or platform that would help you to enforce DevOps process. What are your expectations from operations perspective? • Faster recovery • Less support cases • No Repetitive • Simpler rights management • Less failures or shorter downtime • Less documentation and CMDB is up to date
  16. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 17 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Lets Imagine Imagine the system, process or platform that would help you to enforce DevOps process and compliment ITIL. What we would expect from it ? • Faster application updates x3 • Faster new code delivery x30 • Faster Deployment to Production x8000 • Ability to manage clouds environments, like Private or Public - Azure, Hyper-v, KVM, VMware or other major vendor. • Makes a good cup of coffee
  17. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 18 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 CSC • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eth gOJ5uess
  18. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 19 June 3, 2016 Deliver lifecycle

    key pillars to accelerate the move to DevOps DEV OPS Continuous Testing Continuous Deployment Continuous Integration Continuous Provisioning Continuous Delivery
  19. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 20 June 3, 2016 DevOps promotes

    Dev + Ops tightly cooperation through continuous delivery to reduce time-to-market without sacrificing quality of software in production PRINCIPLES: 4Push for collaboration between Development and Operations teams 4Adopt agile development practices in contrast to waterfall model until the end of the loop (more frequent, bite-size rollouts of code, incremental release principles) 4Entails providing the development team more environmental control while concurrently ensuring operations have a better understanding of the application and its infrastructure requirements 4Increase performance with tooling and aggressive automation in release management, provisioning, configuration management and monitoring Contraction of “Development” + “Operations” Inspired from the majors of the web (Google, Amazon…) “DevOps is a cultural shift, not just technology adoption”* (*Gartner) Not yet normalized (various definitions, tools, priorities) but everybody agree on the goal
  20. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 21 June 3, 2016 • Agility

    DevOps solution automates and governs key aspects of the Dev-to-Ops lifecycle to increase the speed and frequency of software releases without sacrificing the quality and reliability of software in production. • This includes on-demand provisioning of platforms, embedding standard operating environments upstream for earlier Dev and Test use, automating application and service configuration, and managing security and SLAs across each role in the SDLC. Orchestrating & Accelerating the Software Development ü Increase speed/frequency of software releases ü Automate workflow across existing tool chains ü On-demand platforms and apps that end-users really need ü Governance, visibility, and cost transparency that managers require ü Automate application release and promotion ü Detect And Remediate Configuration Changes ü Leverage hybrid clouds and enable cloud portability
  21. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 22 June 3, 2016 • Release

    Manager increases the speed and frequency of software releases by promoting software builds and environments across the SDLC with governance, automation, and control. Agility Platform’s Release Manager ü Easy-to-use visual dashboard and workflow automation capabilities to promote software builds and deployment environments across SDLC stages. ü Customize lifecycle stages and approval processes to reflect each organization’s SDLC and establish role-based permissions to promote, accept and approve software builds at each stage. With Release Manager, you can leverage policies and enable release automation across stages, or introduce manual release approval processes with ü integration into existing SDLC tool chains, workflows and quality gates.
  22. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 23 June 3, 2016 • Forget

    the old IT bottlenecks. The cloud DevOps revolution is about development and operations teams working together seamlessly to deliver enterprise cloud applications and services faster. Start your own revolution with Service Mesh DevOps Acceleration! Creating a catalyst for DevOps success For Development Teams : Leverage High Fidelity, On-Demand Environments. Perform your dev and test work on high fidelity, production-like environments that are available, self- service and on-demand. No longer worry about configuring application stacks and administering underlying infrastructure and platforms, so you can spend more time coding. For Operations Teams Govern and Control Common Application Platforms. Use policies to govern the usage of standardized application platforms and environments. Leverage fine-grain governance and security controls to take full advantage of your organization’s private, public, and hybrid cloud strategy. Customizable Workflows and Tool Chain Automation. Streamline and automate across the development-to-operations lifecycle. Keep pace with faster change by automating and standardizing tasks that are manually configured today.
  23. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 24 June 3, 2016 Fundamental Differences

    in Approach Traditional IT Approaches Fail to Provide Agility End User Pay-as-you-go hybrid cloud approach with full cost visibility Security model is a prerequisite and must span hybrid clouds True self-service experience, including DevOps enablement to improve time to market Codify policies to govern, automate, and “get out of way” Costly, capital investments Reliance on manual approval model Security for cloud is largely an afterthought Manual, error-prone, and time-consuming (weeks to months) Automated provisioning of standardized platforms in minutes to hours, including application release automation Catalog with provisioning delays and/or additional configuration required Platform Provisioning Security Infrastructure Investment Governance IT’s Role IT is a gatekeeper Transform into a hybrid cloud service broker and portfolio manager to reduce costs
  24. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 25 June 3, 2016 Case Study:

    Top 5 Asia Pacific Bank Challenge • Support aggressive business diversification and acquisition initiatives. CSC Agility Platform Solution • Optimize infrastructure, platforms, and operational processes. Results • 42% TCO savings for business critical applications • Increase IT innovation investment by 48% while keeping the overall IT budget constant. • 78% reduction in time-to-market for provisioning custom enterprise platforms. • 97% reduction in time-to-market for provisioning standardized infrastructure services. • 84% operating cost savings for IT infrastructure services. • Enable migration of 60-70% of the enterprise application portfolio to the cloud. Support 55% Provisioning 19% Hardware 15% Software 11% “We’ve gone from spending 50% of our operating budget on infrastructure to just 26%. A nearly 75% investment in apps and information rather than infrastructure – that’s huge." –CIO, Top 5 Asia Pacific Bank
  25. CSC Proprietary and Confidential 26 June 3, 2016 CSC Proprietary

    and Confidential June 3, 2016 Live DEMO • Questions after demo