for Web, Mobile, Embedded & IoT. Open- Source Fanatic. Big Data & Machine Learning Enthusiast. Dad. Atheist So primarily a Developer + little bit of this & that Jack of all trades & Master of none
you think that I got something wrong, then I probably am. So please feel free to correct me After all, it is the mistakes and the lessons we learn from it - are the very things that de ne us Constructive criticism is more than welcomed!
of computer systems, middleware, and services (From Wikipedia) Process Discovery Scheduling Cluster Management Uni ed way of installing backing services Easy way to Update / rollback applications Etc,.
Afternoon Docker Basics is an absolute requirement. If you are not comfortable with Basics of Docker, please attend Anand Gothe's Docker by example Session
Marathon on the Cluster Create marathon-demo.json le run curl -X POST http://marthon-master:PORT/v2/apps -d @marathon-demo.json -H "Content-type: application/json" | sudo sh - $ sudo apt-get install helios-solo # install helios-solo on OS X $ brew tap spotify/public && brew install helios-solo # launch a helios cluster in a Docker container $ helios-up # check if it worked and the solo agent is registered $ helios-solo hosts
# exposing it on the host on port 8080 $ helios create nginx:v1 nginx:1.7.1 -p http=80:8080 # Check that the job is listed $ helios jobs # List helios hosts $ helios hosts # Deploy the nginx job on one of the hosts $ helios deploy nginx:v1 <host> # Check the job status $ helios status # Curl the nginx container when it's started running $ curl <host>:8080 # Undeploy the nginx job $ helios undeploy -a nginx:v1 # Remove the nginx job $ helios remove nginx:v1
SwarmKit comes with Docker 1.12 (Swarm Mode) # Creating a service $ swarmctl service create --name redis --image redis:3.0.5 $ swarmctl service ls $ swarmctl service inspect redis $ swarmctl service update redis --replicas 6 $ swarmctl service update redis --image redis:3.0.6 # Rolling update $ swarmctl service update redis --image redis:3.0.7 --update