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How Platforms Work - Casey West

How Platforms Work - Casey West

March 16, 2016

Platforms: either you have one or you’re building one. Over the years I’ve observed six high-level characteristics common to production environments which are operationally mature. This talk will explain in detail the six capabilities in an operationally mature production environment. (Note: After these slides I demo these capabilities live using Cloud Foundry.)

About Casey:
Working in Internet infrastructure, web app security, and design taught Casey to be a paranoid, UX-oriented, problem solving Internet plumber; his earliest contributions to Perl live to this day on your Mac. Casey’s speaking and writing ranges from open source communities and culture to technical architecture and automation tips and tricks. Casey West wears the mantle of Principal Technologist focused on Pivotal’s Cloud Foundry Platform and lives in Pittsburgh raising three sarcastic children. He tweets as @caseywest.

Docker PDX

March 16, 2016

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  1. How Platforms Work • Twitter @caseywest • Email cwest@pivotal.io •

    Web http://caseywest.com • Days since I last used that joke zero
  2. Minimum Viable Platform • Dynamic DNS, routing and load balancing

    • Backing services broker • Infrastructure orchestration • Health management, monitoring, and recovery • Immutable artifact repository • Log aggregation