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Introducing mlflow

Lee Dongjin
August 17, 2018

Introducing mlflow

Databricks가 2018년 6월 발표한 기계학습 작업 관리 시스템, mlflow에 대한 소개.
2018년 8월, 비공개 그룹 발표.

Introduces mlflow, a Machine Learning task maintaining system developed, released & open sourced by Databricks in June 2018.
Presented in a non-public group in August 2018.

Slides: English. Presentation: Korean.

Lee Dongjin

August 17, 2018

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  1. Background: Machine Learning Tasks Typical Machine Learning Tasks - Raw

    Data - Data Preparation - Training - Deploy Cleaning & Feature Engineering Raw Data Training Serve Model Store & Deploy Model
  2. Problem: Continuous, Complex, and Difficult • Continuous ◦ Closely-coupled stages

    ◦ Repetitive • Complex ◦ Countless tools (tensorflow, scikit learn, spark, ...) ◦ Complex dependencies (tons of libraries ...) ◦ Complex model metadata: command, parameters, metrics, ... • Difficult ◦ Manually operated, one by one ◦ Hard to share & reproduce the results ◦ Hard to deploy - Scalability
  3. Introducing mlflow (1) • In short: a tool suite to

    manage training, testing, and deploying ML models ◦ Provides a standardized way of defining & running ML task. ◦ Collect the trained model with metadata (command, parameters, metrics). ◦ Provides searching and comparing feature for the stored models. ◦ A user can test & deploy the trained model easily. Cleaning & Feature Engineering Raw Data Training Serve Model Store & Deploy Model These stages!!
  4. Introducing mlflow (2) • Overall ◦ Consists of Server &

    Client ◦ Supports REST API & CLI ◦ Modular system: easy to integrate with into existing ML platforms & workflows • Server ◦ Stores trained model with metadata (command, parameters, metrics, ...) ◦ Provides functionality to search, compare & deploy trained model ◦ You can use hosted version: https://databricks.com/mlflow • Client ◦ Run Machine Learning task in standardized way (python code) ◦ Report metadata to Server
  5. How to use mlflow (1) 1. Create project project definition

    file dependency definition file resource file task script
  6. How to use mlflow (1) Inside project definition: name, dependencies,

    command, ... (source) # example/tutorial/MLproject name: tutorial conda_env: conda.yaml entry_points: main: parameters: alpha: float l1_ratio: {type: float, default: 0.1} command: "python train.py {alpha} {l1_ratio}" project name dependency definition how to run training
  7. How to use mlflow (1) Inside task script: how to

    run with parameter, metric reporting (source) from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet import mlflow import mlflow.sklearn lr = ElasticNet(alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, random_state=42) lr.fit(train_x, train_y) predicted_qualities = lr.predict(test_x) (rmse, mae, r2) = eval_metrics(test_y, predicted_qualities) ... mlflow.log_param("alpha", alpha) mlflow.log_param("l1_ratio", l1_ratio) mlflow.log_metric("rmse", rmse) mlflow.log_metric("r2", r2) mlflow.log_metric("mae", mae) mlflow.sklearn.log_model(lr, "model") * Note: This script should be run by mlflow. Train model as ordinary Report parameter Report metric Transmit trained model
  8. How to use mlflow (2) 2. Run ML task #

    run project in local disk > mlflow run example/tutorial -P alpha=0.5 # run project in git repository > mlflow run git@github.com:databricks/mlflow-example.git -P alpha=0.5
  9. How to use mlflow (4) 4. Store trained model with

    metadata what model it is logged parameters reported metrics how it trained model file (sklearn) Generated per every training (& model) entry
  10. How to use mlflow (5) 5. Test model # run

    model service server > mlflow sklearn serve /Users/mlflow/mlflow-prototype/mlruns/0/7c1a0d5c42844dcdb8f51911469251 74/artifacts/model -p 1234 # test prediction (REST HTTP call) > curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '[{"fixed acidity": 6.2, "volatile acidity": 0.66, "citric acid": 0.48, "residual sugar": 1.2, "chlorides": 0.029, "free sulfur dioxide": 29, "total sulfur dioxide": 75, "density": 0.98, "pH": 3.33, "sulphates": 0.39, "alcohol": 12.8}]' # result {"predictions": [6.379428821398614]}
  11. How to use mlflow (5) 6. Deploy model # deploy

    to Microsoft AzureML > mlflow azureml export -m <path-to-model> -o test-output # deploy to Amazon Sagemaker > mlflow sagemaker build-and-push-container > mlflow sagemaker deploy <parameters>
  12. Recent Updates & Future Plans • Still alpha, under very

    active development ◦ Initial release: version 0.2 (3rd July) ◦ Current: version 0.4.2 (6th August) • As of 0.4.2, it supports … ◦ Model: sklearn, tensorflow, spark, h2o ◦ Artifact Storage: s3, gcp, azure • In the future … ◦ Database-backed tracking store ◦ Diverse formats: csv, parquet, … w/ Spark DataSource API v2 ◦ Multi step workflows ◦ More execution backends ◦ Hyperparameter tuning ◦ etc ...