Omori, A. Benoit-Levy, R. Cawthon, C. Chang, P. Larsen and many others SPT collaborators include: G. Holder, B.Benson, L. Bleem, K. Story DARK ENERGY SURVEY Cross-Correlation of Gravitational Lensing from DES SV, SPT and Planck
number density from DES Weak Lensing (WL) Galaxy shape measurements from DES CMB Lensing (CMB-WL) Lensing measurements from SPT-SZ (and Planck 2015) Giannantonio & Fosalba et al. 2015 1507.05551 Kirk & Omori et al. 2015 1512.04535 Baxter et al. 2016 1602.07384 Kwan et al. 2016 1604.07871 Clampitt et al. 1603.05790
PolSpice harmonic space estimator. Fix cosmology, use theory prediction to fit cross-correlation amplitude. 1992), these take the form of integrals over the non-linear matter power spectrum, P (`/ (z), z), and a pair of appro- priately chosen window functions. We are interested in the cross-correlation between GWL and CMBWL, C GWL,CMBWL (`) = Z hor 0 d (z)2 W GWL [ (z)] W CMBWL [ (z)]P ✓ ` (z) , z ◆ , (1) C GWL,CMBWL (`) = A⇥ Z hor 0 d (z)2 W GWL [ (z)] W CMBWL [ (z)]P ✓ ` (z) , z ◆ , (2) where (z) is the comoving distance to redshift z and hor is the distance to the horizon. Here W GWL and W CMBWL are the GWL and CMBWL window functions. The GWL window function, also known as the lensing e ciency function or lensing kernel, takes the form W GWL [ (z)] = 3H2 0 ⌦ m 2c2 a( ) Z hor d 0n( 0) 0 0 , (3) where H 0 is the Hubble parameter, c the speed of light, ⌦ m the total matter density and n( 0) is the galaxy redshift distribution. We have assumed a flat universe, as we will throughout the paper. The CMBWL window function takes a similar form but CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS: GALAXY LENSING - CMB LENSING CROS
the Cross-correlation Redshift Range 0 . 3 < z < 1 . 3 CMB E A 2/ d.o.f. ngmix ⇥ SPT 0 . 88+0.30 0.30 0.93 ngmix ⇥ Planck 0 . 86+0.39 0.39 1.52 Table 1. Summary of constraints on the cross-co • Angular power spectrum Cl using PolSpice harmonic space estimator. Fix cosmology, use theory prediction to fit cross-correlation amplitude. • Evidence for cross-correlation at the 3 sigma level. • DES x SPT and DES x Planck are consistent. • Measured cross-correlation is consistent with the expectation from theory using Planck 2015 cosmology. 1992), these take the form of integrals over the non-linear matter power spectrum, P (`/ (z), z), and a pair of appro- priately chosen window functions. We are interested in the cross-correlation between GWL and CMBWL, C GWL,CMBWL (`) = Z hor 0 d (z)2 W GWL [ (z)] W CMBWL [ (z)]P ✓ ` (z) , z ◆ , (1) C GWL,CMBWL (`) = A⇥ Z hor 0 d (z)2 W GWL [ (z)] W CMBWL [ (z)]P ✓ ` (z) , z ◆ , (2) where (z) is the comoving distance to redshift z and hor is the distance to the horizon. Here W GWL and W CMBWL are the GWL and CMBWL window functions. The GWL window function, also known as the lensing e ciency function or lensing kernel, takes the form W GWL [ (z)] = 3H2 0 ⌦ m 2c2 a( ) Z hor d 0n( 0) 0 0 , (3) where H 0 is the Hubble parameter, c the speed of light, ⌦ m the total matter density and n( 0) is the galaxy redshift distribution. We have assumed a flat universe, as we will throughout the paper. The CMBWL window function takes a similar form but
that hold back our ‘standard’ probes. e.g. intrinsic alignments, shear measurement bias, photo-z error… • Measure cosmology as part of a full, multi-probe analysis. Cross-correlations help break parameter degeneracies. CMB lensing acts like a new high-z tomographic bin. • Map massive structures in the high- redshift universe. Subtracting a DES lensing map from an SPT lensing map removes low-z structure.
forecast Galaxy lensing x CMB lensing foreca Future Plans & Priorities 2016: SPT-3G ~ 15,200 detectors 100, 150, 220 GHz + Polarisation SPT-SZ 960 detectors 100, 150, 220 GHz The South Pole Telescope (SPT) 10-meter sub-mm quality wavelength telescope At 100, 150, 220 GHz, angular resolution of 1.6, 1.2, 1.0 arcmin The South Pole Telescope (SPT) •10-meter sub-mm quality wavelength telescope • At 100, 150, 220 GHz, angular resolution of 1.6, 1.2, 1.0 arcmi • Y1: 1500deg2, slightly shallower than SV. • Y5: 5000deg2 on the same timescale as the SPT-3G upgrade. • In the future we will have >30 sigma detection of this signal.